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Offline A

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Random Tips
« on: June 03, 2007, 11:33:25 pm »
Lately I've been fooling around in Soldat and discovering some odd ways to be better at the game:

- If you plan on camping the whole round, change the fire button from left mouse to space. That way, when you fire your weapon the position of the mouse won't change; every shot will be concisely planned out and accurate. Note that you’re kind of sacrificing your chatting functionality when you do this.

- Use the M79 to blast your way above all of the enemies and take the flag. Repeat process to get back to base (this one is pretty common but worth mentioning).

- Listen to Creedence Clearwater Revival when you play. Seriously, there is a noticeable skill increase.

- Be stealthy: throw a grenade at yourself so that you are visibly injured. Run towards the enemy base and play dead by proning and making your LAW/chainsaw stick straight up in the air. Once all of the enemies have passed you, move up a little bit until you can get to the flag and run away.

- This one may annoy a lot of people, but... In Trench Wars, sometimes I like to just blindly snipe from the base. To do this, I crouch so there is no bink and then put tiny pieces of post-it notes on my monitor for each position the mouse needs to be in order to hit a certain place. If you get a spotter to give you positions of enemies, you can get double kills from 250 meters away. It may be cheap, but it's VERY satisfying.

- If you're playing in a clan, be organized; stick together at all times and have one person using an automatic weapon, one sniper for spotting long distances, and somebody using a spas for close range. Have one knifer, one person with a LAW, and one person with a chainsaw; it's best to have all manner of weapons at hand when going for that flag.

- When you get a headshot while sniping, sometimes the bullet goes through the player and the camera keeps following the bullet. To get out of the bullet cam, just unprone/crouch; this is especially useful when several enemies are rushing and you need to fire off some quick shots.

- An enemy is shooting you at close range; you're out of grenades, and it's too late to retreat. Rather than prone, crouch, or jump in the air, run forward while holding down the fire button; you have a better chance of knocking his gun out of his hands than just sitting there drawing blood.

Okay, that is all I can think of. Feel free to post your own random tips as well.

Offline iDante

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Re: Random Tips
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2007, 11:49:34 pm »
Listen to godsmack, COB, or LTE.
Overuse grenades.
Hug medikits.
Do a lot of temporary camping. Hide in a bush, kill one dude, move to the next bush.

The one about throwing a nade at yourself, dont do it.

Offline X-Rayz

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Re: Random Tips
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2007, 12:21:10 am »
If someones above you shooting, move side to side while shooting back.
And if their horizontal, i suppose you can prone alot, but it makes your accuracy go...inaccurate.

Offline Will

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Re: Random Tips
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2007, 12:29:36 am »
Listen to godsmack, COB, or LTE.
Overuse grenades.
Hug medikits.
Do a lot of temporary camping. Hide in a bush, kill one dude, move to the next bush.

The one about throwing a nade at yourself, dont do it.

Try Listening to I stand alone by godsmack and join and try to be the only dude on the team. I also recomend Are you dead yet by COB and bashing some bodies on the floor :D

Offline Valorman

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Re: Random Tips
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2007, 12:35:35 am »
I love CCR's music. Green River and Run Through the Jungle in particular. As for tips, superman often because it makes you a fast moving target that is usually is hard to get a bead on. Also, use the knife's throwing capibility often. It will save your ass.

Offline sakae

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Re: Random Tips
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2007, 12:44:10 am »
well any music with a good bass will make your play better.

Offline numgun

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Re: Random Tips
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2007, 02:27:15 am »

Offline shoover

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Re: Random Tips
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2007, 01:26:29 pm »
Heres my tips:

-Apparently "Duck and Cover" can apply on soldat if you time it right.

-If you see a sniper, you pretty much have to shoot fast, 70% of snipers I face are good at them

-M79 Users most likely also run good because it takes logic to time the shots when gravity plays affect.

-I guarantee you, never use your grenades unless you either have height advantage and close to the person, or if the guy is about to M72 LAW you, you kill him.

-The one way to take advantage of when you get hit, turn invisible for 5 seconds then visible, is to prepare your law on the ground, crouch, load and fire.

Offline BondJamesBond

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Re: Random Tips
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2007, 02:43:17 pm »
Change your pace. Move slowly and all of a sudden pick up a sprint, then a timed backflip to stop momentum can really put your opponents off their mark.

Be sure you time it well, if you do a backflip to early, you'll just be a simple floating target. Too late, and you'll give the opponent time to reload and aim.
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Offline Chariot

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Re: Random Tips
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2007, 12:53:57 am »
- This one may annoy a lot of people, but... In Trench Wars, sometimes I like to just blindly snipe from the base. To do this, I crouch so there is no bink and then put tiny pieces of post-it notes on my monitor for each position the mouse needs to be in order to hit a certain place. If you get a spotter to give you positions of enemies, you can get double kills from 250 meters away. It may be cheap, but it's VERY satisfying.

Sniping in TW truly is satisfying. I do best at it on Gloryhill and Nomans. On gloryhill, I got a 19 kill spree by camping and I kept the main bunker in my scopes on the far edge of my screen so I would see the enemy before they see me.

- An enemy is shooting you at close range; you're out of grenades, and it's too late to retreat. Rather than prone, crouch, or jump in the air, run forward while holding down the fire button; you have a better chance of knocking his gun out of his hands than just sitting there drawing blood.

No, no. You 'weave.' Prone and superman while in mid air in a small area. It really pisses snipers off. They can't hit it at all.

- Hunting can be very effective because the enemy may go past you in a lower or higher route and they could come back around and get you from behind. And if your sniping, don't miss or they'll know where to go/avoid.
Vidi Vici Veni
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Offline numgun

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Re: Random Tips
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2007, 06:52:16 am »
Grenades seem to be really effective when they hit the legs. So aim for them and set em on the ground so ppl would walk over them.

If you are facing a situation where theres only 1 small corner seperating you from the enemy that has a 1 shot weapon and both of you are waiting for either of you to come to you and you now he's good. You can avoid getting killed by giving a surprise attack by either suddenly laying grenades or m79 boosting and then busting him with secondary weapons or with remaining nades. Good reflexes required to hit the target in the boost.

If an enemy is above you, forget the knife. (Unless he is really close)

Doing a superman in a big, open area with a sniper in it can be fatal. (You fly in a nice trajectory that gives only more chance for the sniper to kill you.)

Wiggle, and you might spare your life. (Prone rapidly)
« Last Edit: June 05, 2007, 07:06:20 am by numgun »

Offline Major .:Noob:.

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Re: Random Tips
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2007, 07:10:57 am »
I love CCR's music. Green River and Run Through the Jungle in particular. As for tips, superman often because it makes you a fast moving target that is usually is hard to get a bead on. Also, use the knife's throwing capibility often. It will save your ass.

Just supermanning actually makes you a better target. You're suddenly traveling at a constant speed (albeit faster than usual) with a predictable trajectory. So yeah, do what chariot says, weave. Hit the prone button really fast and you'll go crazy D:. You won't be able to aim properly, but they won't be able to hit you =P.

Offline Demonic

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Re: Random Tips
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2007, 07:22:25 am »
 - Worm a lot. Jet, prone, stand up, rince and repeat. Your goal should be ditching the enemy crosshair, thus ditching the enemy bullets, while you move in for the kill.
 - Grenades. All the time. Nade first, ask questions later. One direct grenade hit will ensure a one hit kill with ANY gun if you time it right, and one nade to the feet will get you a frag on it's own. And if one nade doesn't work? Throw all of them!
 - Think 2D. Most people screw up because they only rush forward, and are thus predictable. You can always change the flow of combat; nothing better to disrupt your enemy than backing up away from him, while hailing him with gunfire.
 - Use your secondary when needed: and when it's not needed, ditch it for a primary! A soldier with a barret on his back and a steyr in his hand is a real threat against the enemy on it's own.

Offline Chariot

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Re: Random Tips
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2007, 12:25:09 pm »
We call it 'weaving' in the R/S community. I believe this was derived from a vent conversation where someone was yelling:

Vidi Vici Veni
I saw, I conquered, I came

Offline A

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Re: Random Tips
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2007, 02:45:50 pm »
We call it 'weaving' in the R/S community.

I play RS and Trench Wars almost exclusively, and I always thought that weaving was highly overrated. It's really best to not even be caught in a situation where you're being rushed and have no cover or ammo :D

Offline Valorman

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Re: Random Tips
« Reply #15 on: June 05, 2007, 02:51:30 pm »
I love CCR's music. Green River and Run Through the Jungle in particular. As for tips, superman often because it makes you a fast moving target that is usually is hard to get a bead on. Also, use the knife's throwing capibility often. It will save your ass.

Just supermanning actually makes you a better target. You're suddenly traveling at a constant speed (albeit faster than usual) with a predictable trajectory. So yeah, do what chariot says, weave. Hit the prone button really fast and you'll go crazy D:. You won't be able to aim properly, but they won't be able to hit you =P.

I dont really think so..I have a better chance of living when I superman my way through a skirmish in stead of just bunny hopping through when the situation arises.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2007, 02:55:31 pm by Valorman »

Offline Chariot

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Re: Random Tips
« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2007, 04:37:29 pm »
We call it 'weaving' in the R/S community.

I play RS and Trench Wars almost exclusively, and I always thought that weaving was highly overrated. It's really best to not even be caught in a situation where you're being rushed and have no cover or ammo :D

How do you weave in TW?! Anyways, weaving is quite helpful (against snipers, anyways) if you can do it right.

That's another tip: Avoid situations where you have a high chance of dying. I play mostly R/S too, so capping the flag isn't my main objective. Most of my focus is on survivng while getting as many kills as possible. I usually get a great k:d ratio in normal servers.
Vidi Vici Veni
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Offline xtishereb

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Re: Random Tips
« Reply #17 on: June 05, 2007, 05:02:26 pm »
- Never underestimate the power of distractions. Have somebody rush low, and when most of the enemies are trying to intercept them, have other people rush high and run off with the flag. Also works with left and right on vertical maps like inf_Fortress.
- The easiest counter to campers is spraying. ;Q Shoot a hailstorm of bullets at any place there might be a camper. Recommended with fast-reloading weapons only and servers with no friendly fire for best results.
- The most satisfying counter to campers is flanking. Take an alternate route around the camper, then double back and surprise them.
- Don't underestimate ricochets. They can allow you to hit targets otherwise out of your line of fire. Especially fun in tunnels.
- Don't rush weapons with lots of stopping power, like the Deagles, MP5 or SPAS. They'll chew you up and spit you out. It's best to stay further away, at the outside of their firing range, and take them out from afar.
- Rush one-hit kill weapons. (except for the chainsaw) Get them to fire and miss, then exploit the long reload time to get in their face and blow it off.
- The fastest way to move is skipping. Learn how to jump, then jump when you hit the ground again, and repeat.
- Know which moves will kill your inertia. Rolling temporarily speeds you up, but unless you roll off a cliff or bump, you'll usually come to a stop at the end. Backflips also move you slower, and can take out most lateral movement you have. Use these techniques to throw off your enemy.
- Height is everything with autos. If you're higher, your bullets can go faster, farther, and do more damage. When two people with autos battle, the one who's higher often comes out alive.
- Memorize the layout of each map. Not flashcard memorize, but keep playing on maps until you know all the routes and where people like to go.
- Set up your taunts so you can send quick messages to your team about friendly and enemy movement. I have high, mid, low, left and right for EFC, FFC and incoming enemies.
- If possible, crack jokes. Nobody likes a serious person who takes the game way too seriously, except other serious persons who take the game way too seriously.

I think that's enough.

EDIT: I like listening to Daft Punk (their album "Homework" in particular), Cut Chemist ("The Audience's Listening) and drum 'n' bass mixes (for some free ones, check out the soundtrack for Walkover or DJ Zinc's Podcast) while I'm playing Soldat. Keeps me from getting pissed off and loosing my groove.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2007, 05:09:46 pm by xtishereb »
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Re: Random Tips
« Reply #18 on: June 06, 2007, 11:04:57 am »
Whats superman!!!! dammit, will your team even listen 20% of the time they don't respond

Offline Snipufin

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Re: Random Tips
« Reply #19 on: June 06, 2007, 11:45:50 am »
Whats superman!!!! dammit, will your team even listen 20% of the time they don't respond
Supermanning is that when you jump in air, and while you're in the air, prone and jet in midair. You will go pretty fast, and if you time it right, you can stand up and continue with that speed.
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