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Author Topic: .->TEC<-. (sniping clan)  (Read 1374 times)

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Offline crisby

  • Major(1)
  • Posts: 17
.->TEC<-. (sniping clan)
« on: July 04, 2006, 01:28:29 am »

This is going to be the new pro sniping clan. Hi my names Crisby here are my rules on which u must follow  to be aloud in my clan.

Leader: Crisby

2.Pro sniper, Excellent Knifer
3.Australians and New zealanders only
4.No M79rs
5.No spas
6.Can not be in another clan as this one
7. No bagging clan leader
8. must be fast typer
9.must like soldat
10. Follow my rules and no one gets booted


Maps- Ctf and Inf. no survival or advance mode or realistic mode
Weapons-sniper, knife, aug, Chain
age of clan- just strated
must be playing for a while.


There will be a maximum of 10 memebers that can join this clan.

My email for contacting me is mbo13562@bigpond.net.au

Thx for the corporation