Author Topic: Soldat - What went wrong?  (Read 11816 times)

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Offline LeetFidle

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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #20 on: April 13, 2007, 06:40:32 pm »
I am so sick of people who say, OMG you yous ruger? you suck your such a noob.
or when i pwn them they get all mad and think im hacking.

whenever i hear someone say noob i warn them and then i kick em. just how i play.
Holy Poop!

Offline ultraman

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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #21 on: April 13, 2007, 07:04:52 pm »
Yeah, I'd encourage all of you to get on IRC and start hanging out with the real Soldat community. Gathers and clanwars are the best way to escape the random idiots you find in public servers.
#soldat.gather if you're Euro.
#sna.gather if you're a yank.


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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #22 on: April 13, 2007, 07:11:53 pm »
Irc community is great but the general community is still gonna suck unless people are actively being nice in the servers. Isolating yourself does not help the community.

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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #23 on: April 13, 2007, 08:31:32 pm »
i didn't feel like reading it all because i already know how u feel - i just wanted to say join privates and earn a reputation.  Then you'll be set with noobs like that - in fact, there prolly won't be these kinds of noobs since it's private.  Anyways sry if this has been mentioned...
Can't think of anything original to put here...

Offline SDFilm

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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #24 on: April 14, 2007, 09:32:17 am »
Aye, it could just be a problem with publics. Only yesterday I was playing on a pub server against the usual public crowd, then someone fairly decent joined, so I thought- 'ah, here's a better challenge..'. But soon he started calling everyone who used the M79 a noob, I didn't think too much of it because the M79 is pretty annoying, but shortly later he started calling me an asshole and a noob just because I knifed him and generally beating him, even though I was a fellow auto user.  ::)

It's times like that that make me think- "maybe I should start going to Gathers again....". Then I remember why I go to publics- It feels pretty demeaning to have to try and get a + on my name, like I have to prove myself; and slaying public players is good for relaxation. Having said that, maybe I should go and get a + on my name so that I can get a better challenge in Soldat instead of continuing this pointless one-man boycott.

To those of you who play in gathers regularly - is there really alot more sportsmanship and less whineing in gathers?
« Last Edit: April 14, 2007, 09:35:10 am by SDFilm »

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Offline BondJamesBond

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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #25 on: April 14, 2007, 09:56:36 am »
Ok look, probably the only reason our public servers are filled with noobs is because of the Gathers, private servers, etc.

Right, so one day the public servers were fun, where you rarely got flamed or vote-kicked for 'hacking'.

Then some guy, bless his heart, decided to spawn the Gather just as a kind gesture to the community. Clearly it was and still is a hit. But guess what, you have all the pros (the people who can type and read and control themselves) leaving public servers for these Gathers and other private servers.

Since you require some sort of brainpower to get into a Gather, that leaves all the illegible little kids toiling around our public servers.

The ratio of unintelligent to somewhat civilized people in pubs was probably something close to 3:2. Now it may just be 6:1 - because our private gatherings have robbed the smarter fellows.

If you get what I'm saying here

Quote from: †
Isolating yourself does not help the community.
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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #26 on: April 14, 2007, 11:05:36 am »
Since you require some sort of brainpower to get into a Gather, that leaves all the illegible little kids toiling around our public servers.
I'm sorry but that is a rather narrow minded attitude, don't drop everyone in the same pot. It's biased and insulting. Why should everyone who joins a Gather be considered smart or pro? You could easily join and still be the same idiot/ass wipe/fool you've always been...It's not a guarantee. Yes, I'm not in a clan, I don't join Gathers and I "toil" around the public servers, does that mean I have no skill, no brains and no manners?
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Offline echo_trail

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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #27 on: April 15, 2007, 11:42:04 am »
Never the less, he does have a point. The better players all go elsewhere, and that is a problem if you ask me. I almost always play in public server, but that's more because I like the freshness of it. Playing in private servers for some time is just way too boring. Besides, who dislikes a good slaughter? :)

Maybe the "pro's" should start checking out publics again, just to have an attempt at changing the low standart that exists.
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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #28 on: April 15, 2007, 06:03:37 pm »
I fully support this. This game was good when it was less popular because only good and nice players played.

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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #29 on: April 16, 2007, 12:50:16 am »
Agreed. However, we cannot dwell in what has happened. Yes, the popularity factor has been slightly damaging, even if it also had alot of positive effects. Fresh blood and such. The question still remains, though; How do we solve this thing? I know it seems way too massive a problem for any one of us to fix, and it probably is. But if we all work on it, then we might just have a chance.

Then again, this forum usually have no idea, what so ever, of what it means to stand united :/ Yet, at rare and certainly outstanding times, we have just been able to do exactly that. Whenever somebody's had a terrible personal thing, opening their heart and all, we usually back'em up and try to support. Why shouldn't we do so with soldat as well?

It's not about preaching whenever you join a server, or only play in publics from now on. It's about changing your attitude, and make a fine example for the newcomers that'll only learn from the guys better than them. Don't you see?

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Offline BondJamesBond

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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #30 on: April 16, 2007, 08:56:35 am »
How would this work if Soldat implemented:

A Report IP/User System
Universal GMs


Yes, I know a LOT of people would abuse the report system, it happens in other games as well. But I'm sure there are ways we can work around this. What about 1 report every 36 hours.

Also GMs who have limited admin capabilities in every server. By limited, I mean they can only kick or ban players. GMs will be needing nothing else.

I also realize that there will be abusive GMs. But with some thorough planning and thinking maybe these could be a possibility.
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Offline iDante

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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #31 on: April 16, 2007, 09:05:48 am »
I love pubs because of the heightened sense of überness they give me. It's a compliment if someone votes me for hacking (happened in u13 TM yesterday) because then I know that I rock so much that they think I'm cheating. If the vote succedes (sp?), then I go find another server, no harm done.

Offline NinjaGimp369

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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #32 on: April 16, 2007, 09:08:40 am »
I love pubs because of the heightened sense of überness they give me. It's a compliment if someone votes me for hacking (happened in u13 TM yesterday) because then I know that I rock so much that they think I'm cheating. If the vote succedes (sp?), then I go find another server, no harm done.

True, it feels good when someone tries to kick you for hacking. You realise just how good you are.
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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #33 on: April 16, 2007, 10:36:49 am »
I agree with you on those points. There is alot wrong with some of those in the community of soldat that make the game for me less enjoyable. Of course I am aware that I am in no way as good a player as others here are, even on occasions when my frame rate is steady. I even have no problem being bested by one or more people grouped or simotaniously. Personally I enjoy the challenge of the better player. However, when things become too out of hand and things appear to get one sided with any one who would help showing no resolve, then that is when soldat in the moment becomes something I could care less to play.

Like for instance when its a team equalibrium situation in regards to how many versus how many, unless I am feelin up to the challenge, for the most, I would request that the team that I'm on, short a few by their numbers, be evened out with the opposing team. Basically always when my opponents team is either short of people or have numerous players AFK, I volunteer to switch, half the time without mention. Yet I find myself spotlighted and taken advantage of when I request it for my team when the imbalance of numbers is drastically overwelming for my teams numbers as well as skill. This provoaks me to simply up and leave a game that I was enjoying. If someone is camping or spawning, I have no problem with it, all I do is rectify the situation if I am capable by taking out the opposing camper. I'd also advised team mates to do not camp where they were for tactical reasons as well as reasons for their own safety regardless of the fact that they have barretts. I would go on but I already sound like I'm boosting my ego or something similar of a boastful nature.

Anyway when I fall upon situations where little care to take reason into a situation with me accused to be the suspect (playing the victim by being banned) it does get to me. I'm surprised that some do not take into thought that maybe if you popped up around the corner near an enemy and a shot was taken for the teammate to get hit, a team kill was going to happen. I know there have been a couple of those situations where I have been the culprit by circumstance (originally persuing an opponent) as well as startled once as an ally popps up from either a bush or is bleeding to resemble a red player (and I do get thrown off guard by bloody blue people). Then comes the accusation of purposely played betrayal. Accidential deaths are expected when a game has team kill avalable correct?

My point is there that too many are too quick to abandon reason and reasoning within the situation to resort to profanity before attempts to kick one another from the game. Few are supportive of their other players and...bah. It's all stressful attempting to have fun. -_-

Date Posted: April 16, 2007, 11:34:38 AM
I love pubs because of the heightened sense of überness they give me. It's a compliment if someone votes me for hacking (happened in u13 TM yesterday) because then I know that I rock so much that they think I'm cheating. If the vote succedes (sp?), then I go find another server, no harm done.

True, it feels good when someone tries to kick you for hacking. You realise just how good you are.
I love those moments at times. But then I get bored and stroll about both bases unarmed for the fun of it, seeing how long it takes til an unarmed man with no nades can get killed. XD
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Offline echo_trail

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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #34 on: April 16, 2007, 12:06:54 pm »
Ey, Decoy. You set a fine example, no doubt. People, that's what I'm talking about..
be a respectfull player, it's not even that hard. And also you don't have to be an ass in order to have perfect fun with the game. I actually find it that acting respective enhances my level of enjoyment, so I really encourage you guys to act it out as well. I mean, c'mon peops. It's soldat and it's future we're talking about.

Thanks Decoy. That was a nice input.

How would this work if Soldat implemented:

A Report IP/User System
Universal GMs


Yes, I know a LOT of people would abuse the report system, it happens in other games as well. But I'm sure there are ways we can work around this. What about 1 report every 36 hours.

Also GMs who have limited admin capabilities in every server. By limited, I mean they can only kick or ban players. GMs will be needing nothing else.

I also realize that there will be abusive GMs. But with some thorough planning and thinking maybe these could be a possibility.
I like your idea, but I also think needs alot more time on the workbench. Like, who would we report to? And what would they do about it?
The problem is that we don't have a n all together soldat-players database. Some site you could go to, and you could find data and status pn every player. I know it's almost impossible to make such a thing, but it sure would be delightful.

As for now, the only thing you can do to keep your server perfect, is 'hire' a bunch of trustworthy admins, to render your server supervised as often as possible. A little similar to your idea about letting some people have admin acces to all servers, 'cept I think it would get out of hand fast. besides, who would choose them? It's easy enough with the realistic society, because we're all down and tight, but it's different with normal mode, since it's so much larger.

I fucking miss all you cunts!

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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #35 on: April 16, 2007, 01:35:12 pm »

This is a long post
-> If you're quoting me, or just have intrest in it, please read the whole post :).

I've been in the community for quite a long time, somewhere before the secondaries were implemented in Soldat. I can tell you for sure that the problem explained in this topic exists for all the time I've been here yet. And during that time it didn't grow strong or died down, it's still the same as a few years back, so there's no reason for panicking.
The amount of 'noobs' (in the bad meaning of the word, not the "newbie" meaning) is also still the same as it was before. Even more spectacular, the term "<weapon>-tard" has died down alot lately, I can tell that forsure.

There are a few reasons that create the "Soldat-Community-Abandoning"-feeling.
One of them is the fact that, once you start integrating in the Soldat Community, you make alot of friends. That's simply because at first, the community seems so big you only choose a few people with which you "hang out". This can be by being in a clan or by launching projects for the Soldat Community, for example. After a while, those friends which you know very well, will leave Soldat and lose contact with you. This usually happens after a year or so. At this very moment, you'll feel as if the Soldat Community is falling apart. In fact, there are more new devoted players every day than there are people leaving the Community.
Another reason would be the enormeous growth of the Soldat Community, as † already explained. Since there are alot more players in the Community than ever before, it gets harder to grow a good friendship with particular members of the Community. I can can easily illustrate this with the diffrence between a big city and a village. In a village you won't necessarily know more or less people than in a city (that depends on personality preferences), but you will know the people in a village alot better than those in the city, no doubt about that. If that village starts growing to a city, you'll get the feeling that you're growing old and that youth is taking over society and all. That's exactly the same feeling as this topic is all about.
And a third reason I can come up with at this moment is that some players with this feeling will start isolating themselves in secret servers, websites and so on. This way you'll get the 'village-feeling' back again, but you'll also take it away from those you did not include in the secret server, website, ... (=village).

Also, the 'real community' isn't positioned inside a signle IRC channel, website, soldat server or anything. The 'real' community doesn't even exist. The Soldat Community is everything regarding Soldat combined (The websites, the servers, the forums, the IRC channels, the clans, ...) nothing less and nothing more than that. Take one part away and you're not talking about the Soldat Community anymore.

Those are just some simple reasons I can come up with at this moment.
I usually don't post in topics like these, since they're pretty much about the experience one has in life and I think it's better to get the experience by yourself instead of someone chewing it for you.

Grtz, DePhille
« Last Edit: April 16, 2007, 01:37:59 pm by DePhille »
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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #36 on: April 16, 2007, 03:16:07 pm »
...once you start integrating in the Soldat Community, you make alot of friends... After a while, those friends which you know very well, will leave Soldat and lose contact with you. This usually happens after a year or so. At this very moment, you'll feel as if the Soldat Community is falling apart.

So true.  I've been a part of the community for several years now and it feels like the Soldat Community has drifted away with all the great people we used to know.

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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #37 on: April 16, 2007, 03:32:21 pm »
Vijcht I get that feeling to sometimes, but I have learned to just make new friends over the years. Not in just soldat mind you, other games and in real life.

Also let me just add one way of showing some support to your fellow player is to tell them "good work" if they did something to help out your team. I used to do this on occasion after a cap in ctf a while ago. Now I am starting to do it alot more and it does help you get into the game. Course anything is better then trying to argue stupid mistakes someone made.

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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #38 on: April 16, 2007, 04:12:34 pm »
The only reason (except some soldat friends that stopped playing) i miss the "good ol days" (not as a hardcore veteran as some of people, but 2,5 years or so) because back then i had a lot of idols in soldat, people i looked up to :). Some of them still better than me , some stopped playing , some i surpassed :D. But i can compete with all of them , and that sometimes gives me a bad feeling :). So actually i miss the days when i was getting introduced to the irc community and stuff , because i was lost in all that flood of clans and channels ^^.

enough of my rant  ::)

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Re: Soldat - What went wrong?
« Reply #39 on: April 16, 2007, 06:11:01 pm »
The problem my friend is too many servers dividing everyone.

Why were the 'good old days' so good? less servers. People identified with certain servers, frequented them with others, and enjoyed playing with others they played with and talked to often. When a game involving teamwork becomes impersonal, it loses that touch of spice.

Passworded servers are a good answer, but simply don't work. Take the forum's server... if you make it public, it's flooded with unknowns fighting unknowns. Password it, and it's empty, and any sensible player will simply join the next random pub. Unlike U13 back in the day when it was just the one passworded server, almost always full. It was like the forum's server of it's time, before DNA.

Theres also the 'sub communities'... fractured and the frac servers, soldat gather, Leo's real mode, the R/S community...they benefit from smaller communities, less option, their niché in Soldat frequently populated with familiar names and enjoyable gaming.

Your fix for this? just don't pub randomly. It's not easy with so many options and little way to identify with servers, or finding the various sub communities frequenting the same places. These forums unfortunately suffer from no fixed communal playing area though, which is a bit of a shame...
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