Author Topic: old hexer script thread. lock plz  (Read 30479 times)

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Offline Avarax

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old hexer script thread. lock plz
« on: February 06, 2007, 02:56:52 pm »
Ok so this is the basic idea of the script I'm writing:

- Keep Soldat Soldat, and not "Soldat of Might and Magics"
- Suites 2 teamed gamemodes only
- This is NOT a subgamemode, just usual CTF or whatever with some nice new extras

- Give the player an amount of experience point with each kill
- If a certain experience threshold is reached, the player attaines the next character  level
- Experience and levels are restarted with every map
- With higher character level, your soldier will take less damage, deal more damage and learn usefull skills out of 4 categorys

The skills that I'm going to implement are not going to do any stuff that drastically take the fun out of the game, nothing that kills immediatly or something, just some stuff to increase your possibilities in combat.
They will improve with your soldiers character level.
There will be a total of 12 spells, 3 in each of the 4 spell categorys
Here's are some examples:


Category: Healing, Static

Heals you for 2% HP each second
If you are under one third of your maximum health, Warmth will regenerate 5% HP each second instead.


---Conjure Clip---

Category: Offensive, Spell ('/ofs')
Cooldown: 90 seconds

Instantly renews your ammo and even gives you some extra bullets.
The number of extra bullets is  X % of the default ammo of your gun, where X is (20 + 5 * skilllevel).
Cooldown decreases by 10 seconds per skilllevel.



Category: Defensive, Spell ('/def')
Cooldown: 120 seconds

Disarms your nearest opponent for X seconds, where X is (2 + (skilllevel / 2)).
Cooldown decreases by 10 seconds per skilllevel.



Category: Healing, Static

Heals you for 20% of the damage you deal with non-explosives.


---Pierce Armor---

Category: Offensive, Static

With every hit, Pierce Armor increases the damage taken by the victim by 10% for 3 seconds. Duration and Damage increase with higher level.



Category: Defensive, Static

Gives you a 15% chance to dodge bullets and avoid all damage. Chance increases with higher level.



Category: Offensive, Spell

Pay one third of your remaining life to double your damage output for 5 seconds. Once Berserk is over, you get the payed life back.



Category: Defensive, Spell

Gains you lots of extra movement speed when moving horizontal. Only grenades can be used during Sprint. Changing weapon will switch you back to normal mode. The longer you sprint, the longer is the cooldown.



Category: Healing, Static

As long as you stand still while carrying the flag, all teammates will slowly regenerate some health and do slightly increased damage


---Summon Kamikaze---

Category: Summon, Spell

Summons a crazed Kamikazeguy who will rapidly charge into enemys on sight and blast everything into pieces on contact.

here's an exclusive extract from the ingame readme showing short infotexts for all the 16 spells. Spellshield & Carrion Ammo have been removed for more original spells.

Warmth is a static healing ability.
It will continuously heal you for a
small amount of health per second.
If you are below 1/3 of maxhealth, it
will generate health much faster.

Holy Medikit is a healing spell.
It will instantly completely heal you.

Vampirism is a static healing ability.
It will heal you for 20% of the
damage you deal with non-explosives.

Warstandart is a static heal ability.
As long as you are standing still while
being a flagcarrier, your whole team
gets a damage bonus and a weak "Warmth".
10% of EP they gain is shared with you.

Disarm is a defensive spell.
It will remove the primary and secondary
of the nearest opponent for a short time

Evasion is a static defensive ability.
It allows you to dodge about 15% of all
bullets hitting you.

Thorns is a static defensive ability.
It will injure any opponent attacking
you by 15% of damage dealt to you.

Sprint is a defensive spell.
It will equip you with a boosting bow,
doubling movement speed. The longer
the sprint, the longer the cooldown.
You can only use grenades during Sprint.
Switch weapon to stop Sprint.

Conjure Clip is an offensive spell.
It will instantly restore ammunition
and give you some bonus bullets.

Pierce Armor is a static ofs. ability.
It will cause all your bullets to rip
armor parts from opponents increasing
all damage dealed to them by about 10%
for 3 seconds. Effect stacks infinitely.

Critical Strike is a static ofs. ability
It will give your bullets a chance
of about 10% to do 200% damage on impact

Berserk is an offensive spell.
It increases your damage output by 100%
for 5 seconds at the cost of
1/3 of your remaining health. Once
Berserk is over, you gain the life back.

Summon Ghouls is a summon spell.
It will create 2 ghouls equipped with
Chainsaw and having massive health.

Summon Flamespirit is a summon spell.
It creates a mighty flamethrower bearing
ghost dealing lots of damage.

Summon Kamikaze is a summon spell.
It will summon a crazed Kamikazeguy
who charges into everything crossing his
path with a big "BOOM!".

Summon Bloodshaman is a summon spell.
It calls forth a light equipped Shaman,
who blinds his opponents and heals
you and himself for about 5% health
whenever he deals damage.

I am atm searching for a stylish own name for the script, "RPG script" seems a bit odd. any ideas?
« Last Edit: May 18, 2007, 05:19:25 am by Avarax »
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Offline Davis

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Re: Would you implement an RPG script on your server?
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2007, 03:22:19 pm »
maybe , if it works.

Offline Vv00t-SN

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Re: Would you implement an RPG script on your server?
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2007, 04:21:36 pm »
seeing as "I" dont have a server myself, no.

..but I would like to play on such a server, if its well done this could be good fun (and I have no doubt you will do a marvellous job should you decide to do it) :)

either this kid has a lightbulb up his butt, or his colon has a great idea.
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Offline Avarax

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Re: Would you implement an RPG script on your server?
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2007, 04:25:22 pm »
i am already doing it ;P

500 ****ing lines of source code already, took me like 30 hours already. Levelling & Skillselection is done already. 3 out of the 12 spells aswell. all i have to do now is to wait for 1.3.2 and then do the rest of the spells, and then balance it :D

btw: nvm me using "already" quite often already

here is a complete list of all the spells & static abilities that will be in:

Category: Healing
Warmth: static, regeneration
Holy Medikit: spell, 100% heal
Vampirism: static, life leech

Category: Defense
Disarm: spell, disarms nearest enemy for a short duration
Evasion: static, gives you a chance to avoid damage
Thorns: static, redirects an amount of damage to the damage dealer

Category: Offense
Conjure Clip: spell, reloads your magazine and gives some extra ammo
Carrion Ammo: static, gives you a chance to instantly reload with each kill
Critical Strike: static, gives you a chance to do double or even triple of the normal damage

Category: Summoning
Summon Ghoul: spell, summons some chainsaw bots on your team for some time
Summon Flame Spirit: spell, summons a mighty flame bot on charlie team for some time
Summon Spellshield: spell, summons a shield to block the next spell casted, also negates some static effects that would affect you in a negative way
« Last Edit: February 06, 2007, 04:27:10 pm by Avarax »
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Offline Clawbug

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Re: Would you implement an RPG script on your server?
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2007, 04:43:27 pm »
I would really like to play on this kind of server, and try out how it works as a Gather game. :D

On publics.. There is a one problem, people will sart calling eachother cheaters because they do not die, they do not need to reload. :P
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Offline blackdevil0742

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Re: Would you implement an RPG script on your server?
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2007, 04:50:14 pm »
that's a server i want to play on!
gl on this.


Offline alwex

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Re: Would you implement an RPG script on your server?
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2007, 04:51:02 pm »
Nice idea ava, would be fun to try out if it worked smooth. But since im not a big RPG fan (nor am i a hardcore soldat player) i dont know how Much and often i would play this. Depends :p
Rpg on soldat only thing thats missing :p

Offline Frenchie

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Re: Would you implement an RPG script on your server?
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2007, 05:34:33 pm »
I probably wouldn't play on it atm, because with all the spells and stuff it would take me too long to type stuff.
But I definitely would play on it if you released a taunt.txt to go with it.

So basically when you can do a spell script does, /pm player Summon Ghould Unlocked. G to use.
so I press Alt + G and viola

^^ That would be awesome
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Offline Hawkah

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Re: Would you implement an RPG script on your server?
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2007, 02:28:41 am »
I think that this would majorly increase the cheating programs that would be made on Soldat.

If you can make this impossible, I could try, but truely this isn't The Soldat that I'm looking for.

Offline Krillious

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Re: Would you implement an RPG script on your server?
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2007, 02:34:40 am »
I think that this would majorly increase the cheating programs that would be made on Soldat.

If you can make this impossible, I could try, but truely this isn't The Soldat that I'm looking for.
wtf r u talking about

and if there was a server like this I would play but only if the levels and stats are saved for atleast a day because then u get a wrong map version bug and bam you have to start all over again (and I get that quite a lot)

Offline Sotija

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Re: Would you implement an RPG script on your server?
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2007, 03:30:53 am »
I have dreamed about ''RPG'' Elements on soldat.
I love RPG.And i think i need more games where are RPG and Shooting.
Thanks Ava i love you

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Re: Would you implement an RPG script on your server?
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2007, 04:37:47 am »
I wouldn't mind being vampiric ^n^

Although finding a server with this on that doesn't lag for me will be hard. Somtimes being in New Zealand sucks.
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Offline Avarax

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Re: Would you implement an RPG script on your server?
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2007, 05:41:07 am »
I think that this would majorly increase the cheating programs that would be made on Soldat.

If you can make this impossible, I could try, but truely this isn't The Soldat that I'm looking for.

wtf man? i think you didnt really get what this is all about.

I probably wouldn't play on it atm, because with all the spells and stuff it would take me too long to type stuff.
But I definitely would play on it if you released a taunt.txt to go with it.

well, all you need to do is to bind  a command for each spell category into your taunts.txt, since all spells of one category have the same command (/heal, /def, /off, /summon)
If you are too lazy for that, you could still stick to the static abilities which dont need a command to be active.

and if there was a server like this I would play but only if the levels and stats are saved for atleast a day because then u get a wrong map version bug and bam you have to start all over again (and I get that quite a lot)

read properly :P
"- Experience and levels are restarted with every map"

so it is basically like an evolved form of advance mode, you start at level 1 with every new round. levelling works quite fast, i just dont want to make it as time surging as those real RPGs. fast-paced and soldatish are keywords of this script, you know? :)
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Offline Zegovia

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Re: Would you implement an RPG script on your server?
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2007, 05:56:52 am »
This sounds fun, i hope it will work.... ;D

Offline Jæson

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Re: Would you implement an RPG script on your server?
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2007, 06:02:53 am »
This sounds and looks like an awesome idea.

If I had a server to call my own I'd definately support this script!

Great idea, hopefully we can see it in action whenever 1.3.2 hits the 'net.
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Offline crooksy

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Re: Would you implement an RPG script on your server?
« Reply #15 on: February 07, 2007, 02:15:40 pm »
Avarax you are a credit to the community. I would preffer to play clan wars imo, but this seems like a good idea to pass a few hours.


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Re: Would you implement an RPG script on your server?
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2007, 05:53:34 am »
I would like to try this one out. It sounds like something that I would enjoy.
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Offline Avarax

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Re: Would you implement an RPG script on your server?
« Reply #17 on: February 08, 2007, 08:47:59 am »
With this post, i want to introduce to you the EP calculation system of the script.

EP is calculated every time, you kill somebody.
The script then calculates the gained EP based on the enemys current level and the difference between yours and his/her level.

The calculation starts with a simple base EP value, based on the enemys level:
Level 1: 1000 base EP
Level 2: 1100 base EP
Level 3: 1200 base EP
Level 4: 1300 base EP
and so on...

Then, the base EP value is multiplied with a multiplier, based on the level difference.
It is calculated like this:
% Levelbonus = (4*Leveldifference) + Leveldifference³

Here are some examples for the calculation:
-Lvl 1 kills Lvl 1: 1000 base EP * 100% = 1000 EP
-Lvl 1 kills Lvl 5: 1400 base EP * 180% = 2520 EP
-Lvl 5 kills Lvl 1: 1000 base EP * 30% = 300 EP     
(Note: 30% is minimum value, actually he would only receive 20% of the EP)
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Re: Would you implement an RPG script on your server?
« Reply #18 on: February 08, 2007, 10:32:54 pm »
I dont have a dedicated server myself, but I'd like to try it.
Just for curiosity: how are you implementing the skill stuff? How can we activate it, how is it gonna disarm somebody? New features of the dedicated server?

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Offline Raithah

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Re: Would you implement an RPG script on your server?
« Reply #19 on: February 08, 2007, 11:06:55 pm »
Quote from: Wikipedia
Soldat ... is a side-scroller inspired by Liero and Worms, combined with elements from Counter-Strike and Quake.

I'd like to present that as my reason why Soldat shouldn't be an RPG. I mean, come on people : who's going to stop mid-way through fighting "Hey don't shoot me d00ds. I'm conjuring up some ammo to kick your butts.".

Yeah. I don't think so ;).

On a related note, how do you link a quote to an external page ?

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