Author Topic: Hexer - Version 0.9.3 released!  (Read 68670 times)

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new beta 0.8d
« Reply #20 on: May 08, 2007, 08:05:35 pm »
Played it for the first time today, and I have this to say about it: nice mod!!  I like almost everything, aside from only a few issues:

  • more servers to host the mod!  there really seems to be only one; the passworded one is deathmatch that nobody goes to (ctf ftw)
  • the /summon spells don't work
  • /def, since it ends in 'f', usually makes me drop my weapon (f key by default)...but maybe this is a general soldat issue
  • "/create <acct> <pw>" wasn't on the !commands list--someone had to tell me about it

also,why do you call it EP?  Experience is abbreviated 'exp' or simply 'xp'--never in my rpg career have i seen it as EP ;)

thanks, this is what finally made me join Soldat forums =)

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new beta 0.8d
« Reply #21 on: May 09, 2007, 12:15:12 am »
I think EP stands for Experience Points.

I love this script. I agree with ~viper~, more servers would be cool.

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new beta 0.8d
« Reply #22 on: May 09, 2007, 04:46:42 am »
/create account password IS on the commands list.
all spell commands (/heal, /def, /ofs) should be used as taunts, they are not really effective whenn typed manually. this would also prevent your /def problem.
regarding /summon: i never said they'd work ;Q
EP is actually used by quite a number of games (WoW for example). i'm also not a fan of xp because it's missleading and expirience actually begins with an E ;P
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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new beta 0.8d
« Reply #23 on: May 09, 2007, 08:45:46 am »
Why not skill points? SP
But the first time i saw this server in the lobby i was like what? some one stole avarax work (hexer mod is an miss-leading name for me)? Nice work i hope there will be more servers whit this script later.
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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new beta 0.8d
« Reply #25 on: May 09, 2007, 09:22:30 am »
uh... whatever ;P

Hexer = Sorcerer or Warlock in german
Soldat = Soldier in german ;)
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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new beta 0.8d
« Reply #26 on: May 09, 2007, 02:44:01 pm »
/create account password IS on the commands list.
I swear it wasn't originally =P
all spell commands (/heal, /def, /ofs) should be used as taunts, they are not really effective whenn typed manually. this would also prevent your /def problem.
as taunts..?  I don't ever taunt... do explain :)  I'm suspecting it involves some keyboard shortcut...
regarding /summon: i never said they'd work ;Q
lol, I just dont remember what else I could have learned from the choices, but I guess that's why you made it beta =)
EP is actually used by quite a number of games (WoW for example). i'm also not a fan of xp because it's missleading and expirience actually begins with an E ;P
well you could have opted for 'exp'... but it's kinda ironic the way you did it: you shortened it to two characters, but what they stand for (Experience Points, as mentioned earlier?) is much longer than what 'exp' stands for ;)
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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new beta 0.8d
« Reply #27 on: May 09, 2007, 03:42:21 pm »
i guess EP is madness
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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new beta 0.8d
« Reply #28 on: May 09, 2007, 04:43:45 pm »
I played on a Hexer server and it sure was worth it!
Good job Avarax!

Grtz, DePhille
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Offline hercules

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new beta 0.8d
« Reply #29 on: May 09, 2007, 07:39:08 pm »
Played it for the first time today, and I have this to say about it: nice mod!! I like almost everything, aside from only a few issues:

  • more servers to host the mod! there really seems to be only one

also,why do you call it EP? Experience is abbreviated 'exp' or simply 'xp'--never in my rpg career have i seen it as EP ;)


x2 dude.  Im over the EP thing.  But the middle between EP and XP is EXP, which every1 should understand.  XP is better than EP.   But it's Avarax's mod, he can do what he likes I suppose.  The main thing I think is that it should be in more servers.  It would be nice if u could have one account that goes for all servers, though that'd probably be hard.  But ya just more servers having the mod would be nice.  The main 1 it uses right now is very laggy for all of us in the USA.  Also Avarax, from today, when do expect the mod to be finalized?

edit: wtf no servers online? 
« Last Edit: May 09, 2007, 09:21:35 pm by hercules »


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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new beta 0.8d
« Reply #30 on: May 09, 2007, 11:47:14 pm »
I played this the other day and was quite impressed. I could really see it as another game mode. Take away point match or something.. I have one question though as you level up do you get increased power in weapons or anything like that or is it all just show (show as in it just says stuff)?

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new beta 0.8d
« Reply #31 on: May 10, 2007, 12:47:44 am »
I'm trying to get more stable servers online, though i only hand out the beta sourcecode to trustable people. had power issues at the servercentre, that's why the server is down (will be back very soon) and just crashs all the time. There will soon be a russian and one more selfkill hexer server.

you get +1.7% more damage output per level and the damage input you get is reduced by 2% per level.
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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new beta 0.8d
« Reply #32 on: May 10, 2007, 01:07:34 pm »
Bah, can't wait to buy my Dedicated Server. I'd certainly host a SOldat Server for this mod if you needed one.
I have yet to find out the details of this mod, but during the time I played yesterday, I had fun.

Grtz, DePhille
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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new server
« Reply #33 on: May 11, 2007, 12:28:58 pm »
well, seems like i finally got a working 24/7 server apart from my 1st selfkill server which is down though... T_T

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new server
« Reply #34 on: May 13, 2007, 10:25:09 am »
Dosen't work for me.... 27073 has one up. Don't know if that you just temp hosting though.

Date Posted: May 13, 2007, 11:20:18 am
Hexer = Sorcerer or Warlock in german
Logically in English too...
Hex=A malicious spell
Hex-er=Caster of malicious spell
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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new server
« Reply #35 on: May 13, 2007, 08:52:54 pm »
Played the mod first time yesterday - it's awesome.  It seems a bit unfair though - I keep pwning everyone with spas cuz I'm lvl 22 with vampirism @ lvl 6 making me ueber strong.  Also, is the pred function SUPPOSED to work for others as well or just the person who has it?  Cuz we always rally up people to go invis - which KILLS the other team.

the disarm should last longer IMO - I've been disarmed few times and it wasn't quite effective.  And neither was the reload feature (but that was prolly cuz i didn't have it taunt-bound).

Also hint to users:  bing your login [username] [password] to a key as well as logout so that you have less reason to not do it.

warstandart is pretty cool (though I haven't really seen it much in action).

When is summoning gonna work?  It seemed to me rather impossible for such a thing to work just because of the difficulty in server scripting...

Here's a suggestion from me Avarax:
I'd recommend a feature that allows registered members to enter but not unregistered ones - if there are 16 people in the server already, auto-kick any unregistered person and let up to 4 registered users in.  Special slots for regged.  ...but then you'd have to figure out a way to determine who's registered before they /login or enter the server.

Also I recommend:
Selfkill TauntEdit v2 by Selfkill

bind your summoning spells (though usless yet) and other spells (ofs, etc.) as well as your login and logout

- zyxstand
« Last Edit: May 13, 2007, 08:56:45 pm by zyxstand »
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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new server
« Reply #36 on: May 13, 2007, 09:03:55 pm »
Ye I played it, very fun, and it is a bit unfair about the high leveled guys (I'm about level 18 or so).

But then again, everyone and their brother uses m79 or Barret so it really doesn't matter what level you are =\ if they have a 1 hit weapon you are gonna die.

And with m79's splash damage, it doesn't matter if you evade or not.

And zyxstand, I understand that even though you have paid to be a registered member of Soldat, it doesn't seem fair to just randomly kick someone just so you can play. Seems a tad selfish if you ask me.
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Offline zyxstand

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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new server
« Reply #37 on: May 13, 2007, 10:06:41 pm »
And zyxstand, I understand that even though you have paid to be a registered member of Soldat, it doesn't seem fair to just randomly kick someone just so you can play. Seems a tad selfish if you ask me.

I think you got me wrong:  when a server is full (16/16 people for example) and a registered person wants to join, he can join making there be 17 people.  But if an unregistered person tries to join, he can't.
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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new server
« Reply #38 on: May 13, 2007, 10:23:17 pm »
yea, with armor piercing, vamaprism, evade at lvl 19, i could pretty much massacre 5+ lvl 10ish enemies. still satisfying tho.

I have a few questions tho.

i saw a guy named -dino- earlier who was level 100, then he switched account or something and turned to level 14 after ranking up 37 kills. is he a mod or something? i thought the max level was 50.

also, how many of these servers are there? so far i've been in demon hexer's server or something like that, if there are more than one of these servers, are stats able to be carried over?

last thing, is it possible to change password? because even tho i know / is the command, i've forgot a few times and gave out my password before =(
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Re: Hexer mod (RPG script) - new server
« Reply #39 on: May 13, 2007, 10:27:13 pm »
yea, with armor piercing, vamaprism, evade at lvl 19, i could pretty much massacre 5+ lvl 10ish enemies. still satisfying tho.

I have a few questions tho.

i saw a guy named -dino- earlier who was level 100, then he switched account or something and turned to level 14 after ranking up 37 kills. is he a mod or something? i thought the max level was 50.

also, how many of these servers are there? so far i've been in demon hexer's server or something like that, if there are more than one of these servers, are stats able to be carried over?

last thing, is it possible to change password? because even tho i know / is the command, i've forgot a few times and gave out my password before =(

lol, are you (+) Crusader?  I saw that guy give out his password...twice on accident - then i tried to type a lot of random text to move it up and out of sight - but then i got flood-kicked.  Oh well.
If you scroll up i believe it was said that there are two servers - a private D/M and the ctf we've been in.  And I also saw DINO before and I had to say that had to have been a hack or server cheat.  It was ridiculous - instant kill with his AK 74 and stoppable only with m79.  i'm level 22 woot... though i think when i got flood kicked i'm back to 20 or 21...


Hey Avarax, is there a way for you to use the password parameters to accept login info upon joining the server?  That way I could type like "zyxstand [password]" into the password box and automatically log in everytime I join the server with that.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2007, 10:31:38 pm by zyxstand »
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