Author Topic: Awesome Dodges!  (Read 6039 times)

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Offline Dizzy So 1337

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Re: Awesome Dodges!
« Reply #20 on: February 23, 2007, 07:07:39 pm »
SNA Gather fight last night.  3rd game, scores are tied and time is nearly out.  I'm starting to wonder what happens in a tie situation.

Kampf, I'm Bravo, Alpha dude is goin for the flag with me in hot pursuit.  He baaarely makes the sandbag in time to survive the  [M79] shot, so I whip out the  [saw] thinkin oh boy you're fucked now, buddy :D.  As I rush in just barely behind him, he snatches the flag, runs to the back wall and executes a PERFECT Backflip over my  [saw].  :o :o Goes on to cap ftw.

Coolest thing I've seen in a long time.  Seriously, it was like a total Jet Li type move.  Serious grats to that dude, I wish I had the demo  ;D
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Offline {LAW} Gamer_2k4

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Re: Awesome Dodges!
« Reply #21 on: February 24, 2007, 03:42:26 am »
I think Nuubia is a great map for dodging.  There's enough open space to move around in, but enough obstacles to evade enemy fire.  Some of my most intense captures involved me grabbing the red flag and dancing around the various islands while the enemies emptied their clips, then high tailing it as my teammates came in to cover me.

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Offline iDante

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Re: Awesome Dodges!
« Reply #22 on: March 04, 2007, 03:20:23 am »
whoa, this was awesome.
I'm playing on inf_warehouse, and i am at the top route in the middle. (the open space) I see a dude with a law and hes about to fire, so i backflip as he fires. The shot hit ground below me and WHEEEEEE, into the air i go. that was the first time i realized you can go onto the roof.

Offline Emperor

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Re: Awesome Dodges!
« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2007, 04:29:21 am »
In a knife only fight. (simultaneously agreed on a third party duel server)
We were in Shau so knife fight was a bit tricky anyway. I was winning the match about 20-6 or something like that.
This guy gets frustrated and picks up barret and starts camping in a bush. I saw his barrel stick from the grass and pointing at me. A bit bad situation to be in, when you're running around with only a knife. I just quickly rolled, he shot just over me. The roll ended up just inside the bush he was camping in. I must admit it was an accident but still totally hilarious. I tried to melee-knife him to death but I apparently knocked the barret off his hands and picked it up.
He got shot by his own rifle -> **** has left the game.

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Offline NinjaGimp369

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Re: Awesome Dodges!
« Reply #24 on: March 06, 2007, 08:40:50 am »
In a knife only fight. (simultaneously agreed on a third party duel server)
We were in Shau so knife fight was a bit tricky anyway. I was winning the match about 20-6 or something like that.
This guy gets frustrated and picks up barret and starts camping in a bush. I saw his barrel stick from the grass and pointing at me. A bit bad situation to be in, when you're running around with only a knife. I just quickly rolled, he shot just over me. The roll ended up just inside the bush he was camping in. I must admit it was an accident but still totally hilarious. I tried to melee-knife him to death but I apparently knocked the barret off his hands and picked it up.
He got shot by his own rifle -> **** has left the game.


So you pick up the barrett and dodge everyone else in the server waiting for the WHOLE thing to load and pwn him? nice moment then ;D

But when your holding a knife and meleeing sumone, you woudnt knock his weopen out of his hands, u'd stab the ****ing guy.
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Offline Emperor

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Re: Awesome Dodges!
« Reply #25 on: March 07, 2007, 10:20:02 am »
In a knife only fight. (simultaneously agreed on a third party duel server)
We were in Shau so knife fight was a bit tricky anyway. I was winning the match about 20-6 or something like that.
This guy gets frustrated and picks up barret and starts camping in a bush. I saw his barrel stick from the grass and pointing at me. A bit bad situation to be in, when you're running around with only a knife. I just quickly rolled, he shot just over me. The roll ended up just inside the bush he was camping in. I must admit it was an accident but still totally hilarious. I tried to melee-knife him to death but I apparently knocked the barret off his hands and picked it up.
He got shot by his own rifle -> **** has left the game.


So you pick up the barrett and dodge everyone else in the server waiting for the WHOLE thing to load and pwn him? nice moment then ;D

But when your holding a knife and meleeing sumone, you woudnt knock his weopen out of his hands, u'd stab the ****ing guy.

You might want to note that I said it was a DUEL SERVER. (referring to your "everyone else" point)

And according to the topic the main point of the situation was the dodge. Everything else there is just  added as extra info on where it ended up.

The knocking off his barret is the part I don't quite get myself. It COULD be that he threw it off but that makes no sense whatsoever, besides, my character made the punch move (yes, when wielding a knife. Don't ask me how)
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Offline iDante

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Re: Awesome Dodges!
« Reply #26 on: March 10, 2007, 04:37:48 am »
The knocking off his barret is the part I don't quite get myself. It COULD be that he threw it off but that makes no sense whatsoever, besides, my character made the punch move (yes, when wielding a knife. Don't ask me how)
THIS happens to me sometimes, I'll have a knife and I'll take out someones wep and not kill him... it sucks...

Offline lappakinderi

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Re: Awesome Dodges!
« Reply #27 on: March 10, 2007, 10:05:46 am »
I ran into the enemies base, took the flag then they respawned (in ash) I was gonna run LOW then I saw one guy with m79 and he shoots at me, I backflip away from the shot and change my AK to knife and throws it at his face, just as that happens a barret guy runs at me and shoots, I quickly prone and shoot him with my ak.
I proceed to run low until I come across a couple of minimi sprayers, 2 of them, They react to my precence swiftly and holds the trigger, I naturally duck for cover and thinks if a way to get out of this sticky situation, Then I look at my health and discover my nades. I rush forward, throwing nades and shooting with my ak, one of the dies and one gets injured, but eventually my AK bullet hits his head, killing him instantly.
I take a leap for the flag and when I am 1 in-game meter from the flag I get sniped..... :(

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Re: Awesome Dodges!
« Reply #28 on: April 11, 2007, 09:51:36 pm »
I like threw a nade and jumped over it.. man that was hawt.

Offline X-Rayz

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Re: Awesome Dodges!
« Reply #29 on: April 11, 2007, 10:20:18 pm »

I don't need to dodge, because by the time people see me, I am SHOOTINK DEM! N I KIL EVRY1 SO YA I ROOL.

Offline XRenegadeX

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Re: Awesome Dodges!
« Reply #30 on: April 20, 2007, 11:27:28 pm »
I remember in !Elite Snipe And Slice (Barrett/Saw/Knife Server), I was running in B2B, when there was a camper mid who shot, but I crouched. Luckily, he was aiming for my head, and missed. There was also another camper there, and I lied prone after that and he also missed his shot. I shot one of the campers, and 2 more came as I jetpacked into the air to avoid getting shot. Two others came, crouched down below me, and I did a superman dive. They followed me with their aim, and they shot, predicting where I was going to be, just as I stopped the dive by going out of prone. I killed one of them, and my teammates came, killing the other two that were there. I died a few moments later by a sniper from below, but it was still awesome.

I remember also dodging full clips of MP5s by just going up in a few Deathmatch servers :p.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2007, 11:29:09 pm by XRenegadeX »

Offline 2big4u

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Re: Awesome Dodges!
« Reply #31 on: April 22, 2007, 05:22:40 pm »
I just had a cool moment with dodging.

It was a CTF map, i dont know which one. Anyway, i just respawned, and as i ran to jump off the bunker, 4/5 red team players and 4/5 blue team players, started having like a huge fight. i joined. At first i barely escaped an rpg attack. i fell to the floor and rolled back, and an m79 grenade explodes in the area i just moved from. then as i jump up, another player tried to get me with the mp5. and i managed to weave through that mess, getting the other flag. and score a point. It was awesome, a very cool moment indeed. its too bad i dont have many of these.

Also i randomly shot an m79 grenade, and hit killed a dude outside my screen. lol.

Offline AuDio_ViSion

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Re: Awesome Dodges!
« Reply #32 on: April 25, 2007, 11:20:18 pm »
I usually dodge quite a bit when i do the "fly up high, land, roll once i hit the ground, then hit my fly once i come out of my roll so i don't lose momentum" trick

doubt im the only one who does it, but its a pretty awesome trick

also pretty funny when i hit em in the face with a m79 right afterwards  8)
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Re: Awesome Dodges!
« Reply #33 on: April 26, 2007, 11:30:29 am »
i was alone in alpha team with 5 bravo team players, so they all had
a barret... they shoot me and throw granades and they miss...only thing that helped me is that the map was big...

Offline Eric

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Re: Awesome Dodges!
« Reply #34 on: April 27, 2007, 05:15:02 am »
Lol nice, they must be noobs WoooHooo!
Eh, yeah this aint really a dodge but its pretty funny
I was playing i INF_Outpost right, there were two Bravo guys on the bridge (MP5 and Barret) I had a M79. The barret guy charged me since I was reloading but the MP5 guy was shooting into the back of the Barret guy so his aim got ruined. The Barret guy jumped up just when I shot (Lol nice dodge) but my shot killed the other guy! lOl


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Re: Awesome Dodges!
« Reply #35 on: April 29, 2007, 08:49:35 am »
yes they was noobs, and i was lucky :D

Offline KYB

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Re: Awesome Dodges!
« Reply #36 on: April 29, 2007, 05:26:31 pm »
These 2 guys had laws on Nuubia, and I was prone flying down to the red flag and they both shot at me, one went under and one went over. Like so:

Woah! o<-<::

It was pretty awesome :D

(unfortunately I ran into a spawn and got pwnt by like 3 or 4 ak+steyrs)
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Re: Awesome Dodges!
« Reply #37 on: April 30, 2007, 01:03:04 am »
The greatest dodge of all time is the barrett dodge of Project X video.

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Re: Awesome Dodges!
« Reply #38 on: May 05, 2007, 08:07:31 am »
on knife servers i do so many backflips lol, the best is when you run towards then, flip over them, then knife them as you fall back to the floor

Offline Sande24

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Re: Awesome Dodges!
« Reply #39 on: May 05, 2007, 02:01:25 pm »
I was in a knife server once...
There were two reds coming from both sides in a  tunnel.
They both threw their knives at me.
Before that i jumped up a little and went to prone position. The knives missed me from both sides and the reds hit each other.
One of them died, the other one went red. He still finished ma later.