Author Topic: Soldat Spanish good translation (non-official, but better)  (Read 22682 times)

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Soldat Spanish good translation (non-official, but better)
« on: June 18, 2007, 10:42:40 pm »
I'm going to do the RIGHT translation to spanish, but i need a file hoster, like imageshack but for files, can you guys give me some examples? :D ;D

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Re: Soldat Spanish good translation (non-official, but better)
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2007, 10:51:29 pm »

Not sure but maybe these might work.

Buena suerte con la traddución.

Offline urraka

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Re: Soldat Spanish good translation (non-official, but better)
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2007, 12:51:59 pm »
You can attach the file here. When you post something press "aditional options" and there you have the option to attach file. That is if you press "Reply" not in "Quick reply".

Offline OzkrXD

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Re: Soldat Spanish good translation (non-official, but better)
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2009, 11:11:31 pm »
mm i speak spanish i can traslate xD

Offline ~Niko~

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Re: Soldat Spanish good translation (non-official, but better)
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2009, 09:07:13 am »
Though this is an old topic, I'll reply because I'm spanish too.

I simply don't use the spanish translation because it sucks, I like better the english one. Way more. But if you want a translation of it I can do it.

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Re: Soldat Spanish good translation (non-official, but better)
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2009, 11:06:02 am »
I have to agree with Niko, Spanish translation sucks, but we could make a better one.

Offline stt]

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Re: Soldat Spanish good translation (non-official, but better)
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2009, 11:57:22 am »
that would be really good, i always hated the 'Comenzae juego'

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Re: Soldat Spanish good translation (non-official, but better)
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2009, 12:07:04 pm »
BTW, Isn't that topic realived for astupid reason?

stt, maybe you are in Portugese, lol.
Hey if you want we could change it

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Re: Soldat Spanish good translation (non-official, but better)
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2009, 06:42:07 pm »
Though this is an old topic, I'll reply because I'm spanish too.

I simply don't use the spanish translation because it sucks, I like better the english one. Way more. But if you want a translation of it I can do it.
If you have the ability to improve the, allegedly shitty, spanish translation by all means do it.
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Re: Soldat Spanish good translation (non-official, but better)
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2009, 09:52:12 am »
I'm doing the translation... I'll post it here when I have it done, and if you guys wanna help me improve it, just change a few things and post it here again.

Offline Bragol

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Re: Soldat Spanish good translation (non-official, but better)
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2009, 09:41:34 pm »
Hola, soy el autor de la traducción al español de Soldat. Leí sus comentarios y es cierto que esa versión tiene muchos errores, puesto que era una versión BETA.

Soldat fue uno de los primeros juegos que traduje y envié la traducción a Michal hace muchos años ya, a la espera de algún comentario de su parte.
No se si lo habrá hecho a propósito, pero en aquel momento me pareció muy desconsiderado de su parte incluir la traducción en el paquete del juego sin haberme dicho siquiera "gracias". Por tal razón, dejé la traducción tal como estaba y no volví a corregir los errores.
Las versiones posteriores de Soldat incluyeron nuevas lineas de texto las cuales fueron traducidas y agregadas a la BETA original que yo había hecho. Por tal razón, se darán cuenta de por qué la traducción actual al español se encuentra en ese estado.

Lo que venía a decirles es que, si van a hacer la traducción mejorada, todo lo que tienen que hacer para que Michal la agregue al paquete del juego es enviársela por mail.

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Re: Soldat Spanish good translation (non-official, but better)
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2009, 09:03:41 am »
huh, if that is true, then it's a shame

si eso es verdad deja mucho que desear de mm...

Offline Bragol

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Re: Soldat Spanish good translation (non-official, but better)
« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2009, 09:02:54 pm »
Viéndolo ahora a la distancia, no creo que Michal lo haya hecho queriendo aprovecharse.

De todas formas, les deseo suerte con el proyecto, Soldat no tiene muchas líneas y es un trabajo que puede terminarse rápido. Espero ver esa tradu en la próxima versión del juego (y si no se hace oficial, yo se de una comunidad que se encarga de traducir juegos, que alojará la traducción con todo gusto y con los debidos créditos).

Saludos,voy a pasar cada tanto para ver que tal van.

PD: disculpen que escriba en español, soy mejor pasando de español a inglés que de inglés a español y quería evitar malos entendidos.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2009, 09:05:23 pm by Bragol »

Offline stt]

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Re: Soldat Spanish good translation (non-official, but better)
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2009, 11:58:27 am »
hey guys, i was testing the spanish lang in 1.5d version. I noticed that there are still some lines without translation and also that the menu is a bit larger now so in windowed mode there are some buttons that you can't see well, like 'exit' - 'salir'

what about if we help with this and get it done?   :D

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Re: Soldat Spanish good translation (non-official, but better)
« Reply #14 on: February 27, 2009, 03:05:57 pm »
Yes it would. just PM the translation to EnEsCe, as explained in this thread. appreciated ;)
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Offline Fujifabric

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Re: Soldat Spanish good translation (non-official, but better)
« Reply #15 on: March 01, 2009, 08:03:49 pm »
Hola a todos, quiero informarles que he realizado la traducción de las lineas faltantes/nuevas de Soldat 1.5 y me gustaría que la observaran y digan sus comentarios/sugerencias para poder enviarla a EnEsCe.

He tomado en cuenta la idea de reducir un poco las lineas del menu principal para que todos los botones fueran visibles.

Aparte de eso no modifiqué nada de la traducción anterior exceptuando algún error de tipografía.

He Encontrado un inconveniente y es que las líneas nuevas que contienen %s son traducidas automáticamente al inglés, por lo tanto se ven algunos comentarios como "ha soldado la bandera Blue" lo cual me fue imposible averiguar como cambiar.

Por favor escriban sus comentarios/sugerencias lo mas pronto posible.

Hello everyone, i would like to inform to you that i've just made the translation of the new lines of Soldat 1.5 i would like to see some comments first before sending the file to EnEsCe.

I found that there where some lines which used the '%s' to replace a word in the game (usually team colors) but they automatically were translated to english so the phrase is a mix of both languages, if there's a way of changing this, please let me know.

EDIT: updated the file, see further post.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2009, 12:59:07 am by Fujifabric »

Offline N. Escalona

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Re: Soldat Spanish good translation (non-official, but better)
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2009, 09:02:08 pm »
Wait, so the translation was done automatically? That's okay in a pinch, but hardly something to make permanent.
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Offline Fujifabric

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Re: Soldat Spanish good translation (non-official, but better)
« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2009, 10:49:50 pm »
Wait, so the translation was done automatically? That's okay in a pinch, but hardly something to make permanent.

sorry, what?

Offline N. Escalona

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Re: Soldat Spanish good translation (non-official, but better)
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2009, 11:34:23 pm »
Did you translate this personally, or have someone else translate it personally, or did you use an automatic tool of some kind such as Google Translate? I ask only because
they automatically were translated to english so the phrase is a mix of both languages
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Offline Fujifabric

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Re: Soldat Spanish good translation (non-official, but better)
« Reply #19 on: March 02, 2009, 12:23:47 am »
Did you translate this personally, or have someone else translate it personally, or did you use an automatic tool of some kind such as Google Translate? I ask only because
they automatically were translated to english so the phrase is a mix of both languages

OK, seems like you got it wrong. I did the translations myself, in fact i tested them in-game to see if they were accurate.

What i said before about was:

I found that there where some lines which used the '%s' to replace a word in the game (usually team colors) but they automatically were translated to english so the phrase is a mix of both languages, if there's a way of changing this, please let me know.

I was talking about the '%s' that you find in the language file, which are used to place different texts such as the team colors or player names, etc. The issue is that the words being replaced were texts in english resulting in phrases with both spanish and english (only for the new lines).

So i was wondering if there's a way to fix that issue or it's ok as it is now.

Now that you mention if there was a translator i can tell you that it's very unlikely to do so since there are some sentences that are really hard to accommodate to look good in game and make sense for the spanish language... That's why i'm asking first for any suggestions that any of you may want to make, so you could actually use this instead of other langs.

EDIT: File updated.

EDIT2: Seems like the forum corrupts the file, please use these external links instead so you can review it before i send it to EnEsCe.

« Last Edit: March 14, 2009, 01:10:35 pm by Fujifabric »