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M79: Longer reload, and possibly a recoil effect upon shooting like what the Spas has, even shorter range too. One issue I see with this gun and I do this all the time with M79, is that I can charge through a whole clan and just fire off an m79, grab the flag, and boost out with no problem, thanks to a quick reload, no bink, easy hits and a powerful rush speed to do it all.
Socom is not over powered, think of it like this mar77a. Look at all the secondarys. All offer fast killing compared to the Socom. The Socom at best is a cleanup weapon and it still will take the majority of the clip for almost all players to clean up with it. Not too many players use it now as it is so why mess with it.
Well.. Ppl say that DEagles are underpowered, and autos dominate. Well, that's why the DEagle's power was increased, while autos' power was decreased, and that results with DEagles are now overpowered... They really are too powerful imo, and they are going to be the most used weapons in 1.3.2, just like it was at 1.2.1.
Another thing is that beta testers + others thinks like "It's just +1 damage that doesn't matter", well, maybe it's just a small number, but the result matters.
3rd thing is that I think that beta testers/weapon balance makers doesn't give a **** about ppl's opinion, they are just defending their balance.
-I really don't use Socom much, but I think it's pretty overpowered compared to other secondary weapons, for example, if you are good with socom, and your enemy sucks with his primary weapon (in most cases it's enough that you're good with socom), it is easy to nail all the enemies, but if you are using knife, you can have only 1 kill (in most cases), with saw you need to go very close, and with law you can do only that one kill, so it's good that it's power was decreased.
Well, just my opinions, what do they matter anyway..
Your wrong, lots of known deagle users have left the game, lots that used them dont anymore, deagles are a rareity right now and deffinatly one of the most unpopular current weapons.
You obviously dont know who they are. I asked and found out who they were alot of them are dedicated clan scene vet and/or pro players who know the game. So dont be worried about that either.
Your point is invalid right there because you have no expierence with it. Other secondary weapons will kill way faster then a socom. Like I said before its a clean up weapon that hardly gets used right now compared to the rest so why mess with it. If you keep throwing every little thing in there sometimes without even knowing the facts your taking away from the beta testers time and patience with the rest of the settings that do need attn.
Saying nothing is worse then saying something. MM relies on the community for feedback to an extent. If everyone thought like that then the game would develop to its full potential.
I'm not gonna post anything big right now cause it's 5:34am so..In my opinion, Soldat is too sow right now. Takes so much time killing people. Evey gun have been weakened add to that non-registering problems and it's quite bad. You don't see much triple with ONE clip and NO nade these days.. You can't rush ennemies at full speed and killing them at the same time. You just end up passing them cause your gun doesn't kill fast enough. Use m79 you say? They're just gonna *fly back up + spray* /repeat until you die (THAT slows the gameplay.). Use barret you say? I ain't no barret expert but from what I know, it's really harder to make a shot when you're moving fast. Ruger, same thing I would say. Spas' gonna slow you down, ruining your full speed rush OR boost you w/o killing them cause you pass them way too fast.So what I'm saying is: BOOST THE GUNS! FAST IS FUN!Make them so I can die faster to spawn back and go out to kill faster.Meh, I ended up writting quite a bit... bahPS: In that current wep.ini, ruger reloads faster than HK!?! Like....uuhhh what?
Though these lists are generic, and I must have posted one of them hundreds of times, this is my view on the weapons:Deagles: Needs to be stronger. Nothing else, just stronger.Mp5: Needs a longer reload and less damage.Steyr: Needs more bink, and possibly more Movementacc, depends on how well the added bink works. Nothing else.Ak74: ROF needs to go down, and damage needs to slightly go down.Spas: Needs no change.Ruger77: Needs no change.M79: No damage changes, just a longer reload. A lot longer.Barrett: Needs no change.Minime: Needs no change.Minigun: Get rid of selfbink, or make it occur at like 70 bullets in or something. Selfbink and its low damage = the death of the minigun. Needs to be made into a real, usable weapon this version.Socom: A little less strength.Knife: Needs no change.Chainsaw: Give it like 300 reload, and make it so it actually kills when you touch someone and its fine. (possibly adding the hit radius bigger, or making the ROF faster so theres more chances a hit will register when you try to cut someone up.)Law: Less reload. The 6 seconds is painstakingly long for a game like Soldat. 4 should be enough.Grenades: Theres just so many problems with them, but my solution, and I think, the absolutly best solution to fix grenades is to make the ROF longer. So you cant throw 4 grenades in under .5 seconds. Im talking about the time it takes to throw a grenade be lengthened. Now you actually have to AIM with grenades instead of spamming them and getting a cheap kill.This list is a cultivation of the last year in 1.3.1, so when I post these, I post with accuracy in my opinions.