Author Topic: Hexer - Version 0.9.3 released!  (Read 68925 times)

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Offline Avarax

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Hexer - Version 0.9.3 released!
« on: May 04, 2007, 11:00:38 am »
For more information and community discussions, visit and join the new official Hexer forums!

You can play the beta version 0.9.3 of my Hexer mod at this server now. Please notify me of all bugs. A handy manual will be made later on.

Usual CTF, hosted & sponsored by, germany.

Usual CTF, hosted & sponsored by, USA.

The following two servers will stay down till 1.4.2 is release
Usual CTF, hosted & sponsored by, USA.

R/S with CS maps, hosted & sponsored by, USA.

Use !commands for some help. Spells can be learned from level 2-5 and will then get more powerfull with higher levels. Spells can only be relearned by leaving or creating a new account. Maximum level is 100.

Changes from 0.7b to 0.8:

-removed the not yet scripted "Berserk" and moved "Sprint" from the defensive spell menu to berserks old place in the offensive menu
-added new (working) spell "Body Double" at "Sprint"s old slot. "Body Double" exchanges health and weapons of you and your nearest opponent.
-added fat "Level up!!" message
-added Cooldowns shown if a spell is cast that isn't ready yet
-added accounts are saved at the end of each map
-fixed "Warmth", "Vampirism" and "Evasion" not working after logging in after absence
-fixed /char showing wrong spellclasses if one spellclass wasnt learned yet
-fixed "Sprints" /info message
-modified "Vanish"s cooldown calculation depending on realistic or survival mode active

0.8 -> 0.8b:
-modified spells now cant be cast while dead
-fixed Body Double health exchange
-fixed wrong combobonus message

0.8b -> 0.8c:
-fixed /create overwriting already existing accounts
-fixed "Body Double" can now no longer be used if you dont have a primary in hands
-fixed "Body Double"s cooldown being started even though spell didn't resolve
-added /reset command to reset account to level 1
-added spamprotection for !commands
-modified "Warmth" and "Holy Medikit" improving them slightly
-modified "Body Doubles" cooldown (increased to 120 seconds)
-modified "Pierce Armor"s armor reduction per hit from 8% to 5% (+1% per skillevel)
-removed !char, only /char can be used now
-breached 60 kb filesize .pas file only :D

0.8c -> 0.8d:
-added "Warstandard": gives your allied players health generation, bonus armor (20%, +2% per skillevel)  and bonus damage (20%, +2% per skillevel) as long as you carry the flag. You also get some shared EP while you have the flag.
-modified EP & leveling values to make it harder to reach high levels, combobonus can only be a maximum of 100% by kills now, 200% by caps. Starting EP value needed increased from 3050 to 5050. Limit added that prevents extreme EP gains for low levelers.
-removed all accounts (^^) due to the changes mentioned above
-modified dmg input (-2%) and output (+1.7%) per level
-modified most cooldowns
-added minimum for all cooldowns
-added /changepass
-fixed logging into the account you are already logged into causes loss of stats since last saving
-weakened Vampirism at high levels (maximum heal is now 40%)
-weakened Evasion (now starting at 10% chance, +1% per skilllevel)
-weakened Critical Strike (now starting at 13.5% chance, +1.5% per skillevel)

0.8e changes missing.

0.8e -> 0.8f:
-added Summon Ghouls
-added /relearn command
-added unused learnpoints are saved with accounts
-fixed "Waited too long" message
-increased Warmth's effect
-weakened Warstandard's regeneration, increased EP gain on score

0.8f -> 0.9
-added M79 restriction: players who have a big lvl distance to the highest player sometimes cant use m79
-added Summon Kamikaze
-fixed /relearn taking more than 5 levels
-fixed Disarm and Body Double taking Sprint's flamer
-fixed combo sometimes not working on low lvlers
-fixed Vanish can no longer be cast when a teammate is near
-modified Summon Ghouls now only summons one ghoul with 400% of casters armor
-modified Ghouls are now autokicked after 45 seconds
-modified Ghouls will replicate themselves whenever they capture the flag
-modified the EP for next level curve being more exponential now
-modified EP can't be earned as long as there are less then 6 people on the server
-modified Summon spells can't be casted as long as there are less then 6 people on the server
-modified scoring doesn't give combo as long as there are less then 6 people on the server
-increased /relearn minimum level to 10
-increased Summon Ghouls Cooldown
-decreased maximum level to 40
-decreased Warstandard dmg bonus and EP for scoring
-weakened Sprint's Flamer, increased Sprint's duration and cooldown

0.9 -> 0.9b
-added Ghouls can't replicate if there are more than 5 bots in the server already
-added Ghouls heal 100% of their HP when they kill someone
-added small on spellcast bonus for Holy Medikit (10% Heal, +10% Holy Armor, +1 Holy Armorduration)
-modified Warstandards EP share now correctly shares EP using level differences
-fixed Warstandard, Vampirism and Evasion no longer work after logging into a different account
-fixed AppOnIdle error occuring every second with a spectator in the server
-returned Critical Strike, Evasion and Pierce Armor messages
-decreased Pierce Armor's effect slightly
-increased Vampirism's heal effect (from 10% base to 25% base)
-increased Vanish cooldown by 20 seconds
-increased Summon Kamikaze cooldown by 30 seconds
-increased Ghouls and Kamikaze duration
-increased secret spells duration by 2 seconds
-exponentially increased EP curve even more (-> deleted all accounts)
-decreased minimum players for EP activation from 6 to 4
-decreased Conjure Clip cooldown by 6 seconds

0.9b -> 0.9c
-completly overworked the way EP gain is calculated
-added /cool: shows the cooldown of all your spells
-added /myskilltext and /myskilldraw: shows exact attributes of all your skills
-nerfed Holy Medikit (and i mean nerfed)
-reduced Vampirism starting heal value from 25% to 17.5%
-reduced /relearn's cost to 2 levels, minimum level to 7
-reduced Kamikazes explosion radius

0.9c -> 0.9.1
-added beta version of global accounts (only on server #2 and #3)
-added Mana Shield
-added Pilferage
-added full and fast customizability for server hosters via an INI
-added "Ghoul" and "Kamikaze" can't be used as playername
-added Ghouls and Kamikazes now yield EP
-modified EP needed (less exponential), this should be the last account reset
-modified these skill's power:
      Body Double improved, Ghouls nerfed, Kamikaze improved,
      Warmth nerfed, Disarm improved
-removed /myskilldraw, shortened /myskilltext to /myskill
-fixed own ghouls give EP if they kill you after teamchange
-many other fixes / additions / modifications, don't remember everything

0.9.1 -> 0.9.1b
-added autoteambalance based on levels (!balance)
-added chat message for Kamikazes and Ghouls
-fixed huge fonts and increased staytime of on screen messages
-modified Body Double now steals effects of:
   Mana Shield, Holy Medikit, Bladerage and Sprint
-modified Mana Shield will now not increase other spells on cast,
  but will increase it's own when you're hit during the shield.
-modified Mana Shield heals you when it's over depending on how much
  you were hit (more hits = less heal, max. 10 hits, 5% heal per no hit).
-modified pilferage will now only destroy bullets, not give 1 to you.
-modified Sprint will put flamer on your BACK to make your primary ammunition
  stay. Duration increased by 1 to compensate.
-increased regeneration of Warmth to 2,5% and HP threshold to 40%
-increased Mana Shield cooldown to 48 seconds, duration to 4-5 seconds
-increased Body Double cooldown to 80 seconds
-increased Pilferage chances
-increased Kamikaze duration to 2 minutes, cooldown to 250 seconds
-temporarily disabled Spas-12 due to a bug in server version 2.6.1
-decreased Ghoul armor to 12 times armorlevel of caster, reduced cooldown to 440 seconds

0.9.1b -> 0.9.1c
-fixed Mana Shield having way too high cooldown
-fixed spells with duration no longer stay after death
-modified Pilferage is now based on bullets left in targets magazine
-modified autobalance is now more based upon playercount than levels
-increased Warmth heal effect to 2.6% (starting value)
-increased Critical Strike damage bonus to 100% (starting value)
-increased Sprint duration to 9 seconds (starting value)
-increased Sprint cooldown by 20 seconds (starting value now 98)
-decreased Sprint cooldownreduction per level to -3
-decreased Pierce Armor's effect to 3.5% (starting value)
-decreased Critical Strike chance to 10.5% (starting value)
-decreased exponential multiplier of EP needed for next level by 15%
-optimized charactersystem CPU and memory usage

0.9.1c -> 0.9.1d
-added 2000 EP for scoring for any player, 3000 with warstandard
-added countdowns for spells with duration
-added notification if a summoned minion is killed
-modified m79 for more fairness (+20 reload, +1 movementacc, +10 bink)
-fixed !balance is no longer usable by spectators
-fixed some incorrect messages
-fixed Sprint is now really immune to disarm
-fixed Ghouls being too strong with Body Doubled primary weapons
-fixed Critical Strike bonus damage is now calculated correctly
-fixed EP can now no longer be gained once you're level 40
-increased Vanish starting cooldown by 20 seconds
-decreased Vanish cooldown decreasal per skilllevel to 6
-decreased Pilferage starting chance per bullet to 0,9%
-decreased Bladerage starting duration to 6 seconds

0.9.1d -> 0.9.2
-added entirely new skillbalance
-added spas-12 again, yay
-added 8 new skills & spells
-added hybrid healing skill "Mage-Blooded"
-added static defensive skill "Repel"
-added offensive spell "Burrow Strike"
-added offensive spell "Flak Shells"
-added summoning spell "Summon Battlesphere"
-added summoning spell "Summon Spearwall"
-added summoning spell "Summon Claymore"
-added summoning spell "Summon Assassin"
-added summoning spell "Summon Assassin"
-added /show command: shows a list of all spells
-added /save command: saves account without logging out
-added /smn command: same as /summon
-added /pierce command: disables pierce armor messages
-added maximim range for disarm and body double
-added all pre-0.9.2 accounts get their skills reset and levels reduced by 25%
-added flagcarriers and vanished players yield more EP when killed
-added display of cooldowns that will finish soon
-added a !sprint disclaimer that tells people that Sprint is no speedhack
-modified & added visual effects
-modified most text fields for much better overviewability
-modified Vampirism now leeches 8% of attack damage
-modified Disarm now also silences the victim
-modified Body Double now also switches positions
-modified maximum level to 50
-modified low levelers need a bit more EP
-modified high levelers need a bit less EP
-modified /allchars is now shown in team colors
-modified flamer's boost effect is a bit stronger now
-removed limits for high level skills
-removed !balance, will be reintroduced later
-fixed accounts can no longer be higher than maximum level in any way
-fixed /info and /myskill showing some wrong information
-fixed account related admin commands can no longer be seen via remote admin
-fixed manashielded and vanished players are now kamikaze immune
-fixed all minions are now properly kicked on all occasions
-fixed minions will now immediatly loose picked up weapons
-fixed buffs or debuffs no longer continue after mapchange
-fixed minions are now kicked on account- or teamchange of their owner
-fixed many more smaller bugs that i already forgot about

0.9.2 -> 0.9.3
-replaced "Burrow Strike" with "Aetherwalk"
-replaced "Summon Spearwall" with "Summon Raider"
-added various new features for admins and server owners
-added "/skilllog" to read up skill changes
-added "/items" command to show all buyable items
-added "/buy [part of itemname]" command
-added 4 items: "Amnesia", "Eager Learning", "Prodigy", ...
-added message that shows Repel's effect (use "/repel" to activate)
-added supersecret effect to secret spell
-added "/char" now showing % of EP to next level
-added bounty messages now show total bounty
-added the old (buggy) !balance again
-added "Flak Shells fades" message
-added pierce % is shown to piercer on kill
-added spawnkills now decrease EP by 50
-modified Disarm's Abolish effect now having 50% cooldown of Disarm
-modified Battlesphere no longer has a charge limit
-modified Battlesphere's minimum charges now decrease with higher lvls
-modified Claymores are now visible
-modified "/reset" is now only usable while specced
-modified minion kick system so you can now see a kill message & blood
-modified Disarm now counters Battlesphere
-modified Body Double now takes some speed of the target
-modified "/alchars" for more overviewability
-modified Pilferage can now catch players in a reload
-removed EP bonus for vanished players
-removed account cooldown
-removed Assassin's bleed effect
-improved script performance
-improved Claymore's ground detection a lot
-increased Claymore radius by 5% and damage by 70%
-increased Barrett and Knife damage
-reduced dmg output bonus per lvl from +1.8% to +1.2%
-reduced dmg input bonus per lvl from -2.1% to -1.3%
-fixed the evil skill calculation bug
-fixed skills targeting nearest player can no longer target non existing players
-fixed Spas-12 allows infinite Flak Shells
-fixed Battlesphere can no longer be cast after death
-fixed Vanish now profits from Mage-blooded heal effect
-fixed Warstandard EP share no longer shows triple EP messages
-fixed Claymores no longer stay after their owner leaves
-fixed Mana Shield exceeding hit limit
-fixed Disarm's Abolish effect now yields EP
-fixed EP share from minions
-fixed Assassin not giving dead players the on flaggrab pred bonus
-fixed Claymores can no longer be placed at flags
-fixed own bullets no longer affect Mana Shield's cooldown & heal
-fixed EP triple messages are no longer shown to max lvlvers
-fixed Battlesphere no longer shows cooldown finished message after login
-fixed Conjure Clip can no longer be used with fists
-fixed Sprint can no longer last infinitly in any way
-fixed Disarm,Body Double,Sprint no longer reload the gun if ammo was 0
-fixed all minions are now immune to Body Double
-fixed various other bugs that I forgot about

Visit #hexer.soldat @ quakenet!
« Last Edit: September 30, 2007, 03:50:09 pm by Avarax »
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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - Public beta tests started
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2007, 11:22:21 am »
how create the acount?

Thats really nice idea bu tthat login :-/

Offline Cory

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - Public beta tests started
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2007, 12:07:26 pm »
well here are a couple things ive noticed:

first of all, disarm is disarming my teammates, as well as opponents

also, warstandart doesnt seem to be doing anything, or is there just no way to tell?

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - Public beta tests started
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2007, 01:34:12 pm »
This thing rocks, indeed :D
Will accs be deleted after beta test?
« Last Edit: May 04, 2007, 01:38:57 pm by n0b- »

Offline Avarax

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - Public beta tests started
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2007, 01:44:24 pm »
@Cory: i've recoded disarm recently, didnt test it yet, so it's quite possible that it's bugged. just have to modify the condition a bit. regarding warstandard, only the bright green, not the dark green spells are scripted so far. warstandard is shown darkgreen.

@n0b-: dont really know what you're talking about
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Offline Aquarius

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - Public beta tests started
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2007, 02:17:34 pm »
1. I can't join.

2. What is the account thing and how to create a new account?
« Last Edit: May 05, 2007, 03:31:04 am by Aquarius »

Offline Maniatiko

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - Public beta tests started
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2007, 09:24:11 pm »

n1, gonna try it :D


edit: Server is down :(
« Last Edit: May 04, 2007, 09:34:07 pm by Maniatiko »


Offline psyl3ntshad0w

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - Public beta tests started
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2007, 04:45:35 am »
This is quite possibly the best soldat mod/script I have ever seen, and I've been here for a long time.  Now maybe we can get some gfx/sound work done too and it would be almost like a real mod.

It'd be nice if you could get some N/A servers to run it too :x

I might actually make a set of taunts for my skills this script is so good :o

Offline Avarax

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new beta 0.8
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2007, 02:41:11 pm »
server back online, disarm fixed

Date Posted: May 05, 2007, 09:13:32 am
new beta 0.8 online on all 3 servers
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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new beta 0.8
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2007, 03:03:56 pm »
thank you so much avarax imma go try it now  ;D

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new beta 0.8
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2007, 03:54:40 pm »
it's kinda cool but does the server have to restart any now and then??
Text goes here...

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new beta 0.8
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2007, 04:06:58 pm »

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new beta 0.8
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2007, 04:09:27 pm »
This sounds freakin awesome!
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Offline Gortaak

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new beta 0.8
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2007, 10:45:08 pm »
This sounds cool, If you want some NA servers, Ill be getting a server again soon, so Ill host it.
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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new beta 0.8
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2007, 09:25:06 am »
Dammit, all of the server's ports arent open on my firewall except the passworded one.
R.I.P Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold

Offline Avarax

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new beta 0.8
« Reply #15 on: May 07, 2007, 11:03:06 am »
selfkill server has been changed from R/S to usual CTF, so we now have a stable european hexer server. all accounts from were copied to the selfkill server.
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Offline Cory

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - Stable european server online
« Reply #16 on: May 07, 2007, 12:08:26 pm »
heres something interesting for you to ponder avarax: last night i was playing with zacharov (or somethin like that, he's in 2wai anyways) and we were both at about lvl 20.  but each time i killed him, i got about 20k exp, and when he killed me, he only got 1750, which is what i probably shouldve gotten.. there was also someone there at about lvl 10, and i was getting 5k exp for killing him.. hmmm... i believe this was in the enesce server, if that matters..

oh i forgot to mention, it was 20k exp each time, combo bonuses didnt seem to take effect
« Last Edit: May 07, 2007, 12:10:18 pm by Cory »

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - Stable european server online
« Reply #17 on: May 07, 2007, 01:33:17 pm »

Can you make a taunts.txt file?

Or put a help command to know-how spells?

Offline jakobs

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new beta 0.8c
« Reply #18 on: May 07, 2007, 03:08:51 pm »
OMGOMG! 0.8c!

Offline Avarax

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new beta 0.8d
« Reply #19 on: May 08, 2007, 12:44:11 pm »
new beta released, bunch of changes, all previous accounts were erased ;Q

0.8c -> 0.8d:

-added "Warstandard": gives your allied players health generation, bonus armor (20%, +2% per skillevel)  and bonus damage (20%, +2% per skillevel) as long as you carry the flag. You also get some shared EP while you have the flag.
-modified EP & leveling values to make it harder to reach high levels, combobonus can only be a maximum of 100% by kills now, 200% by caps. Starting EP value needed increased from 3050 to 5050. Limit added that prevents extreme EP gains for low levelers.
-removed all accounts (^^) due to the changes mentioned above
-modified dmg input (-2%) and output (+1.7%) per level
-modified most cooldowns
-added minimum for all cooldowns
-added /changepass
-fixed logging into the account you are already logged into causes loss of stats since last saving
-weakened Vampirism at high levels (maximum heal is now 40%)
-weakened Evasion (now starting at 10% chance, +1% per skilllevel)
-weakened Critical Strike (now starting at 13.5% chance, +1.5% per skillevel)
I like to have one Martini
Two at the very most
Three I'm under the table
Four I'm under the host