I've been working on this for most of today. It's my first real Soldat map. I've tried before, but failed miserably. This one's going much better. I'm creating some of my own scenery too, all in MSPaint.
Here's what I have done so far:
The main hill isn't totally finished. I need to add some shading here and there. I think it looks pretty good. I need some more foliage on the top left slope.
I have some rice paddies that go down the side of the mountain. Lots of fun to hide in the rice and the rushes on the retaining banks.
This is the bravo base. Two M113 APCs that I got off a model site.
I basically just have to add the other side of the hill and tweak some stuff. More rice paddies to be added on the other side, along with the red base at the bottom.
Any feedback would be great! Tell me what you think, what I should add, etc. All comments appreciated!
Btw, it looks better in game with the anti aliasing and stuff that happens when you play.