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function OnPlayerCommand(ID: Byte; Text: string): boolean;begin if Text = '/move' then MovePlayer(ID,GetPlayerStat(ID,'X')+50, GetPlayerStat(ID,'Y') ); Result := false;end;
Its just apart of my personal script.
Wont be there in the next version hunny buns
In Pre-Release 2.6.1 MovePlayer doesn't work...Could you explain EnEsCe why do you keep this function for your servers and ban it for others?
(11:15:08 PM) Joe: and you're not going to post the source code for the script that does this are you?(11:15:13 PM) EnEsCe: nope(11:15:19 PM) Joe: thats what I thought(11:15:27 PM) EnEsCe: gotta keep my server unique (11:15:40 PM) Joe: but is it possible to create a script that does what yours does?(11:15:43 PM) EnEsCe: yah
So, if someone other can EnEsCe can create a script that drops law rockets, then maybe creating an equivalent script that moves the player might also be possible?
He could've atleast lie and say it was just testing on his server...