Author Topic: New Take on Soldat 1.4  (Read 1126 times)

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Offline Blue-ninja

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New Take on Soldat 1.4
« on: April 29, 2007, 06:57:01 pm »
Soldat 1.4, as FLAB says, is under debugging mode. You can't have enough beta testers for this job.
A flood of reports of bugs will ensue. But first, let's take a look at what's different about soldat 1.4

The Gamma option has been added to control how bright soldat will be in-game.
'Esc' Menu is different, with control scheme displayed aboe the menu.
Fonts are slightly bigger and text gets small when typed long enough. Mod it to 1.3.1 helps.
Kill console colors are different.

Color schemes for console:
YELLOW = x has left the game.
YELLOW = Server message.
PINK = BattleEye message.
YELLOW = x has killed himself.

Weapons.ini for realistic added.
Graphics looks softer, and texture looks modern.
Saw is longer, and clip size is increased.
All other weapons graphics looks different.
Bullets are fatter, which makes for some very distracting images and laggy servers.
Server packets are still the same, which is the cause of a new wave of lag.
Improved airpirates map.
New languages in txt folder.
Bots now have slightly different taunts and the b-word is now censored. (But still can be changed.)

Maps & Bots:
Poly's opacity option is added.
I don't know if the bots are smarter or not. They are still as entertaining as ever.
Waypoints seems make bots faster now.
Bots still doesn't fire at people when they have the flag.

More will be added, I don't have much time left.


  • Camper
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Re: New Take on Soldat 1.4
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2007, 12:51:45 am »
I was kinda bummed to see your packet topic locked so fast. I still have registery issues and im on a good line with a good ping. Im too lazy to take and post demos but there is something for surely wrong going on with it. I even did some research on RWIN, MSS, etc all my settings are optimal game play is not. I had my line tested for packet loss through my ISP. None exists. QoS numbers are better on DSL then cable usually because cables shared so much. Im on DSL.. I tried to blame my PC and everything else but Soldat itself but not me or even a certified professional can try and point our fingers anywhere else. I sent various info on packet research to MM and was told it would be improved this version yet dont see it. I do see the same nades shots etc not registering on players with same 50 and under pings. Even on a tech forum the guys there pointed to the games structure. (

For those doubting I actually had a profesional come out and test my line.. Im 24, have my own place, pay my own bills, and while some may think im too old to play games its better then going out and getting sloshed when someones looking up to you. I wouldnt make this up.. the problem exists, believe it or not.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2007, 01:00:50 am by GAMEOVER »

Offline The Geologist

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Re: New Take on Soldat 1.4
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2007, 01:26:27 am »
You had a "professional" come out and test your line because 1.4 wasn't working right..?  All I have to say   [retard]

Anyhoo..I'm diggin' the new saw.  I would add more, but the original list covers it pretty well..a few minor issues, but overall I'm happy with the new version.  Especially that longer saw ^_^
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Offline fishfood

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Re: New Take on Soldat 1.4
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2007, 01:29:15 am »
Bullet size shouldn't influence lag in the least.  Just computer lag.

Offline Will

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Re: New Take on Soldat 1.4
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2007, 02:15:07 am »
Most of the people here don't really know what lag is...
I remember that famous quote in someone's sig about taking the lag out of the new version cause it's not a good game feature :D

This new version has done what has suposed to be done. The graphics are a bit modernized so it should attract new players. The old bullets looked somewhat raw...

Offline Blue-ninja

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Re: New Take on Soldat 1.4
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2007, 10:39:14 am »
although the more logical explanation would be that Soldat uses unreliable UDP packets instead of TCP, which guarantees information which is sent will be received. The 'Hit' bug is still in version 1.3.1. -from Wiki

Sounds logical.


  • Camper
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Re: New Take on Soldat 1.4
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2007, 04:19:52 pm »
although the more logical explanation would be that Soldat uses unreliable UDP packets instead of TCP, which guarantees information which is sent will be received. The 'Hit' bug is still in version 1.3.1. -from Wiki

Sounds logical.

And here it is in a nutshell UDP vs TCP while programming with Delphi

MM if your not reading this I hope this article finds its way to you.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2007, 04:23:55 pm by GAMEOVER »