this is my (in progress) attempt to create a better Soldat polyworks manual
help, constructive criticism, (topic pinning), advice, etc. are accepted and hoped for I hope this guide helps when I am done with it
I hope this is easy to understand
to jump to a part you are having trouble on, press "ctrl + f" that's the
default "find" key command for windows. (not sure about other os's
[operating systems]) the find "words" will be written [like-this] after
the chapter name
1.teh cred's --- okay, first things first, I would like to credit a
couple of people. First, Michal Marcinkowski for making soldat. second,
Anna Zajaczkowski for making soldat polyworks, but not making a manual :P
Anna's the one who made this idea possible.
1. teh cred's
2. intro [intro]
a. general intro [gen-in]
b. polyworks intro [pol-in]
c. what is a map editor?[edit?]
d. why do I need this? [why-edit?]
e. *added just in case (n/a)
f. *added just in case (n/a)
3. interface [intf]
a. "file" [file]
1a. "new" [new]
2a. "open" [open]
3a. "open compiled" [open-comp]
4a. "open recent" [open-rec]
5a. "save" [save]
6a. "save as" [save-as]
7a. "compile to PMS" [cpms]
8a. "compile to PMS as" [cpmsa]
8a. "export" [exp]
9a. "import" [imp]
10a. "run Soldat" [run]
11a. "exit" [exit]
b. "edit"
1b. "undo" [undo]
2b. "redo" [redo]
3b. "duplicate" [clone]
4b. "clear" [delete]
5b. "select all"[all]
6b. "deselect" [none]
7b. "select by color"[color-plz]
c. "view" [view]
d. "window" [window]
*will finish toc later*
2. intro [intro]
---general--- [gen-in]
this manual was made because I had a hard time starting to make my maps.
I didn't know a thing I was doing, I couldn't do anything with waypoints,
I was a hopeless mess. I am hoping this will change that for other people
starting out with this application.
---polyworks--- [pol-in]
polyworks is the new *official* map maker for the super-awesome (if I may
say so myself) game "Soldat" it (obviosly) makes maps, but is kinda hard
to understand at first.
---what is a map editor?--- [edit?]
a map editor is for the people who don't want to settle with just playing
the game, but want to be a part of making it. it is almost like a journey
into programming, without the mind numbing jumble of c++ or other coding
---why do I need this?--- [why-edit?]
well, how are you going to make a map otherwise? say magic words and then
*poof* a map appears? I don't think so ;)
3. interface [intf]
---"file"--- [file]
again, help is necessary for the survival and completion of this guide, so HELP (please)
Date Posted: March 30, 2007, 04:14:59 PM
I'll be working more on this during the weekend (three day weekends YAY CHARTER SCHOOLS
) and at holiday breaks (I don't go anywhere then anyway)