Author Topic: Frac Hate  (Read 5687 times)

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Frac Hate
« on: May 01, 2007, 12:48:16 am »
In the past, on these forums, any discussion that delt witht he community of Fractured Soldat, has been locked. This is due to developers flaming fracs, and the people who are trying to defend fracs. Its like a rule here that Fractured soldat is something that cannot be discussed. Sorry for kinda continuing the other thread, but this is something I have to post.

How did it end up like this? Insults flying back and forth from various people about each other's preferred community, and the stereotyping.

If your from fractured, then all of a sudden, you hate these forums. Some people might even start judging me right now, because of my sig. It's true that fracs was made to be an alternate to the mainstream, but that doesn't mean everyone there is a turd who hates everything not fractured. Fracs is not a cult, it is a close knit community that loves soldat with a passion.

This is what I was going to post before the last thread was locked before i could say anything:

Chibi has done sooo much for the soldat community, and it saddens me that so many people hate him for shutting down his services, calling him a baby and what not. Tremendous respect should be given to people who sacrafice their time and money to assist the soldat community to make it a better place. People like Chibi, Flies, and Michal are the people who make soldat the great game that it is. Your insults and laughter should be saved for people who want to ruin the game of soldat.

Chibi lost alot of money each month to keep his services afloat. He didn't have to do this, he wanted to, to help the soldat community. Even when he had surgery, three times, he continued to support us with his services, even though he couldn't afford it. I mean, who does that? That takes dedication.

Chakra, I don't find these forums "lame", I enjoy coming here for various things. The modders and mappers here are awesome, thumbs up to whoever you are. And the discussions here are interesting, although every now and then there is a repetitive post....but then again what forum doesn't have that? Fractured soldat is just he competitive side/forum.

As for U13 and Flies, since Chibi is ceasing his services, I believe that the majority of his customers are going to u13. Why? Because they offer great services, just like Chibi. and the majority of fracs has used u13 services in some way, either buying servers, or using the public.

I have yet to have the chance to get to know enesce and know his personality, but from what ive seen so far, he is not he most mature person, and really doesn't handle certain situations the way a developer should.

Why do people flame each other? It baffles me how things can go so far. Fractured soldat is a community that doesn't deserve the insults that hit it constantly. The people there are not just "a bunch of assholes". They are some of the best, and most loving people you will ever meet in the game of soldat.


Chakra, to clear things up, Chibi has had a total of two accounts here, and neither has been banned to his knowledge.

Quote from: Chakra
You know Fractured started a few years ago 'cos him and a few friends got banned from this place by DNA Styx for acting far worse and immature than i've ever stooped? How does making yet another forum help bring the community together?...

...are you sure you're experienced with Fractured? Last I checked the majority of your communal opinion was along the lines of, F**k the beta team, Bricks can go fist himself, Michal is an idiot, the Forums are lame, Soldat sucks, U13 is ****, Enesce hacks and is still evil despite no proof and having spent far too much time on the server for us, etc etc...

That wasn't the reason why fracs was made, Chibi has never spoken to styx, and he was never banned. It was made to give people an alternative to the dominant soldat entities who didn't enjoy limited options. There was a league planned, which wasn't what the Fractured League was, it was something else. But it never happened. And please don't stereotype the community. To get the opinions of individuals who frequent fracs, you can post there asking for it if you want to.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2007, 12:50:53 am by Morik »
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Re: Frac Hate
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2007, 01:41:31 am »
I'll warn you now.  If this turns into another flamewar like every other topic regarding Fracs, it is going to get locked.  There is no bias in that, and none of the past topics have been locked because of bias.  They have all been locked because they turned into petty flamewars and broke forum rules.

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Re: Frac Hate
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2007, 02:32:54 am »
I'd just like to point out that Chibi has reinstated FREE servers for the fractured community, and will do his best to keep it that way. I do not hate soldat forums, although saying that fractured hates soldat, michael and beta testers, is ignorant, Chibi himself shows no more love for soldat, but for the players themselves he does.

As far as I'm concerned this "feud" is pointless and I'm baffled at why SF had to comment on something that has nothing to do with this forum.

I occasionally come around these forums, so I'm not anti-SF, but if the people in power don't handle themselves with more maturity and discretion, I don't see many people in the clan community ever coming around here, that's for both NA and European.

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Re: Frac Hate
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2007, 01:42:53 pm »
The reason clan players are in communities like fractured/Sctfl/tnl and not soldat forums is rather simple, fractured/sctfl/tnl are exclusive communities for clan players, and so they dont have to deal with the noobs/newbs/people-who-dont-even-play-soldat which infest this forum. Me personally, I dont come here too often due to other reasons also, stated below.

Now in terms of which forum is better, nothing needs to be said. Each serves its purpose and each has its pros and cons. I personally think Chibi is a bit too emotional sometimes about non-issues and cares to much about **** said on the internet (For example the enense ****), and then I think this forum is one of the worst moderated forums on the internet due to its lenient rules and double-standard. Or atleast was when I used to come here somewhat actively, it might have changed. Each forum serves its own purpose and there is no point in arguing which is better because people that find what thier looking for in this forum will come here, and the same for fractured.

Now, about what enesce said. Well, being a developer of the game, he should know better than to say someones services "Are garbage". Considering the fact that he himself is trying to provide services, and his close friend FliesLikeABrick provides services, when the whole thing turns out into a flamewar against chibi or fractured, it obviously comes out that Enense and FliesLikeABrick are trying to promote thier own services and make a buck, even if this might not be the case.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2007, 01:53:24 pm by Poop »
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Re: Frac Hate
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2007, 02:21:47 pm »
I don't know what "feud" everyone is talking about.  I don't think I've ever seen any SF-FS feud, and I'm pretty much indifferent on just about everything. 

I think that the only people that think there are a feud are the ones saying there is, and I think the only base for there being a feud is because people say it.  I don't think there actually is any feud...

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Re: Frac Hate
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2007, 03:16:41 pm »
Actually, I remember a few threads related to what enense said a few months ago, there was 1 thread made about it in fractured also I believe, where you (FliesLikeaBrick) actually posted something. I would not say there is a feud, but there has clearly been some troubles with certain members on this forum and certain members on fractured forums. I believe it all started when enense stated that Chibi's services and servers are garbage.

I think this thing is blown out of proportion now and certain people did overreact, but I still havent noticed either you or enense admitting that the statement he made was wrong and/or he should not have made it. I think the people that think you and enense are trying to promote your own servers by using your influence on this forum and bashing the other service provider have the right to think that, because that is what it seems like. Whether or not that is the case only you and enense know.
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Re: Frac Hate
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2007, 04:10:26 pm »
Hmm ...s'pose it's up to me to clear things up here a little eh. (sigh) ...this'll take a while.

If your from fractured, then all of a sudden, you hate these forums. Some people might even start judging me right now, because of my sig. It's true that fracs was made to be an alternate to the mainstream, but that doesn't mean everyone there is a turd who hates everything not fractured. Fracs is not a cult, it is a close knit community that loves soldat with a passion.

Hell i'm sure plenty know that. If anything I envy Fraggle Rock (fractured) sometimes... small tight community with familiar faces always around to play a quick game with. Bit like the old days with the Forums, when Soldat was a helluva lot smaller. Still, like one bad member in a good clan disgracing the clan's name, theres a few peeps in Fraggle that 'speak out' from time to time. Over the years I've seen plenty of hate for SF, euros, Michal, beta team, enesce, etc...
Sure, that don't mean all of you have the same opinions, but after a while, things fall into generalisation.

 Take the SF forums as an example.... SF Forums: home to noobs, is the general consensus, the word on the street. Yet here boasts some of the oldiest players in the community, and those that can help with their experience on numerous issues for the new players that find their way here.

Chibi lost alot of money each month to keep his services afloat. He didn't have to do this, he wanted to, to help the soldat community. Even when he had surgery, three times, he continued to support us with his services, even though he couldn't afford it. I mean, who does that? That takes dedication.

Yep, takes dedication alright. Theres a lot of people in Soldat that have dedicated far more than they should to the game for the better of others with equal hardship and cash going down the drain. Why do they do it? Hopefully because they want to, they enjoy it as a hobby, and feel it's needed.

I have yet to have the chance to get to know enesce and know his personality, but from what ive seen so far, he is not he most mature person, and really doesn't handle certain situations the way a developer should.

Yep, Enesce is a total wanker. Bit like me really. Still, it's no secret that the people who know me 'appreciate' me and my 'amusing' character and other inputs, and the same goes for Enesce. Still, just because someone is helping another guy develop his game doesn't mean he has to alter his dialogue with others. Also, take note that he's Enesce... he's taken a lot of flak from people almost constantly, and through all that he's just gone on and continued helping regardless. If I took that much crap from people daily, I think i'd be a little defensive and hostile on a reflex too.

Why do people flame each other? It baffles me how things can go so far. Fractured soldat is a community that doesn't deserve the insults that hit it constantly. The people there are not just "a bunch of assholes". They are some of the best, and most loving people you will ever meet in the game of soldat.

Yep, sad but true. You 'do' have a lot of assholes...but, alas, so does everywhere, this place included. But like I said elsewhere or earlier, there are some parts of a community that generalises the whole for some reason. Soldat Forums... full of noobs. Soldat Gather... full of lippy euros. Why is it like that? It just is. You take the good with the bad son, and you do what you do for 'your' community because you damn well want to.

 If I turned on my computer one day to see Bricks putting some emo flash about u13 being dead and he's cutting off all servers 'cos ... I dunno ...Enesce said his mum looked a bit funny... after I stopped laughing at him, i'd slap him on the ear and tell him to get his damn act straight and then begin to question if his romantic life has taken a turn for the worse. 'Cos that just ain't normal.

People insult and disrespect each other all the time. Who cares? The voiceless many who appreciate your efforts, not those outside that couldn't give a **** about you. Screw them and screw us. Every single community, project and insignificant part of Soldat has a bucket load of horse thrown at it weekly. Regardless, the powers that be just carry on doing what they do, like Bricks, Enesce, Michal, the selfkill crew, realsol, gather, beta testers, aussoldat, the turks, russians, brazilians...they all have their own **** to deal with, take tonnes of flak, but god dammit...they carry on because those things just don't matter.

Which is why Chibi's flash was really funny....I know, I know... maybe it's just us brits appreciate black comedy more, and I don't mean Eddy Murphy.

Chakra, to clear things up, Chibi has had a total of two accounts here, and neither has been banned to his knowledge.

Quote from: Chakra
You know Fractured started a few years ago 'cos him and a few friends got banned from this place by DNA Styx for acting far worse and immature than i've ever stooped? How does making yet another forum help bring the community together?...

...are you sure you're experienced with Fractured? Last I checked the majority of your communal opinion was along the lines of, F**k the beta team, Bricks can go fist himself, Michal is an idiot, the Forums are lame, Soldat sucks, U13 is ****, Enesce hacks and is still evil despite no proof and having spent far too much time on the server for us, etc etc...

That wasn't the reason why fracs was made, Chibi has never spoken to styx, and he was never banned. It was made to give people an alternative to the dominant soldat entities who didn't enjoy limited options. There was a league planned, which wasn't what the Fractured League was, it was something else. But it never happened. And please don't stereotype the community. To get the opinions of individuals who frequent fracs, you can post there asking for it if you want to.

Yeah, my mistake there. As n00bface illustrated on your forums, I really... really.. have a questionable memory. I am sure however, to a degree, that when fraggle first started out, that a handful of the banned members from here migrated over there. You can understand how it could initially be considered from the outside as a bit of a refuge for the disgarded and annoying rejects at the time.

The reason clan players are in communities like fractured/Sctfl/tnl and not soldat forums is rather simple, fractured/sctfl/tnl are exclusive communities for clan players, and so they dont have to deal with the noobs/newbs/people-who-dont-even-play-soldat which infest this forum. Me personally, I dont come here too often due to other reasons also, stated below.

I'm pretty sure people who come here 'play' Soldat. If you wanna discern between the more hardcore and the casual, theres no arguement there. I've always considered SF as being more a place for newcomers to get better educated on the game, seeing as the clanning community has become pretty self-sufficient for itself, with IRC, gather, and so on. There is a few communities here to speak of, but I can't say i'm really part of any of them. Mappers, lounge, modders, they're all in their own little worlds.

Now in terms of which forum is better,
...whoah there sonny jim. This ain't a competition!

Now, about what enesce said. Well, being a developer of the game, he should know better than to say someones services "Are garbage".
Just because he helps a guy out with his game doesn't mean he's gotta start wearing a tie man. People are gonna speak their minds in all manners of ways, whether right or wrong. And if Chibi wants to take his servers down 'cos his feelings got hurt? ..I can't help it, I find it funny. But, I see he's doing the right thing now. Maybe out of anger, but that don't matter. All he has to remember, and all any of us have to too, is that we're here for one reason. Enjoying the game with our friends.

...and're just getting down right paranoid. It wouldn't suprise me if you're wearing a tin foil hat right now and have the 'I BELIEVE' poster as your desktop image.
MM; seriously Chakra, stop the fisting
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Re: Frac Hate
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2007, 04:13:57 pm »
I dont know.. I think some have some serious power trips

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Re: Frac Hate
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2007, 04:24:47 pm »
Chakra you like picking out parts of someones post without reading the other parts nowadays?

Now in terms of which forum is better,
...whoah there sonny jim. This ain't a competition!

Read the sentence right after sonny jim. And next time you post something, please read the entire post, that way you wont make yourself look like an idiot.

...and're just getting down right paranoid. It wouldn't suprise me if you're wearing a tin foil hat right now and have the 'I BELIEVE' poster as your desktop image.

Paranoid bout what guv? Are you high right now, first ignoring half of my post and then getting a sense of paranoia out of it? Must be.

Just because he helps a guy out with his game doesn't mean he's gotta start wearing a tie man. People are gonna speak their minds in all manners of ways, whether right or wrong. And if Chibi wants to take his servers down 'cos his feelings got hurt? ..I can't help it, I find it funny. But, I see he's doing the right thing now. Maybe out of anger, but that don't matter. All he has to remember, and all any of us have to too, is that we're here for one reason. Enjoying the game with our friends.

Player A: Hey man im looking for a server host proferebly north american
Player B: Hey dude ya ever heard of fractured, they sell some good NA servers
Enense: Fractured is garbage, dont buy thier servers, buy mine.
Thats alot of enjoyment of soldat going on right there.
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Re: Frac Hate
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2007, 04:45:10 pm »
'course I read your post guv.. the majority of it didn't really need mentioning. Why you even brought some things up is beyond me.

Also, maybe you should be reading my posts a little more carefully.  ...if people are gonna go giving flak to others, thats up to them. Either way you just shouldn't pour your heart into other's seemingly pointless flames and insults, 'cos we all get that everywhere for everything, and it just ain't healthy. And if you do care, maybe you could find out 'why' fraggle is getting flak in the first place from him.
If I dare use my imagination and common sense in combination for just a brief moment here, I'd guess it's just Enesce offering a fair retort for all the bad things Chibi 'n' co have said about him for the past year, 'cos lets face it... they ain't kind about him. Eye for an eye kinda crap. But that ain't really my business, so I can't say I know jack about it.
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Re: Frac Hate
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2007, 05:26:35 pm »
course I read your post guv.. the majority of it didn't really need mentioning.

Ain't that convenient now. Well, if you truly did read my post, thanks for repeating exactly what I said in a ironic tone which would lead others to believe you were disagreeing with me. Oy man, I salute your style  ::)

...if people are gonna go giving flak to others, thats up to them. Either way you just shouldn't pour your heart into other's seemingly pointless flames and insults, 'cos we all get that everywhere for everything, and it just ain't healthy.

Ofcourse they shouldn't, and thats what I said. Notice the overreact and going emotional parts in my post. But I shouldn't repeat myself here, since you read the post already.

And if you do care, maybe you could find out 'why' fraggle is getting flak in the first place from him.
If I dare use my imagination and common sense in combination for just a brief moment here, I'd guess it's just Enesce offering a fair retort for all the bad things Chibi 'n' co have said about him for the past year, 'cos lets face it... they ain't kind about him. Eye for an eye kinda crap. But that ain't really my business, so I can't say I know jack about it.

I haven't noticed anything bad being said about enesce and his services on fractured before it was said on these forums that chibis services are garbage. but ofcourse, you must know more since you visit fractured once every year.

[Edit] I just pulled up a search on fractured with the term enesce, and the term was posted twice before the drama that started a while ago. Interesting note though, Chibi actually switched over to enesces servers when 2.5.0 was released before said statement was made on this forum.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2007, 05:32:05 pm by Poop »
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Re: Frac Hate
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2007, 05:55:23 pm »
Not everything is said on forums, son, and don't turn this into some pointless flame bollocks, or we'll both end up asking for yet another lock. So lets keep it simple and to the bone, alright? And for the sweet merciful love of god, if it's one thing I can't stand its a he-said-she-said scenario. Lets not go down that road or we'll never turn back.

Do we hate fraggle? no. Do Chibi and a few others act over the top on little things sometimes? Yes. How do others react when witnessing such things? Not with hate. Amusement, curiousity, just general entertainment, sure. Last I checked, Fraggle is ok with most people. It suffers stereotyping, flak, drama and general bollockry as much as anyone, deal with it, it happens.

Any other questions?
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Re: Frac Hate
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2007, 12:02:54 am »
Not everything is said on forums

Last I checked, the fractured forums are the fractured community. Unless ofcourse you want to put fractured vent up there, in which case, you would be part of the fractured community. Ain't that ironic?

Either way, please enlighten me as to where these "bad things" about enense were said, since you seem to have noticed them but I havent.

and don't turn this into some pointless flame bollocks, or we'll both end up asking for yet another lock.

Oy, where is the flame? I think you may be getting paranoid now.

And for the sweet merciful love of god, if it's one thing I can't stand its a he-said-she-said scenario. Lets not go down that road or we'll never turn back.

Let me simply point you towards what you had previously said...

"I'd guess it's just Enesce offering a fair retort for all the bad things Chibi 'n' co have said about him for the past year"

I think it would be better if you were asking the questions here Chakra.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2007, 12:15:10 am by Poop »
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Re: Frac Hate
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2007, 12:34:40 am »
1. yes.
2. there was no flame guv. But I could see you were heading that way, and you still are. You're nitpicking for the sake of ... what? Might as well just lock this now if you want, 'cos you're just beating around the bush about bollocks really. Pretty much nothing you've said in this thread has been about or helped towards the actual topic.
3. Don't be a smartass. I could see we were both gonna head down that way, hence I said 'afterwards' "lets stop". 

Now, son. If you wanna continue this conversation you can cut out the anal supercillious attitude 'cos it just don't suit you like it does me, pull up your pants and actually get to a clear and constructive fucking point this topic covers once in a while like Morik is capable of. This ain't parliment and I ain't no Tony. Roger wilco good buddy?
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Re: Frac Hate
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2007, 07:53:48 am »
Just out of curiousity (might be a bit off topic), how much are each of the server providers cost (enesce, brick and chibi)?

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Re: Frac Hate
« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2007, 08:05:00 am »
Well as it stands now

Chibi - Free
Flies - has no working server's
Enesce - sign your soul to the devil

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Re: Frac Hate
« Reply #16 on: May 02, 2007, 10:17:40 am »
Right now Chibi is providing free servers for all the people who have stuck with fractured soldat. For anyone else who wants a server provided by him...i'm not sure.

I'm glad my post produced some positive output. I was thinking it was going to be locked immediately, so thanks for not locking this flies ^.^.

Although there really isn't a "fued", there has always been feeling of hostility between certain people from each community, and that hostility is usually about the communities themselves. You know, the obvious "you suck" "you suck worse" scenario.

Edit:  - (hilarious)
« Last Edit: May 02, 2007, 10:22:36 am by Morik »
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Re: Frac Hate
« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2007, 02:32:21 pm »
It was mentioned in this thread that there is hate in the FS community towards the beta team, FLAB, Michal, SF, Soldat, U13 and Enesce. Aside from the Enesce one, which people have good reason for in my opinion, not only is that not true but most of the examples don't even make sense. Hate soldat? Hate Michal? Why would we be on a soldat community forum if we hated the game and it's developer? I believe there are members of the beta team around our forums now and then, FLAB is a great person in most everyone's opinion there and the only time anything negative was posted about U13 (that I can remember) is when I made a comment on being banned and how admins are appointed there too easily. And even then I was just venting and FLAB seemed to show up right away to explain... I would type more but I have to go.

Edit: Poop is right Chakra, you have been constantly repeating what he said.  :-\
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Re: Frac Hate
« Reply #18 on: May 02, 2007, 04:47:58 pm »
2. there was no flame guv. But I could see you were heading that way, and you still are. You're nitpicking for the sake of ... what? Might as well just lock this now if you want, 'cos you're just beating around the bush about bollocks really. Pretty much nothing you've said in this thread has been about or helped towards the actual topic.

That must mean pretty much "nothing" you've said in this thread has helped towards the actual topic either, since you have been repeating exactly what I said. Oh and btw, I don't need to flame you, and I won't flame you, so don't worry about that. If you get offended at any point, go ahead and ask for a lock.

3. Don't be a smartass. I could see we were both gonna head down that way, hence I said 'afterwards' "lets stop".

Fair enough, maybe you should not have led the way down that road in the first place.

Now, son. If you wanna continue this conversation you can cut out the anal supercillious attitude 'cos it just don't suit you like it does me, pull up your pants and actually get to a clear and constructive ****ing point this topic covers once in a while like Morik is capable of. This ain't parliment and I ain't no Tony. Roger wilco good buddy?

Seems to me your so full of yourself, being revered by all your fanboys and such, that you seem to believe your untouchable and whenever you post something you shower us with the irrefutable word of god. What, you set standards for others but those don't apply to you? Don't partake in this corrupt practice known as hypocrisy, it just don't suit you. As far as I know, you tread on ground too me boy.

Now to get back on topic:

Spyder: Chibi is currently providing free servers to the community, who gets one im not sure, guess it depends on whether he likes you. But supposedly you can post a request in the fractured forums if you think you deserve a free server and he will decide whether to give you one or not.

It was mentioned in this thread that there is hate in the FS community towards the beta team, FLAB, Michal, SF, Soldat, U13 and Enesce. Aside from the Enesce one, which people have good reason for in my opinion, not only is that not true but most of the examples don't even make sense. Hate soldat? Hate Michal? Why would we be on a soldat community forum if we hated the game and it's developer? I believe there are members of the beta team around our forums now and then, FLAB is a great person in most everyone's opinion there and the only time anything negative was posted about U13 (that I can remember) is when I made a comment on being banned and how admins are appointed there too easily. And even then I was just venting and FLAB seemed to show up right away to explain... I would type more but I have to go.

Exactly my point. Ive been a somewhat active member of fractured forums for a couple of years now, and I have never noticed hate towards any of those things chakra mentioned, and even in the case of enesce, the hate started after the comments made on this forum.
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-Albert Einstien

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Re: Frac Hate
« Reply #19 on: May 02, 2007, 05:02:24 pm »
Just out of curiousity (might be a bit off topic), how much are each of the server providers cost (enesce, brick and chibi)?

Generally, most server providers are $1 public and $0.80 private, per slot. This varies, but is a good indication of what you can expect to pay.

In the case of chibi, it's free if he deems your request worthy, but I'm sure he would have no problem with being payed money otherwise.

Well as it stands now

Chibi - Free
Flies - has no working server's
Enesce - sign your soul to the devil

I lol'd.