Hi, i want to set zitro stat to my server. i wrote all the things in to the server from admin panel. But there is something wrong about connection with server. What is my mistake about that?
i want to*
i removed "/kills" and tried again. But it still didn't work.
____ _ ____ __ __
[__ ] |_ __] \/ \ Stats - Version 0.6
/ /| || || O )O | -------------------
/ /_| || || < | ©2005-09-29 by oLaf
o_zilla@hotmail.com http://zitrostats.sourceforge.net/==[ SYNCHRONIZE ]=============================
server 1 ( Soldat-TR CTF
ERROR: ftp_chdir failed!
==[ CLEAN EXPIRED ]===========================
expiredate: 2006-03-28 12:22:19
events before deadline: 0
==[ CALCULATING NEW ]=========================
parsing new events from 0 log(s)
==[ UPDATE DATABASE ]=========================
insert new done
delete old done
==[ CLEAN TEMP ]==============================
delete signatures 0
delete usage 0