There is an exploit related to the topic that I just edited out of iDante's post (it was probably the same one as in Lord Frunkamunch's). Rather than keep this thread open and have to constantly monitor it, I'll lock it and give you a few pointers.
Excruciator: your movement accuracy is fairly random, but the magnitude of it depends on the server's weapons.ini settings and, of course, your own movement. Higher values of MovementAcc mean that your aim will be worse as you're moving.
As far as I know, there is no predictable pattern (as opposed to, say, the pattern you find in CS). Although that may just be because nobody has ever looked into it.
*Side-note: iDante, I'm hoping what you posted was legitimate help and not the exploit we've seen, but you didn't describe it particularly well and it may have led some people to the exploit. If it was help, we appreciate it and I regret having to edit your post. If you purposely posted an exploit, consider yourself warned.