Okay you a mapper? u want something to work on?
well i'm asking for a map that is creepy and dark ok here's the idea
iĀ recently made a bot server where there are 20 bots hunting u down,i use 4 normal ctf_maps whitout flags working fine but i want some maps that are specially build at my idea like a mission so u can practice in the normal ones and own in the mission maps
ok map name : ctf_und_(name of map here)
Everyone that has a litle map skills can post his map here this is the layout how the map must look,(you can make several changes).
Save,Download this Picture to read the tekst properly!
Every mapmaker that posts a map will get rewarded whit a karma point
Map Requests :
Map that looks like MU minigame ChaosWeapon.where you cros bridges and open doors
Every dark,scary map
Future,mechanic looking maps
or any random idea is welcome.
Waypoints are not required,as i can do those myself or req waypoints in the waypoint forum
Date Posted: January 03, 2007, 01:00:21 AM
ok then dont ***s
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