Author Topic: Soldat II / 2  (Read 26604 times)

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Offline Chakra

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Re: Soldat II / 2
« Reply #20 on: February 24, 2007, 12:03:06 am »
Gotta remember kids, this is just one fella developing the game here. The Soldat we know and play today has been in progress for 5 years come May.

Ever heard of a game called 'Space Empires'? ...theres a game thats been made by one fella. Made 5 versions of the game over the past 12 years. And Operation Flashpoint, a game devised by a pair of Russian brothers (I think), which took them 4 whole years to make. Think they just spent the past 6 years making a sequel actually called Armed Assault, or something like that...

These lonesome projects...they take quite a bit of time they do.
MM; seriously Chakra, stop the fisting
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Offline iDante

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Re: Soldat II / 2
« Reply #21 on: February 24, 2007, 03:51:30 am »
mm should like, hire enesce and some other dudes to help him out...

Offline The Bone Collector

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Re: Soldat II / 2
« Reply #22 on: February 26, 2007, 07:48:06 pm »
I thought he had! >_>
EnEsCe (from what I understand) was working on the netcode/net stuff, and FLAB had a hand in that somewhere....

Just another soul to burn.

Offline a-4-year-old

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Re: Soldat II / 2
« Reply #23 on: February 26, 2007, 09:35:10 pm »
yeah, but they never got paid, they might actually fix something if they got paid :X
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Offline Avis

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Re: Soldat II / 2
« Reply #24 on: February 27, 2007, 10:08:42 am »
- Preserving the simplicity and arcade style, the graphics would be more pixel art as a Metal Slug game
- Cross-platform support
- Registration free
Oh yeah, that'd be cool.
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Offline -Skykanden-

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Re: Soldat II / 2
« Reply #25 on: February 27, 2007, 11:39:33 am »
nice idea but i have a suggetion...
if have a new soldat game can put:
  - Rank
  - And more weapons, i will say to an specia lshop in the game, that can be more funny or uprgrade the weps
but i like more put ranks =P

Offline Clawbug

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Re: Soldat II / 2
« Reply #26 on: February 28, 2007, 09:56:07 am »
If you put rankings, everyone will play for them. Someone can camp all day and later shout in IRC: "YYA I AM FRIST D:DDDD"

-Should be made in C++
-Should be made with OpenGL + with e.g. FMOD(as already) or SDL.
-Should be platform-independet
-Map structure, chat/admin-protocol and such should be open.
-Some kind of a SDK would be cool.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2007, 12:00:00 pm by Clawbug »
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Offline gunblack

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Re: Soldat II / 2
« Reply #27 on: March 04, 2007, 04:17:06 pm »
ok this might be an old topic but what the hell here it goes

Maybe if there was a soldat II then they should make it like a Counter strike version not like the weps and sutch but i think the 3D part should be like CS you know what i mean... And if it would be like that... IT WOULD BE REALLY REALLY POPULAR! lol not like soldat isnt popular now but. :)

Offline VijchtiDoodah

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Re: Soldat II / 2
« Reply #28 on: March 04, 2007, 04:38:31 pm »
As popular as Tribes, perhaps?

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Offline iDante

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Re: Soldat II / 2
« Reply #29 on: March 04, 2007, 06:23:32 pm »
ok this might be an old topic but what the hell here it goes

Maybe if there was a soldat II then they should make it like a Counter strike version not like the weps and sutch but i think the 3D part should be like CS you know what i mean... And if it would be like that... IT WOULD BE REALLY REALLY POPULAR! lol not like soldat isnt popular now but. :)

3d is... complicated...
I think if there would be a soldat II there should be ranks and like... classes (snipeer gets a rifle, handgun and scope, gunner gets ak, handgun and nades.), more mission oriented and stuff like that

Offline gunblack

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Re: Soldat II / 2
« Reply #30 on: March 04, 2007, 09:10:39 pm »
that seems cool to i guess

Offline Zegovia

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Re: Soldat II / 2
« Reply #31 on: March 05, 2007, 07:14:47 am »
Sounds neat, How about reinventing the wheel while were at it!? ::)

Offline mxyzptlk

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Re: Soldat II / 2
« Reply #32 on: March 05, 2007, 12:15:51 pm »
No, It's not reinventing the wheel, it is modifying the wheel with tires that have foot-deep treads.

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Offline chains

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Re: Soldat II / 2
« Reply #33 on: March 06, 2007, 05:54:17 am »
ok this might be an old topic but what the hell here it goes

Maybe if there was a soldat II then they should make it like a Counter strike version not like the weps and sutch but i think the 3D part should be like CS you know what i mean... And if it would be like that... IT WOULD BE REALLY REALLY POPULAR! lol not like soldat isnt popular now but. :)
Why 3D and be like the rest? 2D is one of the things that makes soldat unique.

Why Soldat2? Just keep working on the current one and implement new stuff, all these things could be implemented in the current code and turned on or off as needed by a server host.

Things that could be done:
- Better UI (instead of delphi components make a custom interface framwork).
- Fully scriptable engine.

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Offline mxyzptlk

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Re: Soldat II / 2
« Reply #34 on: March 06, 2007, 07:27:55 am »
ok this might be an old topic but what the hell here it goes

Maybe if there was a soldat II then they should make it like a Counter strike version not like the weps and sutch but i think the 3D part should be like CS you know what i mean... And if it would be like that... IT WOULD BE REALLY REALLY POPULAR! lol not like soldat isnt popular now but. :)
Why 3D and be like the rest? 2D is one of the things that makes soldat unique.

Why Soldat2? Just keep working on the current one and implement new stuff, all these things could be implemented in the current code and turned on or off as needed by a server host.

Things that could be done:
- Better UI (instead of delphi components make a custom interface framwork).
- Fully scriptable engine.

Now, the scriptable engine is something I support 100%.

"While preceding your entrance with a grenade is a good tactic in
Quake, it can lead to problems if attempted at work." -- C Hacking

Offline -Skykanden-

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Re: Soldat II / 2
« Reply #35 on: March 06, 2007, 08:15:49 am »
ok this might be an old topic but what the hell here it goes

Maybe if there was a sold at II then they should make it like a Counter strike version not like the sold at and such but i think the 3D part should be like CS you know what i mean... And if it would be like that... IT WOULD BE REALLY REALLY POPULAR! Lil not like sold at isn't popular now but. :)
Why 3D and be like the rest? 2D is one of the things that makes sold at unique.

Why Soldat2? Just keep working on the current one and implement new stuff, all these things could be implemented in the current code and turned on or off as needed by a server host.

Things that could be done:
- Better II (instead of Delphi components make a custom interface framework).
- Fully scriptable engine.

that's true sold at is an good game because is 2d and it do more funny need repair problems and other things or put other things to more entertainment

Offline Rattle.Head

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Re: Soldat II / 2
« Reply #36 on: March 06, 2007, 07:02:25 pm »
soldat is perfect, another game you will never have more fun.

mi english sucks B)

Offline Therier

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Re: Soldat II / 2
« Reply #37 on: March 07, 2007, 03:12:28 am »
If they ever will be "Soldat 2" there is only two things what I want:

- No lag anymore
- No bugs anymore

Offline The Red Guy

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Re: Soldat II / 2
« Reply #38 on: March 07, 2007, 04:41:52 am »
ok this might be an old topic but what the hell here it goes

Maybe if there was a soldat II then they should make it like a Counter strike version not like the weps and sutch but i think the 3D part should be like CS you know what i mean... And if it would be like that... IT WOULD BE REALLY REALLY POPULAR! lol not like soldat isnt popular now but. :)
Why 3D and be like the rest? 2D is one of the things that makes soldat unique.

Why Soldat2? Just keep working on the current one and implement new stuff, all these things could be implemented in the current code and turned on or off as needed by a server host.

Things that could be done:
- Better UI (instead of delphi components make a custom interface framwork).
- Fully scriptable engine.

Now, the scriptable engine is something I support 100%.
Scriptable engine would be so awesome.

Offline [Mao]

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Re: Soldat II / 2
« Reply #39 on: March 11, 2007, 05:02:36 am »
I've always wanted a 3D-version of the game. Not necessarily 3D-graphics as such, but actual 3D maps. Anyone remember the old Amiga game Cannon Fodder? If they made a game like that for the Amiga like, what was it, like fifteen years ago, then I don't see how it could be hard to remake Soldier in that fashion today. It would add massively to gameplay. Think of the tactical possibilities when you're no longer limited to moving through only two dimensions. Other than that I wouldn't really want to change too much. The reason games vere so original and had so much more depth a decade ago was that they kept it all simple, they were innovative because the ideas evolved from working with simple, straightforward, general principles rather than cramming as much new stuff and features and graphics they could into them. Soldat is highly addictive because of its simplicity, so that element should most definitely be retained.