Author Topic: YAY SPRAYING IS COMING AGAIN :x  (Read 4137 times)

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Offline Bugs Revenge

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« on: June 24, 2006, 07:46:39 am »
Guys, seriously now,
the whole point of the last weapon mod was blocking and avoiding the spay.. that was the idea of the bink which all of us get used to and worked (in my oppinion at least) pretty well.
now, when u remove the bink again it would be nonsence, if ppl sprayed u with the bink in the last version I realy don't wanna know what would happen now.

another whine is about spas - it's already too strong, getting to far with the shots, why increasing it's speed? oO

about the minigun - "speed -40"
man, now u've realy killed the minigun, u have to understand that speed is straited connected to the power of the bullets, more speed = stronger. -40 speed to a gun would make it useless.

Offline SDFilm

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« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2006, 08:00:29 am »
The introduction of self-bink was good because of the reduced spraying, but having too much self-bink will force autos to either spray in random directions or shoot as if there rugers.

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Offline CardBoardWarrior

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« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2006, 09:39:27 am »
The minigun is way too weak, its really dumb if you try it


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« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2006, 10:56:39 am »
Have you even tried the balance, bugs? If you did you would know that:

a) Selfbink doesn't directly prevent spray, any player that's had a few months of auto usage under his wings would know it's just about not firing every 6th bullet, which is a kinda useless nerf cause you have seldom have over 50% accuracy with an auto anyway.

b) The selfbink system works a horrible way. You can fire a hailstorm of bullets almost enough to kill an enemy before the selfbink suddenly kicks in and grows exponantially all at once. By the time you've reached your 20th bullet in the clip the bullets are firing in three directions. Perhaps -30 degrees, +-0 and +30 degrees. Not at all as random as you'd think it should.

c) Spray is present mainly due to three things. One being the push of a bullet, which is very present when someone is flying backwards spraying the enemy, preventing the enemy from reaching or passing him. Sometimes even making him stop in his tracks even if the enemy was skipping. Another reason is that high auto damage and short reload makes bullets more expendable, making spray an efficient way of using up the bullets. The big third reason is that the semi autos have all gotten massive nerfs in every version as far back as version 1.1, I'm talking longer fireintervals, double digit procentual nerfs in damage, slower bullet speed, longer reloads and whatnot. Wouldn't we rather see 1,5,6 selection as the "standard" weapons instead of everyone running around spraying with the "standard" 2,3,4?

d) To compensate for the removal of selfbink you can see in the ini I added movement inaccuracy, which basically works as it's base accuracy, so it's "always" more innaccurate rather then depending on the player to hold down the fire button and miss the first couple of shots before he starts shoting at the enemy.

e) Ah yes the spasi. I don't know if you played the pre-1.2 versions, but back then spas was MUCH better than in 1.3.1 (while autos are almost the same... hmm). Today spas is one of the least popular primaries due to it being extremly hard to use in long range. You'd think two solid hits killing the enemy would balance it out, but it doesn't from around mid range, especially if the target is moving away from you, since one can run at half the bullets speed which renders the damage amount very petit. So it's pretty much restricted to close combat where it doesn't exactly pwn if the target is moving around. The relatively low bullet speed makes you have to compensate much more.

f) The minigun kills significantly faster now than before. Yes, speed is related to damage, but has far from the same effect as the damage value itself, which by the way was increased. I even consulted the previous scapegoat about making the minigun more "normal", which he also would have wanted to do, meaning less startup and reload. Taking off bullet speed was essential for preventing someone on b2b for example to just stand in red base and pump 100 bullets into blue base. It also reduces the boosting efficiency a tad. Compared to the 1.3.1 minigun this can shread people apart in close to mid range situations.

Offline Zamorak

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« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2006, 11:33:16 am »
There is no way to eliminate spray.

Everytime you miss a shot with an auto, that bullet turns into spray.
ZamoraK |2Wai|

Offline T-Bone

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« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2006, 11:59:14 am »
There is no way to eliminate spray.

Everytime you miss a shot with an auto, that bullet turns into spray.

exactly, so the only way around spray is firing like a ruger, and that is not what autos were made for.  A good Auto user will burst their gun so about 3 or 4 out of the 5 (assuming 5 shot burst) will hit. Even the best auto player will spray if you say every missed bullet is spray
Your acting like your having a duel and your opponent gets a pistol and you get a spork.
Isn't that pretty much what it is? I dunno wtf a spork is, I suppose it's way weaker than the pistol since you compared that to this.

Offline Yukwunhang

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« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2006, 01:21:32 pm »
A player becomes a 'best auto player' when he masters the spray.

Offline Clawbug

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« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2006, 05:52:14 pm »
Agreed with Yuk.
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