Green things and Saladations to the soldat community =)
I'd like to introduce to you a new program a few people and myself have been working on in the last few days.
The program is called SoldatServer++ (short: SS++) and what it does is pretty straight forward:
Allow a soldat server to support new game modes other than the ones built into the game (deathmatch, capture the flag etc) I'll start by giving the current game modes implemented so far:
Tournament ModeRequirements: The server must be in Deathmatch mode (/gamemode 0)
Minimum Players: The server must have at least 4 people in it.
Maximum Players: Soldat's maximum limit (32 players).
How it works:
Its pretty straight forward, it creates a tournament with the people currently in the server. The tournament mode is currently:
-Time limit for each map is 10 min.
-Single eliminations (if you lose a match, the winner goes forward, and the loser is eliminated)
-Matches are first to 5 kills (This is a program setting, I will explain more about this later)
-If the number of players is not a power of 2 (4, 8, 16 or 32) It will complete the power of 2 with "freebies". If, for example, we're 7 players, there will be 1 freebie. Whoever plays vs the freebie will automaticaly be put forward to the next round.
-If a player who is still in the tournament leaves, he will be replaces by a freebie.
-After each match, the map will change to a random map.
-When the final is played (last game of the tournament) it says who won.
Commands for Tournament Mode!starttournament (non case sensitive) will start the tournament.
King of the HillRequirements: The server must be in Deathmatch mode (/gamemode 0)
Minimum Players: The server must have at least 4 people in it.
Maximum Players: Soldat's maximum limit (32 players).
How it works:
King of hill is about who can get the most successive kills without being killed.
-Time limit is currently set to 5 min (program setting, will explain more later)
-Map is randomly picked
-At start, 2 random people are put into the server. (everyone else will be set as spectator).
-Whoever dies is sent the spectator, and next person is set in the game instead.
-When the time is up, whoever has the LONGEST WINNING STREAK will be announced the winner of the game.
-Please note, thats once every player has played once, the order will be shuffled and it will start again, which means if there are small number of players (4 or 5) theres a possibility that certain players will be in twice in a row. This is not a bug so do not report it.
Commands for King Of The Hill!startkoth (non case sensitive) will start King of The Hill
!streak (non case sensitive) will tell you your current longest streak.
Zombie InvasionRequirements: The server must be in Team Deathmatch mode (/gamemode 2)
Minimum Players: 2
Maximum Players: Soldat's maximum limit (32 players)
How it works:
-Time limit is set to: Totalplayers-1 minutes.
-Map is randomly picked.
-Team Damage is On.
-At start, 1 random person is picked as the zombie and set on Delta team.
-Everyone else are humans and set on Alpha team.
-When a Zombie kills a human, the human becomes a zombie.
-When a human kills a zombie, the human kill count is incremented (+1)
-When a human kills a human, the human just respawns as human.
-When a zombie kills a zombie, the zombie just respawns as zombie.
-Zombies can only use Chainsaw and Fist.
-Humans can only use Shotgun and Socom.
-If all humans become Zombies, Zombies win.
-If humans reach (initial humans*3) kill count, humans win.
-If the time ends and there are humans alive, humans win.
-When number of humans become a multiple of 5, an annoucement will appear as such: There are 10 humans left.
-When the number of humans is 5 or less, an annoucement will appear after each human death (A countdown)
-when the number of zombies killed reaches a multiple of 5, an annoucement will appear as such: Humans must kill another 15 zombies to win!
-When the number of zombies left to kill is in the last 5, an annoucement will appear for each kill (a countdown).
Commands for Zombie Invasion!startzombie (non case sensitive) Begins Zombie Invasion
-!progress (non case sensitive) will print the number of humans left, and the number of kills the humans need to win.
This program has already been tested by a few people during developement, but is still in testing phase, which is why I'd appreciate if people can come and try the modes and report any bugs occuring.
There are another 2 gamemodes in development which I will not reveal just yet.
Once the 2 game modes are done, and the testing is completed. I will make this program available to everyone to install on their servers, and will be open source. When that happens, the program can be configured however the owner pleases (pretty much every configuration can be set, the maps, the weapons that can be used, the time limits, the number of kills etc). But I will talk more about this when the time comes.
Suggestions for other game modes: If you have ideas for game modes you would like to see implemented in this, I appreciate it, but please dont come to me with them for now, I will be taking suggestions once its released for a possible v2 of the program. Also when that happens, not all suggestions will be accepted, only if I feel its a good game mode and will be fun and used will I implement it. The reason for this is that the more game modes available, the more memory the bot will be using and I'd like to keep it to a certain minimum (right now it doesnt even use 500k of ram which is pretty much nothing, but I'd like to keep it between 1 and 1.5 mb max)
WHERE TO GO TO PLAY:Right now the program is running in:
port: 1985
But its running in Team Deathmatch which means you can only try the zombie invasion for now, in a couple of days I will switch it to regular deathmatch so you can try the other two modes.
Finally some thanks:
Special thanks to:
Xenocide who has helped me in the project from day 1, helped me test everytime he could, and helped me design the gamemodes (The zombie invasion was his idea
) And helped me with a lot of other technical details in the modes.
Morik who also helped with ideas and testing.
Chibi who provided me with the server on which all the development has been done, and thanks for the help when I needed it =)
Also thanks to all the people who helped me test, a lot of people helped me test but here are a few people who helped me quite a lot:
Vision, Cubeboy, Sneaky, Mablak, Michal, Zamorak, Zion/Sircapsalot, Zinin, ]{ing, KoreanRedDragon and Jerich.
And thanks to everyone else who has helped me test it when I needed testers, I'm sorry I didnt mention you all peronally there was a bunch of people who came once and I cant remember everyone.