This seemed like an obvious idea to me, so I suspect that either (1) some else has posted it before (i can't find it) or (2) it won't work. For this, I'm thinking about the u13 inf server (i think) in chicago that is fairly popular yet only cycles through the same 5 maps.
So anyhow... the idea is that servers can download a map from a client when that person does a votemap. And then everyone else downloads the map from the server. That way voting for a map the server doesnt have won't be an issue.
And as a bonus, it'll introduce more maps into circulation, so over time the better maps will become the new "default maps" just -like competition in a marketplace- instead of having a default-map-monopoly like we have now
I know next to nothing about computers. Is this possible? what about firewalls and such, are they a huge problem? Will it be too slow...