Author Topic: The Perfect Strike  (Read 5000 times)

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Offline SirJamesaford

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Re: The Perfect Strike
« Reply #20 on: June 18, 2007, 06:24:42 pm »
I said I wouldn't read another Ender Wiggin thread, but I just had to see how gay it was.
That was your first mistake. First, going against your own intuition is never a good sign. Second, would you care to explain how a thread can have homosexual tendencies? Or is it just extremely happy?
Mmhm. It beats around the bush. Has no meaning to it. And wow, zomg, i went against my own intuition, now i'm gonna be ownzord! Pffft, superstitions...
After the first line "I glanced at my watch" I knew you would take about an hour or so to GET TO THE POINT.
And yet you continued to read the entire article, and waste your time writing a reply. If you felt that it was such a waste of time, why did you CONTINUE to waste your time? As far as the story taking too long, there are two possible explanations. First, you are a prepubescent kid who has ADD, and can't sit still for more than few minutes. The second, and more likely option in my opinion, is that you are a highschool dropout who cannot read too well, hence the reason it takes you so long to read a few paragraphs.
Who told you that I read the whole damn thing? And your assumptions are false. You are a VIRGIN, you are 50, and you are A LOSER. Stop spending your life on Soldat.
Writing your Soldat moment is like writing a news article. You don't need to be too descriptive.
Says who? I read the rules, and they don't seem to mention anything like this. Seeing as how you are new here, I am going to go out on a small limb and say that you just pulled this out of your ass.
You are as much as new as I am. As a matter of fact, you are NEWER than I am. That obviously makes you a dropout teenager or a kid, right?
You need to be brief or else no one is going to read it. There are hundreds of threads out there. Why would they spend the time to read yours?
First off, at any given moment there are less than 20 threads that are within easy access. No one is going to go digging through the archives to find a good soldat moment thread to read, especially if it is only a few lines long. Second, they would spend the time to read mine because they are interesting, engaging, and stand out from the rest of the crowd. It's like looking at a crowd of people walking down the street, and focusing on the hot babe in the red dress because she stands out from the crowd.
Nice, you quoted Matrix. Why? Because you can't think of a ****ing one yourself. Prove that this one is more interesting than the other threads.
Apparently people have read this, and that's because they like to spend the extra time to sit on their lazy asses and watch the screen for days.
Once again, I think you may have reading trouble, especially if it takes you days to read my posts. Also, you are pointing out the obvious that people have read this. Look at the page views, the replys, and the fact that you read it as well! So if they read it and replied, and that constitutes "sitting on their lazy asses", and you read it and replied as well, doesn't that mean that you too are "sitting on" your lazy ass?
No, again, I didn't read the goddamn *** rag, and tell me the line where it says I did.
I must say, for someone who thinks so highly of himself, you come across as rather stupid. Next time you post, think about what you have to say, and make sure that your argument isn't a steaming pile of bull****.
I come across as rather stupid? Perhaps I would look smarter if I posted more adjectives? Or talked like a British man? I don't come on the internet to be smart - that's your mistake, and that's where you've ****ed up your life and became a boring son of a jew.
Thank you, and have a great day!
Wow, you're so professional. Posting 'uber ownage' noob pwning threads, and treating replies like customers. This should be your job. Actually, no, this is your LIFE.

To all those who said "zomg wigger u owns", get the **** out if you're not going to contribute to this thread. It just proves how Wigger can't defend for himself.

It just proves how wigger cant defend for himself?? lol thats odd because above is like 100 lines of him actually defending himself. 

I think most of the people who read his stuff like it.  And those who dont probably just dont like to read.  Or they are upset that they cant write the way he can.  Keep em commin Ender...
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And if there is no room upon the hill
And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too
Ill see you on the dark side of the moon

Offline Xxypher

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Re: The Perfect Strike
« Reply #21 on: June 18, 2007, 06:26:08 pm »
*walks into big wall of text*

Well After I was done reading this, I have to say...
Its Soldat, you almost wrote a book on it.
But good story!

Offline BondJamesBond

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Re: The Perfect Strike
« Reply #22 on: June 18, 2007, 09:30:15 pm »
If Soldat ever gets a storyline, we know who will write it.
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?  - Peter Drucker

Offline Blues

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Re: The Perfect Strike
« Reply #23 on: June 18, 2007, 10:15:20 pm »
Very nice written story.
I'm assuming that the map is inf_warehouse. ;)

Offline Kahless

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Re: The Perfect Strike
« Reply #24 on: June 21, 2007, 01:10:09 am »
That was a well written passage EW, a commendable effort. I'm sure the author of such prose gives need heed to trolls.

Offline Radical Terrorist

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Re: The Perfect Strike
« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2007, 06:26:50 pm »
man why can all soldatens be like that? A team! I am definitely not the best player but i give the cover fire for the team! However in the end they let me die there on my own...
People in soldat have about as much team sense as lemmings as they run off of the cliff. You're only together because that's less fire directed at you. Funny part is, when a bunch of noobs actually team together and use Tactics, Ive seen a buttload of majors and other noobs hold off clan members and stuff just because they set up guards and campers and scouts etc...
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Offline Pie

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Re: The Perfect Strike
« Reply #26 on: June 26, 2007, 09:01:49 am »
man why can all soldatens be like that? A team! I am definitely not the best player but i give the cover fire for the team! However in the end they let me die there on my own...
People in soldat have about as much team sense as lemmings as they run off of the cliff. You're only together because that's less fire directed at you. Funny part is, when a bunch of noobs actually team together and use Tactics, Ive seen a buttload of majors and other noobs hold off clan members and stuff just because they set up guards and campers and scouts etc...
heh, i know what you mean its like this;

Soldat1:hey team lets win this, we have them out numbered!
Soldat2:Yeah, Wohoo
soldat3: Okay you guys go ahead, ill sit back and piss on my teammate thats got the sniper rifle, hehehe...
*Soldat1 dies*soldat1: God damnit, You guys suck...

Thats generally how it goes...

Lol, internets.

Offline LtKillroy

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Re: The Perfect Strike
« Reply #27 on: June 27, 2007, 04:09:09 pm »
I would simply like to point out that your plan took so long, blue would have tons of points before you scored, so you better score fast or you lose. It is a good plan, but here's a better one.
I ran at the base spraying madly, sawed the three campers at the bottom of warehouse, ran through the underground tunnel, and scored. Someone else soon followed suit, and we won.
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Offline haha

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Re: The Perfect Strike
« Reply #28 on: July 04, 2007, 05:09:48 am »
woah has this thread come into a compliment or complain thread?
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Offline FlyingForehead

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Re: The Perfect Strike
« Reply #29 on: July 04, 2007, 06:37:45 pm »
Quote from: Paintd to Ender Wiggin on June 15, 2007, 06:31:31 PM

Who told you that I read the whole damn thing? And your assumptions are false. You are a VIRGIN, you are 50, and you are A LOSER. Stop spending your life on Soldat.

Dude, thats really sad quoting people virginity and how old they are. Anyway, that really isnt paying any1 out except yourself. Thats saying that instead of actually defending yourself with wit and charisma, u defend yourself with stupid remarks about people sexual life. I mean come on, how lame can you really get.

Anyways, EW, fantastic story, much better than other posts in this thread. E.g: Z0mg, multi K1ll tIm3s 3, Zomg, Zomg!

« Last Edit: July 04, 2007, 06:40:09 pm by FlyingForehead »

You can find me in the masturbation thread. At least that one is somewhat more interesting