Author Topic: Combustion Junction. =D  (Read 1132 times)

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Combustion Junction. =D
« on: February 18, 2007, 07:50:39 am »
One of my fondest moments was when I was playing on the one map (who's name I forget) where it rains with that hill in the middle and I was on the red team. It appeared as most of of my team mates behind were dead and the efc was literally looking to score. Something provoked me to throw a nade with some feeble attempt to hit him when obviously I was too far away to hit him. Improvising upon the moment, I timed the nade's explosion, turned to prone position and allowed my body to descend in mid air above where I threw my nade. It exploded at the perfect time, allowing me to not take too much damage and using my jets to push me ahead faster than I could have ran.

The EFC was seriously about 4-5 flag lands away from scoring when he was about to land on top of him. I'm use to using a m79 so like usual I anticipated where my shot was going to land and fired. Fortunately the shot fired causing my flag to land near the enemy flag. So I return mine as well as swipe theirs in one heart felt swoop. Like usual, I fire another m79 spot to the spawning area as I flee for a precaution. And I headed to the rear of their base since my motion was carrying me in that direction.

I'm aware that it was smarter to head back over the hill but with me, I'm vulnerable if I stop moving in my tracks even to head into reverse so I did as I would usually do and go whichever way kept me moving faster. It was all good until I believe that I was sniped underneath the blue base. ><

The reason why I love that moment was because of my use of the nade as well as my ability to retrieve my flag at a critical moment. What occurred before or after that matters little. And I doubt anyone else would have made such a big deal of it because my team was busy respawning and not a lot of guys on the opposing team give you credit for a good kill unless they are aware of exactly how it went down.

What awsome feats have you preformed with the use of explosives?
« Last Edit: February 18, 2007, 07:57:50 am by decoy. »
[FF|LL|HE[Cide/Decoy/Not Batman!:
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Offline NinjaGimp369

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Re: Combustion Junction. =D
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2007, 07:58:59 am »
Nice, Well explained. ;D I also use the nade boosting technique. Well, at least i try :P. Most of the time i just end up killing someone with it...
"You should've used the pythagoras theorum, b*tch."

Offline decoy.

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Re: Combustion Junction. =D
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2007, 08:01:59 am »
Thanks. It's rare that I can get that nade boosting technique on the go. Usually I have to hover over it and set it off with another explosive. Other times I try to repeat it, I end up landing too early to die by my own nade or just descend before I'm in range. Or I'll be in one of those moments when I miss the nade, too early and vulnerable in prone position for that split second, which could be used to dodge an expected barret bullet in the upright position from far away. XP
[FF|LL|HE[Cide/Decoy/Not Batman!:
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Re: Combustion Junction. =D
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2007, 09:19:27 pm »
When on an INF or CTF map, I know there are going to be M79-users chasing after me. I do so hate running for my life, so I figured a scapegoat to this. When they fire, and miss, I follow the grenade and hope I land in it's explosion range. Then I just get majorly boosted halfway back to base. From then out it's easy butter.

Climbservers help with dodging projectiles, at least I think so.
Miss your shots, miss your chance.