Author Topic: crouch advantage:  (Read 18071 times)

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Offline Dev1200

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Re: crouch advantage:
« Reply #20 on: January 30, 2007, 10:03:19 am »
Maybe just larger guns should have the increased reload:

Ak-74, Styr-AUG, Minimi, Minigun, and Law

Pistols, mp5, ruger, m79 etc are fast reloaders anyway,

Offline Clawbug

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Re: crouch advantage:
« Reply #21 on: January 30, 2007, 10:55:00 am »
I do crouching, alot. :o It gives you a real advantage when reloading a weapon behind a collider, polygons abd such. But well, 1.5 times would be alot, and used by everyone. What about 1.25?
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Re: crouch advantage:
« Reply #22 on: January 30, 2007, 10:58:45 am »
This idea has sense and its very good


Offline popsofctown

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Re: crouch advantage:
« Reply #23 on: January 30, 2007, 05:04:20 pm »
Maybe just larger guns should have the increased reload:

Ak-74, Styr-AUG, Minimi, Minigun, and Law

Pistols, mp5, ruger, m79 etc are fast reloaders anyway,

crouching reloading bonus could be part of weapons.ini, couldn't it?  That would be cool for some of those goofy mods, people would make knife chainguns that require you to crouch.
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Re: crouch advantage:
« Reply #24 on: January 30, 2007, 05:23:06 pm »
Maybe just larger guns should have the increased reload:

Ak-74, Styr-AUG, Minimi, Minigun, and Law

... ruger... are fast reloaders anyway,
that first part wouldn't be "balanced" so having each weapon reload faster when you crouch is not really going to help the weapons that reload faster any more then helping the slower reloading weapons, it isn't like you crouch and the mp5 never stops shooting, which i think some of you are imagining.

Ruger reload is long, the only short reloads are chainsaw, fist, knife, mp5...
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Re: crouch advantage:
« Reply #25 on: January 30, 2007, 06:12:42 pm »
Got my approval.  :)
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Re: crouch advantage:
« Reply #26 on: January 30, 2007, 06:28:34 pm »
Crouching is fine the way it is. I use it all the time with the aug it gives u barely any bink its also good with hidding in cover and popping ur head out quick Improvments arnt neccesary. Improving it will imbalance it.

Offline Mr. Domino

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Re: crouch advantage:
« Reply #27 on: January 30, 2007, 06:41:24 pm »
Crouching is fine the way it is.

I agree and am taken aback a bit by all the support. Crouching already makes you a smaller target, offers better collider protection, and greatly reduces bink. It doesn't need to be "powered-up" or have any other advantages attached to it. Plus, some weapons are designed to have a long reload as a way of balancing them, and allowing that balance check to be circumvented would make Barrets, LAWs, M79s, and Minimis just that much more effective.

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Re: crouch advantage:
« Reply #28 on: January 30, 2007, 07:43:05 pm »
You are all missing the big picture here, If i go into the weapons.ini, and take 1 damage from every gun, will the game still be balanced?

From what I can see is that people are either going  to whine that the short reload weapons would then reload too fast, and then someone is going to say that the long reload weapons reload too fast.

Again, the "power-up" would not make a huge difference if someone crouched down for only a little bit of the reload, it also would not matter in the middle of a battle.

Generalizing, most non realistic players don't crouch all that much, it leaves you exposed to grenades and barely maneuverable, but if you where crouching somewhere safe, it would be strategic to crouch to reload a gun, no matter what gun it is, because then you can get moving quicker.
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Offline The Geologist

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Re: crouch advantage:
« Reply #29 on: January 30, 2007, 08:10:14 pm »
crouching is not often done in soldat, you spend most of your time in the air, and when you are on the ground, you are most likely getting killed. Crouching isn't usually a good idea, because grenades do a fair bit more damage to you when you are crouched, it does have the feature of less bink, but still, only snipers do that to ensure a strait shot.

Definite no here...your argument doesn't even really make sense.  You're saying that crouching isn't used much because people are usually airborne, and that staying on the ground gets you killed, nade damage, etc. 

How would a faster reload help?  You're still crouching, you're still a target, and you'll still get wasted.  Why spend the time messing with how the weapons work for something you claim isn't even used very much?

Besides, there are maps where this would give a very unfair advantage *cough*Abel*cough* to certain teams.  When you take into consideration the protection you get from the colliders (yes, people do use them) and the reduced bink, it would just be another reason for people to groan.
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Offline MofoNofo

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Re: crouch advantage:
« Reply #30 on: January 30, 2007, 11:39:20 pm »
I crouch to dodge bullets, because I'm cool like that.

Crouching is fun with minimi :D

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Re: crouch advantage:
« Reply #31 on: January 31, 2007, 03:39:22 pm »
crouching is not often done in soldat, you spend most of your time in the air, and when you are on the ground, you are most likely getting killed. Crouching isn't usually a good idea, because grenades do a fair bit more damage to you when you are crouched, it does have the feature of less bink, but still, only snipers do that to ensure a strait shot.
Definite no here...your argument doesn't even really make sense.  You're saying that crouching isn't used much because people are usually airborne, and that staying on the ground gets you killed, nade damage, etc. 
I expected comprehension problems the least from you...
To promote crouching and staying low,
Here is basically what i was trying to say:
reloading faster while you are vulnerable increases the distinction between in-battle reloading and out-of-battle reloading.  the latter should be faster.
Besides, there are maps where this would give a very unfair advantage *cough*Abel*cough* to certain teams.  When you take into consideration the protection you get from the colliders (yes, people do use them) and the reduced bink, it would just be another reason for people to groan.
First, since when have inf maps been fair?

There are already maps that already give advantages to weapons/specific tactics, like nuubia has almost the same curve as an m79, and since it is also so small the m79 is a good weapon to use here, and the bottom (and top) of equinox are very strait and un-curved making a good place for barretting.

There are few ways one team could have any kind of advantage over the other:
One team might not crouch at all and reload slower,
One team might be dumb enough to forget to reload before going into battle,
One team could camp the whole game while the other team used poor tactics against the camping team.
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Offline popsofctown

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Re: crouch advantage:
« Reply #32 on: January 31, 2007, 05:03:31 pm »
i think that there is already plenty of reason to crouch, i do it some.  but i think the reload bonus is cool, because you can use it to reload before going to battle.  can you use it effective in-battle? hardly.  it is a tool that would INCREASE the pace of the game because you could reload a little faster in between fights.
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Offline J-Factor

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Re: crouch advantage:
« Reply #33 on: February 01, 2007, 12:34:37 am »
I support with an extra idea:

Instead of crouchbonus being a factor to multiply the reload time by, have two seperate reload times for normal and crouching. This would allow modders to make weapons that can only be reloaded while crouching by setting the normal reload time to a very large number. Imagine over-powered weapons like missile launchers and laser cannons that can only be reloaded while crouching. To disable the crouch reload you would only need to set both numbers to the same value.

From a programming perspective I suppose it would work by making the weapon's current reload amount into a percentage. While crouching it increases by 1/crouchreload otherwise it increases by 1/reload per tick.

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Re: crouch advantage:
« Reply #34 on: February 01, 2007, 07:10:44 am »
That makes perfect sense. If it is a WM moddable option, server admins could easily get rid of it or use it to nerf specific weapons.

I support J-F and the whole topic.

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Offline Snipufin

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Re: crouch advantage:
« Reply #35 on: February 01, 2007, 12:46:27 pm »
Try to image those MP5 users proned with 3 times faster reload, it would be like  unlimited ammo :S

And I bet that MM would make a bug that makes the "reload time" faster for SG(stationary guns)
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Offline J-Factor

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Re: crouch advantage:
« Reply #36 on: February 01, 2007, 01:30:40 pm »
Try to image those MP5 users proned with 3 times faster reload, it would be likeĀ  unlimited ammo :S

Nobody said 3 times as fast - don't exaggerate. It's already been mentioned that this could be disabled for guns that already have a low reload numerous times. Not to mention that this is would be an option in the weapons.ini. Instead of blasting the idea itself before it's even off the ground, criticize the implementation of the idea once it's actually considered (what weapons it applies to, how long of a delay, etc.)

Secondly, how effective would an mp5 user be if they have to lie down the entire time?

And I bet that MM would make a bug that makes the "reload time" faster for SG(stationary guns)

Stat guns do not have a reload time - they overheat, but it uses a completely different system. Why are you resorting to predicting bugs before its even been consideredĀ  ;)?

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Re: crouch advantage:
« Reply #37 on: February 01, 2007, 02:38:52 pm »
Try to image those MP5 users proned with 3 times faster reload, it would be like  unlimited ammo :S

Nobody said 3 times as fast - don't exaggerate.
Nuff said:

[offtopic] Pretty sure it does, though not as much as prone. [/offtopic]

I think it'd be an okay idea, though maybe the change shouldn't be so drastic as 1.5 times faster. 1.2-3 would be good, though.

Plus, unlike most suggestions, it's completely balanced. Which is good.

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Re: crouch advantage:
« Reply #38 on: February 01, 2007, 03:51:46 pm »
Try to image those MP5 users proned with 3 times faster reload, it would be like  unlimited ammo :S

Nobody said 3 times as fast - don't exaggerate.
Nuff said:
1.5 was just an easy number to work with for calculations, it is in no way set in stone, besides, 3 times faster would be 3, or 300% instead of 1.5, or 150% respectively,

You could also look at it as a % reduction of time in ticks, so maybe 75% standing is crouching reload time so if the reload of a gun is 100 ticks, then crouching it would be only 75 ticks.

Lets say The idea gets implemented that crouching reloading rate is 85%... in the experimental, the mp5 has 105 ticks of reloading time, making the crouching reload rate 89.25 ticks, For the experimental law the reload time is 480 the crouching rate would be 408. The crouch advantage won't make every weapon instantly reload, just quicker depending on how long the actual standing reload is.

It isn't a huge-instant-reload bonus, and it isn't so small that you can't tell the difference.
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Offline muzikman

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Re: crouch advantage:
« Reply #39 on: January 24, 2009, 07:28:55 pm »
Don't like tis idea, damn campers annoy me enough as it is already, and I can safely say I use the law all the time and it pisses everyone on the server off- reloading quicker would just make it more annoying.  I don't what you mean about crouching not being used- people I play with crouch all the time, in fact really the only way to use the steyr or the mp5 effectively is crouching, you get so much more accurate.