Author Topic: \'"-_~Vulca Stat Gun Camo~_-'"/  (Read 1388 times)

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Offline Sgt.Colwell

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\'"-_~Vulca Stat Gun Camo~_-'"/
« on: January 10, 2007, 07:25:10 am »
   Hehehe Anyways hey guys you posted on the Partial Mod furm that maybe i shoud make camo for the vulcan stat gun so i did. this is what i got so far and it probably will stay that way so. Here is the List
(.1.) Aqua Camo
(.2.) Desert Camo
(.3.) Gurlz Camo
(.4.) Snow Camo
(.5.) Spanish Camo
(.6.) Urban Camo
(.7.) Urban 2 Camo
(.8.) Woordland Camo
P.S. Im very sorry their is no pic but i bet your luck that when you download this Patch for the Vulcan Stat gun you will love what comes out. Once again im very sorry but its 6:30 in the morning and ive been up since 4 and i honestly don't feel like Putting up all the camos pictures. YOU WILL LIKE IT!
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― Albert Einstein