Server Talk > Server Help

Soldat server tutorial for linux

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./soldatserver &
doesnt work  with all servers.

./soldatserver -d
neither work on all servers.

screen ./soldatserver

The original post should be updated so it says 2.5.4 instead of 2.5.2 and 2.5.3, especially since  < 2.5.4 has that nasty hole


--- Quote from: sakae on April 21, 2007, 07:04:09 pm ---./soldatserver &
doesnt work  with all servers.

./soldatserver -d
neither work on all servers.

screen ./soldatserver

--- End quote ---

"nohup ./soldatserver &" may also work

./soldatserver > /dev/null &disown also works (it works without the > /dev/null, but then you still get output to the terminal... this may not matter depending upon your use)

I've started using this more lately since it is shorter and more straightforward than using nohup.

From what I undertand:

--- Code: ---nohup ./soldatserver &

--- End code ---
is functionally identical to

--- Code: ---./soldatserver > nohup.out 2>&1 &disown

--- End code ---


--- Quote from: Frenchie on March 10, 2007, 10:57:43 pm ---tried logging in with netcat and it does.
I can read all details sent by server, but I can't seem to send commands to it.

--- End quote ---

Can someone tell help/tell me on how to send commands to the server using netcat?  :)


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