Author Topic: Comparison  (Read 2303 times)

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Offline a-4-year-old

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« on: May 24, 2007, 03:03:52 pm »
It is important to look at each individual gun, and how it is balanced. it is also important to look at all of the guns, and see which ones are too good, and which are too bad.

I found that the barrett seems pretty bad.

I will edit this topic later with the average position of each weapon, they should be around the same, judging them on every aspect of the gun.
Best gun: Desert eagles
Second best: tie, Ruger 77 and MP5
Second worst: tie Minimi  m79
Worst: Barrett
« Last Edit: May 24, 2007, 08:16:46 pm by a-4-year-old »
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Offline mxyzptlk

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Re: Comparison
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2007, 09:09:53 pm »
The problem is thats stat comparison. it isn't based on practical usefulness.

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Offline iDante

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Re: Comparison
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2007, 10:43:59 pm »
I think we should all post which gun we think is the best and the worst, then compare.
Best: Shotgun - It may be close range but it is still pwnage, beats m79 easy.
Second: rett and steyr - rett is sniper nuff said, and steyr is the only good auto
Second Worst: minimi - its horrible accuracy ruins it
Worst: mini - its better but stil by far the worst.

Offline Clawbug

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Re: Comparison
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2007, 05:21:36 am »
I did some quick statistics stuff with Calc, and here are the results:

I am not 100% sure how correct is that, but according to my past experience with working and calculating with those values, it seems that they are quite correct..

Note: The "real" in before of value means that e.g. with Spas, the first shot's fireinterval is not calculated to the DPS, means that if there is 0.5s between shots, the first 0.5s is for two shots. So it just adds DamagePerBullet to the DamagePerSecond.

Thus, if weapon kills with two shots, like ruger does, it just puts the fireinterval between weapons to the Real Seconds To Kill.

I can not really explain this, but that is how it works in Soldat.

Also note that DamagePerBullet is for one bullet, so multiply it by two for Deagles, and by with six for Spas to see damage Per (perfect) Hit

Also all these values are from zero-range.

Barrett and M79 are quite worthless in that list, as they kill with one hit, but I decided to include them to see what kind of stats they get. Thats why I decluded knofe, LAW and saw.

If you ask the best weapon from me, it is quite much the Ruger. The accuracy it has in good hands is outstanding, 2 hits to kill equals less than 0.75 seconds, and 3 hits equals to less than 1.5 seconds. IF you hit them in row. If not, then you are quite much equal with the other weapons. No one can hit 100% perfect with any weapon, especially not wit the autos from long range, if MovementAcc is included for weapons. Thus, you can not really kill just in 1-2 seconds with automatic, as you can do with Ruger if you know how to, as it is enough accurate in good hands..

Md range goes from best to worst: M79/Barrett - Deagles/Spas - AUG/AK - Minimi

Worst seems to be the Minigun, because of the bullet spread in long range, but it RIPS everything in shor tange actually... just if it had no delay... ;)

Overall it seems to be quite well, except that I am still mocking the Ruger due to it's outstanding 1v1 performance.

« Last Edit: May 25, 2007, 05:33:38 am by Clawbug »
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Offline ChromedGun

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Re: Comparison
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2007, 05:49:36 am »
Erm, you can't just compare weapons like this, it depends on the situation, the environment and the user.

@Kryp -- go buy some skills. use /command to bring up the commands.

Offline Clawbug

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Re: Comparison
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2007, 06:00:00 am »
Erm, you can't just compare weapons like this, it depends on the situation, the environment and the user.
You can do theoretical comparison. Good AUG user versus Good Deagles user. Deagles are quite accurate, AUG is not. Thus, we can come into conclusion that AUG user would be beaten in long-range 1v1 situation.
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Offline ChromedGun

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Re: Comparison
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2007, 06:14:48 am »
Yeah, but Aug fires rapidly, Deagels do not (least they shouldn't).

If the AUG'er is good then he can still win.

@Kryp -- go buy some skills. use /command to bring up the commands.

Offline Clawbug

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Re: Comparison
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2007, 06:22:10 am »
Yeah, but Aug fires rapidly, Deagels do not (least they shouldn't).

If the AUG'er is good then he can still win.
How can he win? If you look at those statistics I made, you can see that 0.83 seconds for AUG to kill someone, and 0.71 seconds for DEagles to kill someone. Assuming the accuracy is 100% at zero range.

Deagles lose more power during the air-time, thus they would be a bit more powerful than AUG, and as they are very accurate in good hands, it could be possible that all the bullets hit.

AUG is NOT accurate from long distance, alot of bullets hit, but alot of them miss the target, because the bullet spread is too high.

Even if both weapons hit 100% of their shot bullets, I would give my bet for the deagles.
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Re: Comparison
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2007, 07:28:13 am »
Please quit it with stats. It provides nothing of an insigt into the balance. And when you don't even fully know what you're talking about it's just damn misleading and wrong.

Be helpful and play sctfl, gathers or public. Then report back with feedback.
