This is my first map"pack" here containing really only 3 maps. I'll just call this my little "beta" mappack for now since there really aren't that many maps here. (download at the bottom)Dm_MummyDance (waypointed for your convenience -> by me): This map is probably the best out of these three. Basically, the battle takes place in and around a pyramid that has been overrun by terrorists, although they have been halted in firmly situating themselves inside the structure. The pyramid is suppose to have a mysterious feel to it although it doesn't quite fit that mood I innitialy intended for it, but this is rather a beta sort of version (almost done, just needs some fine tuning with waypointing and making it look more appealing).
Outside:Mid Section:Overview of 3rd version:Dm/rambo_Grungy (I know, nice title...): This map is pretty fun with the rambo match, but otherwise isn't the greatest. It's a smaller map meant for quick gameplay. I have to admit it to though that it is my first map and you probably will see that in the waypointing and just how it feels. Don't be too disappointed though, it only earned its way here because its somewhat enjoyable singleplayer with a rambo match.
In a Rambo match here:Dm/ctf/inf?_Infiltration: Don't play this single player and expect to have a good time but take a look at it anyways. This is my second map and requires waypointing (could do myself, but it seems to be too much of a hassle) but once again, don't be too dishearted because it
does have a little bit of waypointing for the red team and is
alright. Well good luck anyways...this map was just added because I made it and it wasn't the worst thing ever. I did take actual time on it
Screenshot isn't required...
Download links: Mappack (with version 1.0 of Dm_MummyDance):
Version 1.2 of Dm_MummyDance:
Version 2.0 of Dm_MummyDance (fixed poly texturing and colors): rapidshare asks for the "access code," type it all lowercase...)_________________________________________________
Version 3.0 Dm_Mummydance (Thought this version diserved some notes as to what I have fixed and changed):
Notes: Added and changed a lot of stuff on the map (including polygon coloring and stretching). Added different scenary to the entrance and outside and changed the lowest room to make it look more like a planning room and storage place. Also fixed up waypointing some more, so now this map works pretty well with bots.