So, tonight, I jumped in snag and added to a gather. Only a few people showed up, so we all just started messing around.
It was Me, Marbire, Shady, and Rabble. We first started playing Vollyball on Dropdown 2. Then some barrett game, then Golf with knives on Laos. Then rabble left, and me shady and marbire went to the LP server. Shady ended up D/Cing so it was just me and Marbire.
So we started to do a 1v1 with M79s.
The catch was, you could only shoot, after you tossed your gun, and caught it in mid air. Then you got 1 shot. first to 10. It took me a little to get it pretty good, as Marbire layed the smack down on me. I caught on rather fast, and started making a come back from a 8-1 deficit. The first round ended at 10-8 with Marb winning. Then we played a few more rounds, next to 15 on Arena3, but changed back to RatCave. Then a 3rd one to 20. Marb one 20-16.
I have a few demos. The first one I was still getting the hang of it, and the 2nd one was a bit better, the 3rd one didnt get good till the map changed, as I made a really good come back. We kept track of score through the maps till the score was actually achieved. I didnt get all of them, but here are 2 of them.