k i guess any clan wants a discription of who they recruit so here we go. just dont see this as bragging plz, its just a discription
I have played Soldat for 3-4 so i have alot of experience with the game
I have been in clans in other games before and i lead my own clan for a few months before, so i know how clans work
More often the not i am at the top of the list at the end of games, even when i join late. seriously man i got a folder of screenshot wins that i started maybe half a year ago. It doesn't contain nearly at all close to the amount of times ive won, but i do have ALOT of wins in there
My Fav guns
2. M79
3. tie between Deagles and the HK
My guess is that a clan wont want another M79er because of its popular use and it being known as the "n00b weapon" so i will use the Deagles and HK if that be the case, im as great with those as i am M79.
I dont run around with the chainsaw while being shot like a ****ing dumbass would. when i use the saw its tactically and pro
Im not a very good camper, but my skills are in combat using stradegy and tactics, which i am pretty damn good at
I dont hack, so if yu have a hacking clan or if anyone in your clan hacks to win, count me out
Im willing to be very dedicated to my clan so u can rely on me
yea well thats prolly it lol, wow thats long. if u got a question or w/e then just ask, im willing to prove my skill. btw again, i dont like to brag this is just a discription