Author Topic: Paypal (Plimus) - Incorrect contact info? Didn't think so...  (Read 1381 times)

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Offline DePhille

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I'm trying to register Soldat for a few weeks now.
The only method I'm willing to use is PayPal, simply because I think it's the most easy and safe option.
Anyway, whenever I placed my order I recieve an email stating that my supplied contact information isn't correct, while I'm sure it is. Since it takes around a day for the e-mail to arrive, I already missed the 9$ price.

I won't post my contact information here - for obvious reasons - but what should the format be? I mean, of how many characters/words should a field consist for it to be valid? I've tried numerous values but they all came back as being invalid.


PS: E-Mailing Plimus directly also doesn't seem to work - they just never respond.

Grtz, DePhille
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Re: Paypal (Plimus) - Incorrect contact info? Didn't think so...
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2007, 03:45:57 pm »
Nah, I only use one payment method for the internet. A long time ago, I've chosen PayPal as the main method.
I think I might ask Michal if I could send him the money directly, but I'm waiting until my exams are done , which is at the end of June. I missed the 9$ price anyways.

Grtz, DePhille
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Offline DePhille

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Re: Paypal (Plimus) - Incorrect contact info? Didn't think so...
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2007, 10:37:45 am »
Ah, thanks alot Enesce, problem solved.
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