First of all, I'd like to thank Avarax for putting that delightful Hexer script up on his server. Although it isn't the most fun thing in the world (read:I suck at it), programming the thing must have been quite the feat
. The one problem I found, though, is that when lower levels are fighting the
exceedingly superior higher levels, you get beat nine times out of ten. With an m79. And full complement of grenades.
Not to mention a couple buddies too.
Leaving the server (after having my butt served to me on a golden platter *cough*coda*cough*), I went to cool off in a small pub. As I flew around slaughtering Majors and the like, I started to wonder : could their frustration be the same as mine in Hexer ? While I stood blasting the brains out some Barrettard (boo spell correction), I figured a 'newb' gun might do the trick.
No, not a 'noob' gun, a 'newb' gun. Like what the XM was supposed to be
. See a noob gun is one that everyone but the user finds annoying, like in the case of the m79 : it's always used as a kamikaze gun that often ends a very nice round (especialy in R/S or trenchwars).
So I propose this : we introduce a newb gun mod, something that takes little skill to use, but can effectively teach new players the basics of using a single shot weapon, or an auto. Without making 'em resort to explosives
. Problem is, I have no idea how where to start on this mythical gun, so I need some ideas. The odds say that if you can come up with something, I can figure out how to make it work (unless it defies physics, no defying physics please). So please, post some ideas