I agree with Underworld on how both can look so different. The main change of course is that on the "modern" one, there is empty space outside of the level itself. They both look nice, but I dislike the photo hoster because the pictures always looks kinda small and not that great. Try using photobucket or something. Photobucket is nice because it gives you several options on how you want to let people view the picture. It's just easier.
Well, anyways, the map looks nice in both versions. This is just me but the map looks too typical for me; just the way the map is. When I make maps, I tend to try have layouts that are just a bit less typical. Take my Mummydance for instance =D. It's somewhat desertish and has an odd atmosphere. My map isn't made the greatest, but just the idea was somewhat different.
Edit: Mk, I looked the map over, and it is rather different than the typical map, so I somewhat take back what I said, but still, it could have a couple more distinguishing features. I personally like the more modern one a bit better