Author Topic: Revoke t's Moderator rights  (Read 9837 times)

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Offline Rambo_6

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Revoke t's Moderator rights
« on: April 26, 2007, 12:17:10 am »
This is a serious post.   :-X

He's been deleting posts by me, which may be slightly silly, but are nonetheless kosher. It's like he's purposely being an asshole to me alone. Read half of the posts he's deleted and i think you'll find that he's been a bit overzealous. There are way more offtopic posts and flames that are given no attention, so why not focus on them too? Or maybe lighten the **** up and realize i'm just having a bit of fun? I doubt any of my posts are offensive or annoying to many people, even if they are at times sarcastic or cynical.

If i should be doing this via PM, please tell me. I personally would like to know some of the opinions of others though.

After all, his rights were given after the fact that a bunch of other moderators deemed him unworthy of the status.

And by the way, i'm trying to make this as impersonal as possible. Just don't like my shit being tampered with.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2007, 12:22:30 am by Rambo_6 »

Offline FliesLikeABrick

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Re: Revoke t's Moderator rights
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2007, 12:30:12 am »
I generally look at the posts deleted by moderators.  I have to admit that most of the ones that he deletes by you are often spammy or off-topic.. but there are some that are not fit for deletion.

I'll urge all moderators, not just t, to think twice before deleting someone's post.  If you're not sure, leave it alone and post in the moderator forums about it so we can make a better-informed decision of what to do.

In general, the posts of yours where you're like "stop deleting my posts!"... he has a right to delete those.  You should talk to him or an admin in PM instead of cluttering up the threads with drama.

Offline Rambo_6

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Re: Revoke t's Moderator rights
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2007, 12:39:44 am »
They aren't spammy to the point where they'd ruin a thread. It's just harmless fun. Sure, in some cases i'll be a bit of a prick, but most of the time i post what people are afraid to say, or would rather not say for whatever reason.

This place gets so boring without some more fun posts to read. I'm tired of reading the same old boring debates about what soda is better, or what you think of communism, or whatever. When posts start being deleted because a moderator dislikes certain users, or because a post becomes too "edgy" then stuff like this happens.

Ugh. Whatever. Go ahead and keep your lackey.  :(

If you're not sure, leave it alone and post in the moderator forums about it so we can make a better-informed decision of what to do.

Also, this is a bit offtopic, but is it true that the admins/mods have their own sekrit porno forum?
« Last Edit: April 26, 2007, 12:44:38 am by Rambo_6 »

Offline FliesLikeABrick

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Re: Revoke t's Moderator rights
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2007, 01:48:34 am »
They aren't spammy to the point where they'd ruin a thread. It's just harmless fun. Sure, in some cases i'll be a bit of a prick, but most of the time i post what people are afraid to say, or would rather not say for whatever reason.

This place gets so boring without some more fun posts to read. I'm tired of reading the same old boring debates about what soda is better, or what you think of communism, or whatever. When posts start being deleted because a moderator dislikes certain users, or because a post becomes too "edgy" then stuff like this happens.

Ugh. Whatever. Go ahead and keep your lackey.  :(

If you're not sure, leave it alone and post in the moderator forums about it so we can make a better-informed decision of what to do.

Also, this is a bit offtopic, but is it true that the admins/mods have their own sekrit porno forum?

I'm not saying I disagree with you, and I urge all moderators to lighten-up a bit on what they delete, especially in the lounge.

Offline n00bface

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Re: Revoke t's Moderator rights
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2007, 03:38:35 am »
All moderators are lightened up in their discretion on what should and shouldn't be deleted.  The only posts that are ever deleted are deleted by Gram.  I was going to bring this up in the Moderator forum tomorrow because it's been this way for a while.  And there's also that whole crusade against necroposting which doesn't make any sense at all.  Better to use an existing topic rather than create a whole new one.  Instead, they get locked.  Oh well.

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Re: Revoke t's Moderator rights
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2007, 07:18:55 am »
I must say I agree with Rambo_6 for once.
IMO, † is really going insane with his rights. He is very trigger happy when it comes to deleting posts. A portion of what he does is good, I admit, but as Rambo_6 says, he frequently over does it.
Just about every new topic I go into has him somewhere in it saying the typical "Spam by whoever removed"
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Re: Revoke t's Moderator rights
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2007, 07:25:52 am »
His status won't be removed, so I'll just hope he dies.

Long live Nazi-Communism!

Offline Rambo_6

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Re: Revoke t's Moderator rights
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2007, 07:45:12 am »
^I know it's wrong, but i'll admit i had a good chuckle at that.

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Re: Revoke t's Moderator rights
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2007, 12:46:13 pm »
Deleting 2 off-topic posts in a debate thread is wrong? Holy heck maybe I should rethink my entire outlook on life!

Offline FliesLikeABrick

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Re: Revoke t's Moderator rights
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2007, 02:08:28 pm »
Deleting 2 off-topic posts in a debate thread is wrong? Holy heck maybe I should rethink my entire outlook on life!

If there is someone trying to bring a thread off-topic, don't immediately jump in and say "zomg delete!" start by just posting and saying "please keep this thread on topic" and don't delete anything.

If someone still posts off-topic after that, quote their post, say "Off-topic post deleted" and then delete their post.  If you just delete it, everyone wonders what you're up to.

If your deletion was justified, everyone will see that (since you quoted the deleted post) and you have nothing to worry about.  Your judgment may not be completely wrong, but the procedure you use isn't the best and some minor changes will fix that.

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Re: Revoke t's Moderator rights
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2007, 02:21:12 pm »
"Totalee kikz hm h3 gve m33 4 wrning!"

† is fine as a moderator, hes a bit Iron fisted with the lounge, and? do we strip him down from his position just for that? No. †, you should be a mod, just don't spaz out on posts.

there is a seekret forum! how do you explain chakra being "active"

Oh shit! am I allowed to say that?!?!
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Offline Graham

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Re: Revoke t's Moderator rights
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2007, 02:54:46 pm »
Deleting 2 off-topic posts in a debate thread is wrong? Holy heck maybe I should rethink my entire outlook on life!

If there is someone trying to bring a thread off-topic, don't immediately jump in and say "zomg delete!" start by just posting and saying "please keep this thread on topic" and don't delete anything.

If someone still posts off-topic after that, quote their post, say "Off-topic post deleted" and then delete their post.  If you just delete it, everyone wonders what you're up to.

If your deletion was justified, everyone will see that (since you quoted the deleted post) and you have nothing to worry about.  Your judgment may not be completely wrong, but the procedure you use isn't the best and some minor changes will fix that.
I have tried to mod with a light touch like you, I just don't work that way.

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Re: Revoke t's Moderator rights
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2007, 03:28:23 pm »
I agree, maybe you should be a little more lenient.
Now, you are an active moderator, and I respect that, but you shouldn't delete something that isn't all that bad.

For instance, if you see a post that says, "Zomg, wen si 1.4 comming outt??!?!???!???!?!?", you should delete it, but if all it says is something like "that guy looks stupid.", which is the area that most of rambo's posts float, you shouldn't delete it.

Also, I think youshould take FLABs advice and warn before deleteing

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Re: Revoke t's Moderator rights
« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2007, 03:41:02 pm »
Alright well lets see if you guys think I should have left his posts alone.

These are from a debate topic asking people to debate whether two wrongs make a right. The topic starter used an example of if someone kills your daughter, you kill his. These are the two replies I deleted:

If someone kills your daughter, then steal their boat. 8)

Two spams by Rambo_6 deleted to not make a right.


Offline FliesLikeABrick

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Re: Revoke t's Moderator rights
« Reply #14 on: April 26, 2007, 03:47:35 pm »
the first one you should have left.  It was on-topic (do two wrongs make a right?). it was in the lounge, it was kinda funny... and it was in the lounge (again).

The second one was his fault.  He should contact you or an admin via PM if he has a problem, not spam up a topic with it.

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Re: Revoke t's Moderator rights
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2007, 03:49:11 pm »
Actually, you probably should have left the first one alone.

After all, he was explaining that, although you don't have to do the same thing that he did, you could do something equal (such as steal their boat) to make it equal.

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Offline n00bface

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Re: Revoke t's Moderator rights
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2007, 03:50:56 pm »
However lame the joke is, it's still relevant.  The forums aren't here to cater to your sense of humor, they're here to provide open discussion for the Soldat community.  The Lounge has been more laid-back since the Bash Pit was removed, but you've managed to make posting there a tenacious task once again.

Here's another post you deleted that was completely relevant -
Also, why the HELL would this game be abandonware?! Geez.
Because the game is so bad and undeveloped that people just thought that whoever wasted their precious life trying to make it good would have given up by now.

Seemed like a very legitimate reply to me.  You are making it a requirement to post something constructive to a thread.  Just because something is not constructive does not make it spam.

Offline Rambo_6

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Re: Revoke t's Moderator rights
« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2007, 03:51:49 pm »

I have tried to mod with a light touch like you, I just don't work that way.

Then maybe you shouldn't be a moderator of one of the most leniently moderated forums? I'm sure there are much stricter forums that could use your special touch of vigilance.

However lame the joke is, it's still relevant.

That's how i roll.  8)

Also, interesting fact... t is the only moderator with an insanely negative karma.  [retard]
« Last Edit: April 26, 2007, 03:55:46 pm by Rambo_6 »

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Re: Revoke t's Moderator rights
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2007, 04:02:20 pm »
I gotta agree, I don't think the first post should have been removed.  After that it was game on though.  [retard]
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Offline Rambo_6

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Re: Revoke t's Moderator rights
« Reply #19 on: April 26, 2007, 04:25:18 pm »
Of course. At that point i was just annoyed that he removed post one to begin with, and i didn't really care if i got a slap on the wrist for it. At least then i'd have truly deserved it