Author Topic: [SC] Soldat Commander (v0.9 Beta 1) - Please lock  (Read 12250 times)

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Offline mikembm

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Re: [SC] Soldat Commander (v0.9 Beta 1)
« Reply #20 on: March 28, 2007, 01:03:32 pm »
That header is all bullshit anyways. Some people may not like certain parts and want to change them or remove them. And you know what - despite what your stupid header says they will.

If you want to create something and not have it modified by other people then this is what you should be doing. IMO, you should just remove the header because all it does is make you look ignorant.

Besides that, it's a great script, kinda lengthy but good none-the-less.

Offline Riax

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Re: [SC] Soldat Commander (v0.9 Beta 1)
« Reply #21 on: March 28, 2007, 04:49:45 pm »
Quote from: mikembm
That header is all bull**** anyways. Some people may not like certain parts and want to change them or remove them. And you know what - despite what your stupid header says they will.

If you want to create something and not have it modified by other people then this is what you should be doing. IMO, you should just remove the header because all it does is make you look ignorant.

Besides that, it's a great script, kinda lengthy but good none-the-less.

1) Read my post before making yours.
Quote from: Riax
All configuration is handled by an initialization file (SoldatCommander.ini)
Nearly every aspect of the script is configurable

2) "IMO," development of this script will continue as long as people have suggestions for new features. The whole point of Soldat Commander is that you won't need anything else. Indeed, I do still have a bit work to do before I come close to achieving that goal, but I'd like to see you crank out a working script that has all the features of SC v0.9 Beta 1 after only 5 days of experience with Delphi Pascal and 6 total hours of coding; that includes debugging and the complete rewrite I did to the config loader.

Also, I could give two sh**s less what you or anyone else thinks about any piece of code I write or the headers I include. I didn't write this script for the people who have the skills to do it themselves; I wrote it so that people who don't know jack squat about programming can enjoy the benefits of many different scripting features without the work involved in combining all the individual scripts it would take to build a feature list like mine.

P.S. I know I said that a new pre-release version would be uploaded a few days ago, but unfortunately, that didn't happen due to my computer's power supply burning out. What's more: I'm leaving for vacation on Friday, which means that if I don't have my computer back up by then, you'll have to wait a week before I can continue development. If, by chance, I am able to aquire and install a new PSU by the time I leave, I'll be able to access my computer through my server while I'm away and maybe crank out one or two pre-releases using my dad's laptop.
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Re: [SC] Soldat Commander (v0.9 Beta 1)
« Reply #22 on: March 28, 2007, 06:00:26 pm »
The whole point of Soldat Commander is that you won't need anything else.

So you are saying that you want to get the monopoly on Soldat scripts?
Should I be concerned and inform the cartel office? =)

But seriously, one day when SC becomes "big", one will have to go to the SC-forum, which will be build up around it because being in control of a forum is so cool, and plead for a new feature to be built in? And then some committee of arrogant forum administrators will decide that this feature is lame and dismiss it.

Also you wont have time to always maintain it. So it's better to allow people to modify it.

I know that most people will just ignore your license, but still it's an ugly piece of text at the top of the file and makes you look immature (in my eyes at least).
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Re: [SC] Soldat Commander (v0.9 Beta 1)
« Reply #23 on: March 28, 2007, 10:17:11 pm »
I think a lot of people (nub, mikembm, and others) are missing the point....

What Riax is trying to do is say that he doesn't want someone taking his hard work, modify the script a little bit, and then claim it to be their's. Is that so hard to see? He doesn't want to make a "monopoly" on Soldat scripts. (Besides, you can't have a monopoly on intellectual property, at least not this instance, since nothing is really being sold at all and competition wouldn't be thwarted by the common mechanisms that monopolies use to survive) Regardless, the header is there to insure (At least, make an attempt to insure) that no one steals parts of the script or takes unauthorized advantage of Riax's script. Nothing less, nothing more.

Sorry if this isn't "on-topic", but I felt that I needed to let you know the real intentions behind that header. If you'd like, you can suggest new features and Riax will surely add them if he thinks that (1) people will use them, (2) they will be useful, and (3) it isn't impossible to script.

Oh, by the way... Internet: Serious Business!

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Offline nub

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Re: [SC] Soldat Commander (v0.9 Beta 1)
« Reply #24 on: March 29, 2007, 05:51:05 am »
I wasn't talking about monopoly on intellectual property. What I mean is, that if he makes all other scripts redundant by his script, people will depend on him, and that's a quasi monopoly. And as I stated before, this license doesn't even allow you to add other scripts to your Soldatserver, since you couldn't do it without altering SC.

Programmers usually credit each other when they reuse each other's code. If someone doesn't credit your work, you probably wont be able to stop him from doing it with your header anyway.

[...] Riax will surely add them if he thinks that (1) people will use them, (2) they will be useful, and (3) it isn't impossible to script.

And that's exactly my point. People are dependent on the mercy of one person, who decides whether their features are worth adding.
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Re: [SC] Soldat Commander (v0.9 Beta 1)
« Reply #25 on: March 29, 2007, 08:06:44 am »
you guys are overrating this script... as if everyone would download the "Mighty Morphin' Soldat Commander"
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Offline nub

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Re: [SC] Soldat Commander (v0.9 Beta 1)
« Reply #26 on: March 29, 2007, 08:45:19 am »
I didn't start the discussion because of the script itself.
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Offline Ruxias

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Re: [SC] Soldat Commander (v0.9 Beta 1)
« Reply #27 on: March 29, 2007, 02:42:34 pm »
People are dependent on the mercy of one person, who decides whether their features are worth adding.

Firstly and most importantly, no one is making you use Soldat Commander. If you don't like it, then don't use it. It's as simple as that. Secondly, why add a feature if people won't use it at all? Thirdly, why add a feature that's completely useless? Fourthly, there are some things that would be impossible to achieve with the current scripting support. Those being said, I'd like to add that development of Soldat Commander can't continue perpetually, with things like real life needing to be dealt with first, so perhaps most of the things in that header will be changed when Riax decides he's done enough and lets people use it however they like. Until then, get over it.

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Offline nub

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Re: [SC] Soldat Commander (v0.9 Beta 1)
« Reply #28 on: March 29, 2007, 03:11:30 pm »
Firstly and most importantly, no one is making you use Soldat Commander. If you don't like it, then don't use it.

Yay, what took you so long to bring the all mighty "argument"?
Why do people use Microsoft(R) Windows(R)? No one makes them to do so. Is it such a brilliant piece of software?
The answer is dependencies. This company made almost everyone in the world dependent on its software.

Intentionally or unintentionally, you are doing the same (or trying to, since you'll never be able to prevent people from violating your license).

Secondly, why add a feature if people won't use it at all? Thirdly, why add a feature that's completely useless?

If one allows others to modify the code, he doesn't even have to deal with that.
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Offline Riax

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Re: [SC] Soldat Commander (v0.9 Beta 1) - Please lock
« Reply #29 on: March 29, 2007, 03:38:06 pm »
Read the first post.
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Re: [SC] Soldat Commander (v0.9 Beta 1) - Please lock
« Reply #30 on: March 29, 2007, 03:59:15 pm »
You are overreacting. We were just two people and the rest doesn't seem to care about it.

I will continue to visit these forums into the future, and an attempt at stealing any of my code and releasing it as your own will not go unnoticed.

This reminds me of all those "copy kills" ads in cinema before they start the movie. Very immature behaviour.
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Offline Riax

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Re: [SC] Soldat Commander (v0.9 Beta 1) - Please lock
« Reply #31 on: March 29, 2007, 04:10:37 pm »
Like I said before, I don't give two sh**s about what other people think of me. Calling me "immature" and "ignorant" isn't going to make me "see the error of my ways." I am who I am; nothing more and nothing less. The fact of the matter stands: I won't put forth effort in an attempt to satisfy people who continually criticize what I've created; end of discussion. Besides, there are much better things I could be doing with my time than reading forums and writing code.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2007, 04:14:18 pm by Riax »
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Offline chrisgbk

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Re: [SC] Soldat Commander (v0.9 Beta 1) - Please lock
« Reply #32 on: April 03, 2007, 08:41:28 am »
Locked at OP's request.

Kinda sad to see this go; while I would not have personally used this script, I thought it was a great idea for everyone who is unable to script, but wants that kind of easy drop-in functionality. To all those complaining about the license: if you don't like it, don't use it. It was a perfectly acceptable license, considering it was a beta and meant for bug finding/fixing; allowing users to modify it might prevent bugs from being found or introduce new bugs, not to mention that this script is(was?) very complex.

If you ever do feel like releasing this for those who do want it Riax, feel free to make a new topic.