Author Topic: Here we go again..  (Read 11025 times)

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Offline Morik

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Re: Here we go again..
« Reply #40 on: January 31, 2007, 02:27:50 am »
I'm kind of confused on what is being argued upon.

ZWZ I am thinking that you are defending the m79, implying that it does not deserve nerf. I am inclined to agree, it does not need a big decline in abilities. In my opinion, none the less, I still think it needs just a tad of nerf.

Or, you are just trying to prove a point to Extacide. :P

Either way, I still love eating brownies.
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Re: Here we go again..
« Reply #41 on: January 31, 2007, 04:30:02 am »
It was an exaggeration on my part that was picking apart an idea that had no merit. Anyhoo if just being a member of this SCTFL makes you expempt from explaining yourself, maybe i should sign up!

Doing well in SCTFL, as in coming to the a good indicator you are good at soldat therefore know a thing or two about soldat and have played countless clanwars. People that play competitively and have experience can judge the balance better because :
They see people that use the weapons at their maximum potential on daily basis, which is not what you see on publics with all the noobs
It's a LOT different playing 8vs8(ALL OUT CHAOS) than 3vs3(Tactical) as the balance nab said ;)

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Re: Here we go again..
« Reply #42 on: January 31, 2007, 12:33:44 pm »
It was an exaggeration on my part that was picking apart an idea that had no merit. Anyhoo if just being a member of this SCTFL makes you expempt from explaining yourself, maybe i should sign up!

Doing well in SCTFL, as in coming to the a good indicator you are good at soldat therefore know a thing or two about soldat and have played countless clanwars. People that play competitively and have experience can judge the balance better because :
They see people that use the weapons at their maximum potential on daily basis, which is not what you see on publics with all the noobs
It's a LOT different playing 8vs8(ALL OUT CHAOS) than 3vs3(Tactical) as the balance nab said ;)

Amen, fucking Roger that!

Offline ZWZ

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Re: Here we go again..
« Reply #43 on: January 31, 2007, 05:33:49 pm »
Hoooly pal, can someone tell me again that a ladder != a public server? I don't ever remember saying they were the same. People really must have some sort of reading problem, but let me give you the cliff notes:

buddy(EDIT: Incase you somehow missed who i was talking to for the past 2 pages, this is Extacide)  says that the m79 is a one man ctf killer, thus the m79 needs recoil and a much longer reload time, RECOIL, and shorter range

I question that the m79 is that over powered

He says he's in some soldat ladder or something

I post a link to said ladder's season final match, where no one was using a m79

everyone tells me that a public server isn't the same as a ladder.

And here we are.

Remember, balance is relative, claiming that the m79 makes you a one man army, then shying away when i ask why in the finals it wasn't used doesn't really convince me. He tells me a lot of people used m79's in lower stages of the ladder. Amazing, i bet people used deagles, chainsaw, and the minigun too, who cares? It doesn't backup his point as to why the m79 needs to be severely nerfed.

Just to clarify for the litterate challenged, I'm not saying pub servers are the same as a clanwar.  kthxdie
« Last Edit: January 31, 2007, 06:16:18 pm by ZWZ »


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Re: Here we go again..
« Reply #44 on: January 31, 2007, 06:05:29 pm »
Who cares about buddy and what is it that you want?

Offline ZWZ

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Re: Here we go again..
« Reply #45 on: January 31, 2007, 06:10:12 pm »

For him to explain with real proof that the m79 requires such a major nerf, and why if so unballanced, noone used it in the final of his ladder that he bases his credentials on.

If you want, i can remove some verbs to make it easier to read, english doesnt seem to be a primary language here.

Offline Morik

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Re: Here we go again..
« Reply #46 on: January 31, 2007, 06:55:15 pm »
Your grammer and spelling is fine ZWZ. Its just the way you say things, and what you are really after, that confuse people.

You are saying that the m79 does not require a large nerf. This I agree with. You also say that "tell me again that a ladder != a public server", saying that you think the balance is essentially the same in both a public match, and a 3:3 clan war. This I do not agree with. A 3:3 match has more to do with knowing where the enemys are, and where your teammates are, and tactical stuff like that. Guns are used much differently, the barret and m79 is seldomly used on main route, they are used more on alt route. Usually its the auto's and occasionally the semi autos on the main route.
In publics, you usually pick a weapon, and go whatever route you wish because it really makes no difference. When someone chooses a m79 and goes main route, they can always shoot->retreat->let teammates distract->charge and shoot again. It is also an easy weapon for a new player to pickup (although hard to master). This makes it seem more powerful than it really is in public matches.
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Re: Here we go again..
« Reply #47 on: January 31, 2007, 07:17:52 pm »
!= means is not equal to. I dont' think they are the same and i havent implied that at all. I don't know why people are reminding me of this fact.

Offline Morik

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Re: Here we go again..
« Reply #48 on: January 31, 2007, 08:12:56 pm »
Sorry, I must have misunderstood somewhere :>
I thought you were saying that it doesn't matter whether you are in a pub, or a match.
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Offline Extacide

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Re: Here we go again..
« Reply #49 on: February 01, 2007, 12:01:25 am »
Not in just SCTFL, but in regular clan wars, and scrimmages. Did I say in my first post that SCTFL counted for everything? No, you just once again referenced my argument solely towards SCTFL matches. The thing about M79, is that it is a straight forward semi-auto that kills upon direct or indirect contact. Don't get me wrong, its not like its the easiest gun ever, it takes skill to use. Once players get to the point in soldat where they've memorized how to shoot every gun, you see amazing M79 players make these amazing caps. It sometimes isn't luck, nor is it just that they're really good or the players they are playing suck. M79 reload is quick enough so that you can just run behind a poly or dance for a little bit while your opponent is spraying you, then just fire another.

You completely over exaggerated my suggestion, the m79 reload is about 1-1.5 seconds I believe. My suggestion was to add .25-.5 more seconds to that reload, the main point to slow down the time between which the player can kill twice consecutively. Even if they miss they can create probably 5 more chances to shoot before they actually die. Secondaries and Grenades have not come into account.

My other suggestion with its own recoil like the spas, is to stop m79 charging. The reload, or this could slow the m79 down and halt it a bit. M79 being a semi-auto that kills in one hit, a player can easily rush through the whole team and fire shots as he runs. This would actually work for the m79 with boosting, and even when they fire while ontop of another player and could save them from killing themselves, so really it kind of evens itself out.

However, I do like the decrease in speed. I just wanted my opinion of what I think could really even out the m79.


To answer your previous argument, in this case the end does not justify the means.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2007, 12:03:46 am by Extacide »
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Re: Here we go again..
« Reply #50 on: February 02, 2007, 03:03:21 pm »
Okay, I will now tell you what should be changed to the guns in 1.3.1. imho if thats okay....

Desert Eagles: A bit more damage, a slightely faster reload
HK MP5: Nothing really, maybe a little more damage
AK-74: A little more power, a slightely lower rate of fire
Steyr-AUG: Also more power and higher rate of fire, but some self-bink to it
Spas-12:Nothing really. Maybe a lower rate of fire
Ruger-77:Less damage, really. It shouldnt be possible to kill in one shot. Also it should have movement bink, otherwise it becomes a Barret without the long delay
Barret:It's good the way it is I think.
FN Minimi:Less damage.
Ol' Painless:Less damage, the reload a bit longer
USSOCOM:Let it stay as it is! I hate the experimental balance where it has lower damage!
LAW:Stay as it is, in every case! NO LONGER RELOAD PLEASE!

That's what I think about it, just for giving another oppinion.

Offline ZWZ

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Re: Here we go again..
« Reply #51 on: February 04, 2007, 01:23:13 pm »
Not in just SCTFL, but in regular clan wars, and scrimmages. Did I say in my first post that SCTFL counted for everything? No, you just once again referenced my argument solely towards SCTFL matches. The thing about M79, is that it is a straight forward semi-auto that kills upon direct or indirect contact. Don't get me wrong, its not like its the easiest gun ever, it takes skill to use. Once players get to the point in soldat where they've memorized how to shoot every gun, you see amazing M79 players make these amazing caps. It sometimes isn't luck, nor is it just that they're really good or the players they are playing suck. M79 reload is quick enough so that you can just run behind a poly or dance for a little bit while your opponent is spraying you, then just fire another.

You completely over exaggerated my suggestion, the m79 reload is about 1-1.5 seconds I believe. My suggestion was to add .25-.5 more seconds to that reload, the main point to slow down the time between which the player can kill twice consecutively. Even if they miss they can create probably 5 more chances to shoot before they actually die. Secondaries and Grenades have not come into account.

My other suggestion with its own recoil like the spas, is to stop m79 charging. The reload, or this could slow the m79 down and halt it a bit. M79 being a semi-auto that kills in one hit, a player can easily rush through the whole team and fire shots as he runs. This would actually work for the m79 with boosting, and even when they fire while on top of another player and could save them from killing themselves, so really it kind of evens itself out.

However, I do like the decrease in speed. I just wanted my opinion of what I think could really even out the m79.


To answer your previous argument, in this case the end does not justify the means.

Do you have a demo of a m79 being utilized in this manner? I still find it hard to believe that with the ridiculous ranges some auto's have ( I'm talking a full screen +) that the m79er will even have enough health to do this unless he is luckily with not having many defenders in his way, or really good at dodging. One of my biggest pet peeves in this game is being a full screen ahead of whoever is chasing you, and having them being able to spray and pray with no penalty, and whittle down your health when they can't even see you.

What you are suggesting is a 15-20% increase in reload time, your original comment made it seem like it was a lot longer.

My main gripe is that I'm sure the m79 has it's uses and advantages, but when compared to the auto lineup, i don't think it's strong enough to warrent much of a Nerf. Also this recoil idea seems to only work to disorient the m79 user, since the shot will shoot straight no matter what, since recoil takes place after you shoot.

Offline Rai-Dei

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Re: Here we go again..
« Reply #52 on: February 04, 2007, 11:46:13 pm »
I have but one complaint on the new deagles: The Reload is too fast.

make it like -5 or 4.
8 is just too fast.

Offline M.rSnow

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Re: Here we go again..
« Reply #53 on: February 27, 2007, 12:19:17 pm »
I have but one complaint on the new deagles: The Reload is too fast.

make it like -5 or 4.
8 is just too fast.
NoOo that would ruin the sound!! But you might be right in the balance way.
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Offline Ziem

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Re: Here we go again..
« Reply #54 on: February 27, 2007, 01:09:18 pm »
Okay, I will now tell you what should be changed to the guns in 1.3.1. imho if thats okay....

Desert Eagles: A bit more damage, a slightely faster reload
HK MP5: Nothing really, maybe a little more damage
AK-74: A little more power, a slightely lower rate of fire
Steyr-AUG: Also more power and higher rate of fire, but some self-bink to it
Spas-12:Nothing really. Maybe a lower rate of fire
Ruger-77:Less damage, really. It shouldnt be possible to kill in one shot. Also it should have movement bink, otherwise it becomes a Barret without the long delay
Barret:It's good the way it is I think.
FN Minimi:Less damage.
Ol' Painless:Less damage, the reload a bit longer
USSOCOM:Let it stay as it is! I hate the experimental balance where it has lower damage!
LAW:Stay as it is, in every case! NO LONGER RELOAD PLEASE!

That's what I think about it, just for giving another oppinion.

Deagles : more dmg ?? isn't it enough? Don't hit legs ??
Mp5 : "more dmg" ??? Lol. seems that you don't use it ...
Ak : yeeeeah. let's make it slower. Ffs! This is a slowest auto now!
Aug : to make it overpowered? And bink is not a balance for auto ...
Spas : --- as most ppl say ---
Ruger : WTF?!? How to make a 1hit-kill with rug?? LoL, how long do you play soldat?? Or you mean in realistic? There will be another balance for real' guns ...
campergun xD : Aff, I think you play barret, cuz you say same words as every barretard :P
m79 : don't mention it or what?
minimi : moveacc+ is ok for it
minispray : loooooool. great idea ... make the useless gun even more useless ; lower shitty dmg's and "let's make load longer"
socc'  : Ohhh!!! they have destroyed your gun!!11!!!one1!  < lol -1 dmg >
Law : where is "longer load" written?? // LAW :    reload -60  <~-- isn't it "-" which means it will be shorter?

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Re: Here we go again..
« Reply #55 on: February 27, 2007, 02:50:14 pm »
AUG is already more powerful than AK. There are like 5:1 ratio between AUG and AK users in the clans.
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Offline Baphomet

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Re: Here we go again..
« Reply #56 on: March 03, 2007, 04:16:18 am »
Personally i think the M79 is fine the way it is, adding a longer reload time will only make players to use secondary weapons more often than the primary itself.