Author Topic: Hexer - Version 0.9.3 released!  (Read 66650 times)

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Offline Kagesha

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - v0.9b
« Reply #100 on: May 20, 2007, 02:49:42 pm »
Avarax i will try my best to get someone to Host a server for your Hexer Script ;)

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - v0.9b
« Reply #101 on: May 20, 2007, 03:43:48 pm »
Cool man.

Offline Avarax

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - v0.9b
« Reply #102 on: May 20, 2007, 04:57:49 pm »
Code: [Select]
<<-- Hexer Mod v0.9c -->>
-completly overworked the way EP gain is calculated
-added /cool: shows the cooldown of all your spells
-added /myskilltext and /myskilldraw: shows exact attributes of all your skills
-nerfed Holy Medikit (and i mean nerfed)
-reduced Vampirism starting heal value from 25% to 17.5%
-reduced /relearn's cost to 2 levels, minimum level to 7
-reduced Kamikazes explosion radius

the new EP system doesn't allow extreme ep gains.
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Offline numgun

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - v0.9c
« Reply #103 on: May 21, 2007, 04:05:55 am »
I think you nerfed it a little too much this time. After lvl 10 it feels like its impossible to lvl up ever again. Otherwise Im starting to play this really often since I like it. : D

Great work man!

P.S and hurry up with that manual!

Offline zyxstand

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - v0.9c
« Reply #104 on: May 21, 2007, 11:04:14 am »
here's a suggestion (i dunno how plausible it is):
Can you make Kamikazes say "KAMIKAZEEEE" or something like that just before they explode?  Or something similar to this so that the attacked player knows he's gonna get kami'd?  Cuz it happens a lot that one kills me but it's just like he disappears and i'm dead and he didn't actually kill me according to log and it's rather confusing...
Can't think of anything original to put here...

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - v0.9c
« Reply #105 on: May 21, 2007, 11:20:08 am »
But there isa text that says in the chat console who got kami'ed.
I do like your idea anyways. Except that id put him scream that AFTER killing its target.

Offline Bunney

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - v0.9c
« Reply #106 on: May 21, 2007, 12:00:10 pm »
Omgawd i played this mod, and IT ROXX!!! im tottaly adicted to it. i was lvl 10 then resetted my account on accident :( and now im lvl 8 againg :) its wonderfull, spells:
Warmth - Heal urself over time.
Evasion - Dodge bullets.
Crit - Critical strike other plays with ur shots.
Ghouls - unleash boogie mans for 45 seconds to slay opposite team, they can replicate.

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - v0.9c
« Reply #107 on: May 21, 2007, 05:44:37 pm »
Nice :D
Still addicted like crack o.o
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Offline Grundoko

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - v0.9c
« Reply #108 on: May 21, 2007, 08:21:13 pm »
umm none of the servers work... the only one that works is the first server u listed but thats ALWAYS full and the last server works but thats ALWAYS empty.

also i wanna know how to use and learn skills

Offline numgun

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - v0.9c
« Reply #109 on: May 22, 2007, 05:10:05 am »
I can give you a small boost of information to all who need:
(Just a temp manual)

HEXER unofficial, unreliable, wierd, ghetto guide.


So you come to a server that says it has a hexer script in it and you want to play in it. This is how you start off: Create an account. Memorize your pass and nick.

Type a command: /create *your nick* *your pass*

If you get it right, it should say that you created a char succesfully.
Or if already have created an account then type:

Command:  /login *your nick* *your pass*

Ok, now go kill people, alot of people. With each kill, you recieve some experience and get closer to LVL up.

Each time you get a lvl up, your power grows and you deal more damage and recieve less damage. These values get better with each level.

Now for the fun part: The spells!

After getting enough lvls (2lvl or 5lvl, dunno.) you can type a command /learn and learn a spell with this command.

There are total of... of... umm... 12 spells right now you can use and here they are:

Warmth is a static healing ability.
It will continuously heal you for a
small amount of health per second.
If you are below 1/3 of maxhealth, it
will generate health much faster.

/learn warmth

Holy Medikit is a healing spell.
It will instantly completely heal you.

/learn holy

Vampirism is a static healing ability.
It will heal you for 20% of the
damage you deal with non-explosives.

/learn vamp

Warstandart is a static heal ability.
As long as you are standing still while
being a flagcarrier, your whole team
gets a damage bonus and a weak "Warmth".
10% of EP they gain is shared with you.

/learn war

Disarm is a defensive spell.
It will remove the primary and secondary
of the nearest opponent for a short time

/learn disarm

Evasion is a static defensive ability.
It allows you to dodge about 15% of all
bullets hitting you.

/learn evasion

Vanish is a defencive spell.
It makes you invisble for 25 seconds.
(Just like picking up a predator kit.)
And btw, you drop a load of random
boxes when you execute the spell.

/learn vanish

Sprint is a offencive spell.
It will equip you with a boosting bow,
doubling movement speed. The longer
the sprint, the longer the cooldown.
You can only use grenades during Sprint.
Switch weapon to stop Sprint.

/learn sprint

Conjure Clip is an offensive spell.
It will instantly restore ammunition
and give you some bonus bullets.

/learn conj

Pierce Armor is a static ofs. ability.
It will cause all your bullets to rip
armor parts from opponents increasing
all damage dealed to them by about 10%
for 3 seconds. Effect stacks infinitely.

/learn pierce

Critical Strike is a static ofs. ability
It will give your bullets a chance
of about 10% to do 200% damage on impact

/learn crit

Summon Ghouls is a summon spell.
It will create 2 ghouls equipped with
Chainsaw and having massive health.

/learn ghouls

Summon Kamikaze is a summon spell.
It will summon a crazed Kamikazeguy
who charges into everything crossing his
path with a big "BOOM!".

/learn kamikaze

To use your über spells:

To use your healing spell do a command: /heal

To use your defencive spell do a command: /def

To use your offencive spell do a command: /ofs

To use your summoning spell do a command: /summon

-you can only have 1 spell from each category. (4 spells total)
-you can change you spell with a cost of your levels to relearn another spell.
(Use /relearn ofs/def/heal/summon and then again /learn *spell* like normally)
-After using a spell, it starts a cool down for sometime before you can use the spell again. Type /cool to see how much time left before you can use the spell again.
-When you leave the server always type /logout

End of the ultimate Hexer guide from the unofficial pit of doom.

*Head twist*
FUck mee!

Offline freestyler

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - v0.9c
« Reply #110 on: May 22, 2007, 05:23:01 am »
After getting enough lvls (2lvl or 5lvl, dunno.)
lvl 2: heal
lvl 3: defensive
lvl 4: offensive
lvl 5: summon

There are total of... of... umm... 12 spells
15. You forgot Body Double.
4x heal, 4x def, 4x ofs, 2x summon
+1 (i'm not sure if the hidden one is counted as spell)

And btw, you drop a load of random
boxes when you execute the spell.
Random boxes? They're predatorkits...

/learn conj
/learn clip

/learn kamikaze
/learn kami

-When you leave the server always type /logout
afaik you don't need it, Hexer automatically saves you account when you're kicked or you exit the server.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2007, 05:34:11 am by freestyler »

Offline Avarax

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - NA server back online as pub
« Reply #111 on: May 22, 2007, 10:07:08 am »
small hotfix:
-fixed possible frequent crash source
-fixed /cool description in !commands
-fixed evasion not working since 0.9b
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Offline Bunney

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - NA server back online as pub
« Reply #112 on: May 22, 2007, 11:48:54 am »
TBH: Warmth together with crit, evasion realy pwns :P crit teh n4bs, evade teh bullets, heal teh wounds :P

Keep up the good work, this mod is the best ever! (next to knife only then :P)

Offline Yaibal

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - NA server back online as pub
« Reply #113 on: May 23, 2007, 05:54:40 am »
Is the selfkill server down? I cant connect :Q

Offline n2j3

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - NA server back online as pub
« Reply #114 on: May 23, 2007, 08:06:21 am »
btw, on /logout it says "account safed" instead of saved. And for the love of buddah... why is our selfkill server crashing so often >_<

Offline Avarax

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - NA server back online as pub
« Reply #115 on: May 23, 2007, 05:21:01 pm »
Hurraaa, over 100 KB filesize now :D (2278 lines)
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Offline Patte

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - NA server back online as pub
« Reply #116 on: May 24, 2007, 09:14:17 am »
I love ur script, but there are only few servers with hexer online.
Well, may I sponser u a soldat-server? :) It's located in germany...

Offline numgun

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - NA server back online as pub
« Reply #117 on: May 24, 2007, 03:04:16 pm »
^^Hell yes!

Btw, avarax, the servers keep crashing occasionaly fyi.
Also how much a soldat have HP in total? is it 300?

Offline Avarax

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - NA server back online as pub
« Reply #118 on: May 24, 2007, 05:52:48 pm »
150 in normal mode, 65 realistic mode
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Offline KYB

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - NA server back online as pub
« Reply #119 on: May 24, 2007, 10:33:15 pm »
This script is getting more and more sophisticated...
It might as well be a Game Mode =\
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