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[NOTICE]: Soldat Wiki


Lapis Lazuli:
The Soldat Wiki
What is it?

The Soldat Wiki is a user-created and maintained storehouse of Soldat information. It contains tips for basic Soldat tactics, general Soldat information, a player database, news, overviews, and advanced Soldat tactics.

Why do I care?

The Soldat Wiki was created by players just like you. Their knowledge and skill have been combined to create the ultimate resource for Soldat info. The Wiki will be of use to all players, new and experienced alike.

Again.. why do I care?

The Soldat Wiki, as I said, is user maintained. This means that players are able to contribute in an intelligent, organized, and dedicated manner, edit articles, and provide their insight and information to the world.

Visit the Soldat Wiki, peruse the articles and glean some insight for yourself - once that's done, contribute!


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