I have made a Soldatstory. It contains a story as well
as 3 missions. The only thing what you must do for
playing them properly stand under the respective missions
under =Settings=. There it is explained step by step.
Thus nothing can go wrong.
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Here come the missions with her respective story:
1. MissionPrehistory:You were a member in a special force, until an attempt on
you and your companions has been committed. Only you have
survived it. Now you want to kill all partners from the attempt.
Mission 1: The FactoryTheir mission is to find the factory of
Mr. White and to infiltrate. Eliminate all
guards and workers of Mr. White. If you
should find Mr. White, then you should
eliminate him, because he is the boss of
the enterprise. He has produced the parts
for the bomb which were important for the
deadly Assassination attempt.
That was everything. A lot of luck.
Purposes:-find and infiltrate the secret factory
-eliminate all guards and workers of Mr. White
-eliminate Mr. White
Links:=Overview==Settings==Only this Mission=2. MissionContinuation:After you have killed Mr. White,
now one of the partners would be dead.
By the papers which found we in the factory
we know who the bomb parts has ordered.
They were delivered to an island in Cuba.
We suppose that an organisation, which is
called Destroy the World (=DtW), has done the attempt.
Mission 2: The IslandTheir mission is to infiltrate the island
and to procure the necessary information.
If you see members of the organisation, eliminate them.
After my knowledge there are cannons on the island
and it is strongly guarded, so you are careful.
That was everything. A lot of luck
Purposes:-infiltrate the island
-procure the necessary information
-eliminate all members of the organisation
Links:=Overview==Settings==Only this Mission=3. MissionContinuation:By the mission on the island in Cuba,
we could find out by various documents the order giver.
His name is Paul B.. He is a former member of your special
force, however, he was dismissed because of betrayal.
He has ordered the attempt for revenge reasons.
Today he lives alone in a house in the forest.
Mission 3: The HouseTheir mission is to infiltrate the house of
Paul B., because we suppose that he acts with weapons.
The house willbe well guarded. If you see him or
employees of him, then eliminate them. This is your last mission.
That was everything. A lot of luck.
Purposes:-infiltrate the House of Paul B.
-the arms cache find
-all employee of Paul B. eliminate
-Paul B. eliminate
Links:=Overview==Settings==Only this Mission==Complete Soldatstory=Have Fun with the Soldatstory