Took this from the "Soldat Moments" section in the topic "300 Reenactment" (which I wrote in with this block of ideas) and implemented the idea further here to draw more attention.
Idea based off of Kyklis' "Spartan vs. Persian" skirmishes with his friends
At the moment I have a few ideas pertaining the idea of a reenactment (and furtherly moving to a seperate mod entirely) which will make modded weapons for all secondaries.
At the heart of my idea, there are 4 weapons to choose from:
Short-Range/ Close-Combat:The Spear will be the spartan form of a short-range weapon, replacing the knife/chainsaw (the idea may be to have the spear replace the LAW and then tone down the damage, but history recalls that the spartans used the spear as a short-range weapon until it broke or was lost in the field, then the sword was drawn...who knows lol):
The Persian Shortsword will be the persian short-range/combat weapon o' course Wink This weapon could replace the knife/chainsaw respectively:
Long-Range/ Distance-CombatGfx have yet to have been created, these are only ideas.
Persian Shortbow [or]
Persian "Black Magic" 'Nades (was it a longbow?)
- This bow will probably replace the USSOCOM pistol secondary, and will be toned down in damage just a tad to allow multiple shots to impale the target and not guarantee an absolute persian victory over the measly spartans.
-Problems may arise in seeing two arrows being shot at once, though it heightens the effect of the spartans dodging capability
-Nades are an option...dunno if that seems fair (or even just?)
Throwing Spear/Greek Javelin(?)-The only problem with this is that the spear and the throwing spear may look alike...and one replaced the LAW while the other is a knife/chainsaw. Maybe the idea is to have history be changed (allow spartans to throw a spear rather then jab with it) and then change the Spear in the short-distance weapons to a spartan sword of sorts used in the film/in history.
Note: The "Black Magic" Nades could simply replace the old nades, thus allowing grenades to be used by both sides, or you could spawn nades only on the persian start side, and not spartan of any map...could prove difficult...
If you have more ideas or anything to lead me in a better direction with this mod I am all ears. Any suggestions you have to add, please feel free to mention them! I want any feedback, both negative and positive.
"Spartan vs. Persian" Game-mode (idea from Kyklis):-This sort of new rising game-mode uses (or so it was with Kyklis, i'm trying to only use secondaries, since it would be hard to come up with weapons to use just through watching 300) only secondaries as weapons. I took the time to look at modifying other weapons rather than just the knife and chainsaw as was Kyklis' idea. Furthermore, this mode emphasizes:
-No Jets
- Spartan forces should be outnumbered by the Persians (Alpha should outnumber Bravo or vice versa depending on who is who. Ideal number with around 10 people as Kyklis used would be 3 Spartans vs. 7 Persians)
-No 'nades (exception being the idea of "Persian Black Magic 'Nade" on Persia's start side)
-Persians: May not throw the knife (in this case sword) at the Spartans.
-Spartans: May not throw the chainsaw(spear) at the Persians...then again why would you want to? heh
-No primaries may be used (excluded from the choice of weapons) (this is only my idea, I dont know if primaries should be modded and then allowed. more of that later.)
-The weapon damage on both the knife and the chainsaw (sword and spear) along with the replacements for the LAW and USSOCOM (throwing spear and persian bow - up for debate still!) should be reduced gradually to compensate for a complete Persian victory, nor a complete Spartan victory. The reason being that the LAW vastly overpowers the USSOCOM hands-down, though the LAW has a reload time.
-Ammo count should be increased to allow extended gameplay (and reload times adjusted.)
So... whatcha got to say, hmmmmm??