Script Name: Server commands lister
Script Description: When you use /servercommands, /servercommandsA, /servercommandsB; you will get a list of the server commands.
Original Author: Curt (DorkeyDear)
Core Version: 2.6.1
Commands: TStringArray;
procedure ActivateServer();
Commands[1] := ' Command A; B; C; etc Description';
Commands[2] := ' Server commands:';
Commands[3] := '/addbotA B Team; Bot name Adds a bot';
Commands[4] := '/kick A ID or name Kicks somebody';
Commands[5] := '/ban A ID or name Bans somebody';
Commands[6] := '/banip A IP Bans an IP';
Commands[7] := '/unban A IP Unbans an IP';
Commands[8] := '/map A Map name Forces a map change';
Commands[9] := '/restart Restarts the current match';
Commands[10] := '/nextmap Forces the map to change to the next in mapslist.txt';
Commands[11] := '/adm A Name Adds a player to the remote admins list';
Commands[12] := '/admip A IP Adds an IP to the remote admins list';
Commands[13] := '/unadm A IP Removes an UP from the remote admins list';
Commands[14] := '/say A Message Sends a text messsage to all players in the server';
Commands[15] := '/setteamA B Team; ID Forces a player to a team';
Commands[16] := '/kicklast Kicks the last player who joined the server';
Commands[17] := '/respawntime A Seconds Sets the respawn time';
Commands[18] := '/maxrespawntime A Seconds Sets the maximum respawn time in team games';
Commands[19] := '/limit A Value Sets the capture/kills/point limit';
Commands[20] := ' Type /servercommandsB to view the second page.';
Commands[21] := '/timelimit A Minutes Sets the time limit';
Commands[22] := '/friendlyfire A 0/1 Enables (1) / Disables (0) friendly fire';
Commands[23] := '/vote% A Percent Sets the vote percent needed to be sucessful';
Commands[24] := '/bonus A 1-5 Sets the frequency o bonus (0 = never, 5 = max)';
Commands[25] := '/maxplayers A 1-32 Sets the maximim players allowed in the server';
Commands[26] := '/loadcon Reloads soldat.ini';
Commands[27] := '/loadwep A File.ini Loads A.ini into the weapon settings';
Commands[28] := '/gamemode A 1-6 Sets the gamemode (0 = DM, 1 = PM, 2 = TM, 3 = CTF, 4 = RM, 5 = INF, 6 = HTF';
Commands[29] := '/realistic A 0/1 Enables (1) / Disables (0) realitsic mode';
Commands[30] := '/advanced A 0/1 Enables (1) / Disables (0) advanced mode';
Commands[31] := '/survival A 0/1 Enables (1) / Disables (0) survival mode';
Commands[32] := '/kill A ID or name Forces a player to selfkill';
Commands[33] := '/banlast Bans the last person who joined the server for one hour';
Commands[34] := '/unbanlast Unbans the last player who was banned';
Commands[35] := '/adminpass A Password Changes the remote admin password';
Commands[36] := '/adminlog A Password Logs the client as remote admin';
Commands[37] := '/mute A ID or name Mutes the player so you don''t see his chat';
Commands[38] := '/unmute A ID or name Unmutes a player';
Commands[39] := ' Type /servercommandsA to view the first page.';
function OnCommand(ID: Byte; Text: string): boolean;
Result := false
if LowerCase(Text) = '/servercommandsa' then for i := 1 to 20 do SaytoPlayer(ID,Commands[i]);
if LowerCase(Text) = '/servercommandsb' then for i := 21 to ArrayHigh(Commands) do SaytoPlayer(ID,Commands[i]);