Author Topic: Awesome run  (Read 1000 times)

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Offline Dr3ad

  • Major(1)
  • Posts: 14
  • Dark, Mysterious l am the Dread
Awesome run
« on: April 22, 2007, 09:49:31 pm »
Well i was playing in ga3 when l just got this rush and knew i was about to go on an epic streak and l think as my man -dtp--> Product will verify it was something else blasting fools left right and centre. Had the old barret [Barret] out blasted one :o, switched to knife [knife] and pinned this guy to the wall, regained knife hit another one then picked up his stery aug [AUG] and went on a rampage, once i reloaded that twice i switched back to the barret then boom headshot on some guy completely unsuspecting it. The streak wasn't over yet oh no got the flag as 5 red's descended on me boom, one down, hurled the knife and another was down, picked up his deagles [DE] bam bam bam the rest fell like flies under the swatter that was the dr3ad got home to base planted the flag [Bravoguy] and knew i'd just accomplished something. Anyone else get that feeling? write back to your man dr3ad. ;D


The soldier turned around. The last of many who died in the war for mankind, a smile rising up on his face but then he heard it, a low rumbling roar coming from the depths of hell and then he realized.................the Dread were coming.