INFaMouS MPK #1: "Anger Be Thy Weakness"...[/size]
All maps have been collaborated on by the fellow members from the INFaMouS community. With much love.
The Maps:[/size]
It is nighttime at the plains of France. The Alphas were pushed back to
a small opening in a high cliff, trying to devise a plan which
would meet their satisfactions.
In the meantime, the Bravos become more cautious, so they
establish two towers - one miniature tower to store the flag,
the other tower built in front of the opening of the under-
ground passageways used to moniter any suspicious activity from afar.
The time has come. The fourth attempt for Alpha will also be
their last. Can they succeed in winning this ferocious battle?
The steep snowy hills of an infamous land
makes for a great hideout for Bravos to
store their stolen goods.
A small containment structure on the top of those
hills shelter their weapons, food and treasures
from the cold blizzard nights. But it's daytime -
there is no snow storm yet, the Bravos are out
seaching for firewood. It's the perfect
time for Alphas to raid their structure. Three Alphas
take the ski lift up as a way to make things
They are not aware, however, that the Bravos
assigned two of their best soldiers to puppyguard
the containment structure, and so when the three
Alphas have reached the top of the hill, they were
immediately shot dead by the guards.
Now the Bravos know there is enemy activity down
below. They have decided to cut the lines on the ski
lift so no Alpha can get up. But the Alphas won't give
up that easily, and thus, they decide to climb their way
up the steep flat hills. And so it begins.
"Oh my God, we forgot about our jet boots! Duh!"
As time goes by, the Bravos have hidden their flag underground
near the mountains. The Alphas have been tracking them since Day
1, and eventually, they have discovered a passage leading to Bravo's
underground quarters. However, as the Alphas climb down the
passage, it splits into two very narrow tunnels. Alphas decide to
split their men into two groups - one covering east and one
covering west.
The group covering west threw a grenade to clear a pile of rocks that have blocked
their way. The explosion was heard by the Bravos and soon, they
realized they have a breach. They rush to defend their quarters.
-INF_CrumpitOverview With Objects>>>
Bravos have stashed their black flag inside a very steep hill! They continue to
release their fury on Alpha, located at the bottom of the hill, who attempt to climb
up the hill. Bravo reinforcements arrive from the air, and as Alphas struggle to
reach the top, they still have hope in capturing the flag, as their flag is right next
to Bravo's.
"Once we reach the top, it's all over."
Download Attached.[/i][/b]
-Got any problems with the mappack? PM Eagles_Arrows or post here and we will fix it.Credits[/u]
Concepts - NorrisScott, Wraithlike, MisterCharles, etc.
Polygons - MisterCharles
Scenery - OutofOrder, MisterCharles, Wraithlike
Waypts. - Eagles_Arrows
Textures - Mothafix
Thank You For Playing!-Infiltration Mapping Squad