Author Topic: Soldat - What went wrong?  (Read 11811 times)

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Offline echo_trail

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Soldat - What went wrong?
« on: April 13, 2007, 07:19:31 am »
Hey you guys.

I was playing the other day, and I came across a realistic CTF server, FF enabled. I didn't know it was, and upon storming the front with 2 other players I start shooting towards the enemy, when my one mate flies straight in my line of fire and get's himself killed. After that he goes completely mental, and he starts flaming me, as you know some players do.
Then he attempts to votekick me calling me a tk'er, and he tries to get the other players to hate me as well. However with no result, I was slightly damaged by the fact that no one in soldat gives a damn about anything. I thought to myself, "what is the matter with these guys? Why don't they support a fellow gamer?" I left shortly after..

Now I've been thinking, as a matter of fact there's a whole lot wrong with soldat. Not necessarily with the game itself, but with the people playing it. For one thing,
how can it be that hackers are allowed to stay in a game until they choose to leave themselfs? there used to be a time when everyone would votekick a guy the second they found out he was hacking, but now people don't really care. Is it because there are so many of them anyway?!

Another thing, why don't people support eachother? The game is so much more fun if you go about it as a team, and I don't just mean to gain tactical advantages. I also mean like talking ingame, and helping eachother out if someone's flaming one another. Well, they don't, they just go about with their own business, acting as if nothing has happened.

And this forum? I know there's a server with's name on it, and I know I choose to 'isolate' myself when I only play realistic, but still.. Shouldn't there be some feature on this page for people arrange battles in? I also know there's that CW section, but it's not really effective towards I-wanna-fight-you-right-now kinds of battles.

I may be way off on these things, but it just seems to me that there's some basic stuff that isn't right within the soldat community. What do you guys think? What don't you like about soldat?
Please don't flame the very game, but instead focus on the social behavior and such. Also, we all know one hacker's one too many, so also don't yell out about there being too many of those.

Speak your mind..
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Offline NinjaGimp369

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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2007, 07:40:40 am »
Completely agree.. bak in the good old days. There was no such thing a a noob. Everyone was fair, kind and excellent players. Also, back then, there weren't many games as unique as soldat apart from liero so people focused on playing soldat and thats how they got good. Nowadays, people have the distraction of other games (WOW, cs.. etc) so they only spend a fraction of their time playing soldat.

Which is why there aren't as many good soldatters today than back then.

I miss the old soldat life :'(
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Offline Sytrus

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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2007, 07:53:52 am »

I experience this a lot, it's the reason why I quit R/S gaming. It sucked because of such noobs.

I would always back up a player being flamed for no acceptable reason at all.
I am a team player, I miss it in Soldat,too. But I think, it'll never be back again...

Offline echo_trail

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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2007, 07:56:32 am »
I'm not sure if everyone were excellent players back then, but everyone was accepted for who they were on the field. There wasn't this hostility towards lesser skilled players as there is today, and could easely play for fun all the time without anyone flippin about it. Today there's alot of serious players around, and if you don't perform really good on the field, you'll get yelled at and flamed. That's a shame, I think. Even though I'm not a bad player, and these flames at most times aren't meant at me, I still think it's really bad karma, you know? the atmosphere in a server is ruined by that.

Ofcourse it's not all bad. there are many cool servers out there, and even more cool players. but it's always a random few that ruins it for the rest of them, if you know what I mean.

Oh, and Sytrus. Don't say it'll never be back again, not so soon anyway. If something is able to change from one thing to another, there's always a chance it might change back again.
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Offline NinjaGimp369

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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2007, 08:07:49 am »
Yeah, not everyone was good back then, but by comparing an average player back then to an average player today, you would notice a big difference in skill level and maturity.

This is the main reason I avoid pubs. But every now and then, I would join a pub just to have a laugh and there would be pubs packed full of cool players. We always have the closest games and just win by a tip. This is very rare though.

Most of the time now, there would always be at least one player going around spraying, camping and spamming and call everyone a (insert weapon name here)-tard, haxxor, or noob.

Back then, you would join a server and practically know every player in there... stuff's changed a lot.
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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2007, 08:09:58 am »
im agree in realistic all the tI'me appears one guy on your fire line and if you tk and say sorry vote to kick!
the same with the dedicated servers of that '' possible cheating '' i saw, they commit injustices  with the others only to be happy and fun.

Offline JohnCena

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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2007, 09:47:37 am »
Yes i agrre to some people really dont understand the basicisy of team play anyway shoouldnt soldat be fun idk whats so cool with hacking you get practicly no skill other people thinks ur a noob so hacking is stupid and what i dislike by soldat hackers ofcourse and people that cant go on if u kill them they say ur a hacker next the want to kick u and so on there is really something wrong
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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2007, 11:28:07 am »
I agree and concur. People these days seem to care less about fair and mature play. Hackers seem to never get voted off anymore, and I always do my part to get them off, but to no end. You rarely find someone in game who has respect for others. It used to be "Good game, guys." and now it's "AHAHA you noobs got creamed, losers."

Where da love at, Soldat? :(
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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2007, 12:29:17 pm »
Seek and you will find or however it goes...there are plenty of good of good among the bad, perhaps it's just the bad receive more attention and are louder than the good, who just want to get down with playing the game instead of throwing meaningless insults. This game works as a stress reliever and in that way some find it more relaxing to swear or vote kick for no reason, bullying and being a loudmouth make them feel better, they don't care about how other people feel it's all me me me.

I've spent a long time in the public servers being clan less and all and I've met plenty of good gamers out there who will always say "GJ team!" or "nice shot!" even to people who just shout and whine all the time. Not all of them belong to clans either.

It's borderline impossible to create a game that everyone will be peaceful, kind and serene to each other in, especially if the theme is shooting, maiming and killing with lots of blood and no swear filters. Just my two penny's.
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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2007, 12:53:44 pm »
One word: popularity. Back in the day soldat was a little known game that a few hundred people played and because of that "small" community there was more of the pure gaming experience. The more popular a game becomes of course the more idiots  come in but also the more distant gamers become. Which caused this community to divide into its little groups. To get away from the annoying kids, as well as to simply make a connection with people like themselves.  Also the fact that its free gives more reason for kids to be little pricks, if they get banned then they don't loose any money.(Of course plenty of servers adds to this as well) 

Take another game I play for example: Ultima Online. I played it back when I was 12, people were very nice to each other because the community was small. Heck a little bit before I started playing if you killed a female character it would be considered taboo. The larger the community grew the more distance people became and the common courtesy we gave one another was now all but gone. I moved to the free version of UO. Only to be greeted with people that will step on anyone to get a little gold or some ranking in the pvp scene.

How do we solve this? Simple, keep acting like you did when you first played.  Be kind to everyone that you can stomach. Say "Hi everyone" when you join a server. Bridge the gap that was placed by other players. Also encourage people to join the forums, that way people can really see what their fellow players are all about.

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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2007, 02:02:43 pm »
Soldat Expanded etc... everyone misses the "good old days" but theres no reason to be grumpy old men about it :P
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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2007, 02:23:00 pm »
You're going to meet all kind of people over the internet. Sometimes they are people you don't like and sometimes they're you're friends. This guy was a total ass. This has happened to me before too.

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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2007, 02:27:02 pm »
I always try to be nice to people as much as I can and although I agree with a lot of  what's been said - and although I can't judge the current soldat community against that of the "good old days" as I've only been playing a couple of years - I have to say that personally I think it's still a fairly cool community for the most part. Usually when I go into my favourite servers I see at least one familiar player that I know, and I get on well with a lot of them.

I agree with the comment about continuing to behave the way you always have done, even if everyone else is being an idiot. That's what I do, and it's held me in good stead the whole time I've played this game.

Besides, 90% of loudmouths are no good at the game so you can spend the whole match repeatedly blowing their head off. :P

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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2007, 02:50:32 pm »
a whole lot of douches play this game, a whole lot of them left during 1.3 because of the crap balance, maybe we should have some kind of fake update to 1.4 that we don't really talk about at all here that completely nerfs everything and totally sucks so we could have like a Major Genocide (pun intended) that would be awesome!

... i wonder if douche is filtered?... according to the preview button douche isn't filtered!
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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2007, 03:34:29 pm »
some cultures are just erm.. stupid.. Not calling any country  ::)
But we all know some people are highly frustrated and are terribly arrogant.

but wtf does it matter if someone calls you a tk'er... maybe 1 or 2 other people will vote yes, not everyone is that stupid to call you a tk'er.

Just feel free to use /mute a command used far too less. and RELAX, just don't care if someone calls you a noob or whatever. If you do mind, it might be even your own problem..
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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #15 on: April 13, 2007, 03:53:25 pm »
The only reason I still play Soldat in for the community. It's also one of the biggest reasons I play R/S. I actually suck balls, but I keep coming back to get my ass kicked because I like to play with the people who can pound me.

I always seem to have more better games than worse games. Today, I was play in D:S R/S server, and some kid with a minigun came in a started shooting my team. We killed him and votekicked him in under like 30 seconds.

I don't know what crappy servers you guys are playing in where you get this horrible impression of R/S. In between rounds you get to chat to the palyers and get to know them.

right now I am having the exact opposite experience echotrail is having. I am having more fun playing this game than I ever have.

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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2007, 03:56:59 pm »
I experienced 80% of the R/S community as

"OMFG Kick capper!"

It's just what I went through in R/S, so I quit and now I only play on Leo's servers and eC Trenchwars, sometimes I like some zombie on !Elite Zombie but that's it.

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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #17 on: April 13, 2007, 04:04:03 pm »
I'm going to blame Game Informer. They put Soldat as #1 on their list "Top 10 Games You've Never Heard Of", even though I had heard of about 7 of them. The best thing from that was that I found out about Street Bike Fury.
Anyway, I guess people just started flocking to Soldat. And not necessarily the polite people, the semi-literate 12-year-olds.
So basically, with the influx of new, somewhat annoying players, things just got bad.
Okay, so maybe it isn't the problem.
All I know is I usually end up saying "chill" to somebody in every game I play. That, and poking holes in their logic.

BTW, I spray to get the campers. As long as somebody's camping or using a Barrett, I'll spray. ;Q I'm not going to be a free kill.
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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2007, 05:38:04 pm »
I experienced 80% of the R/S community as

"OMFG Kick capper!"

It's just what I went through in R/S, so I quit and now I only play on Leo's servers and eC Trenchwars, sometimes I like some zombie on !Elite Zombie but that's it.

Yeah... I haven't seen a real bitchy person in like a month. That person a month ago was being purposefully racist, trying to ruin the game... But really, I don't see how you got so unlucky to have played in such crappy servers. It's too bad, R/S is one of the more fun game types.

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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #19 on: April 13, 2007, 05:44:59 pm »
Shouldn't there be some feature on this page for people arrange battles in? I also know there's that CW section, but it's not really effective towards I-wanna-fight-you-right-now kinds of battles

Sounds as if you'd like the IRC community - #soldat.realistic would be a good start