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It still*1 looks like that one you advertised on soldatmods.
UGH Crap, and btw i dont think*1 people would look on your mod for help on modding. i think they would go to modding help mabey? idk im not other people. but the way im thinking is that your just saying that your mod is to help people new to modding because it sucks*2 and you want them to overlook*3 that. just the way im thinking*2 *only comment ill post on this topic,mabey**1
very good mod, its exelent, nice work
The only*1 comment I have for the application is that it's far too self-overated*2. Perhaps you should tone down on the large*3, irritating lettering. As for your weapons, I believe*4 shrinking is lame and ruins the whole essence of modding. If you wish to improve, you should try editing the weapons with and application like GIMP so it looks decent.
Quote from: Vltava on July 05, 2006, 05:16:24 pmThe only*1 comment I have for the application is that it's far too self-overrated*2. Perhaps you should tone down on the large*3, irritating lettering. As for your weapons, I believe*4 shrinking is lame and ruins the whole essence of modding. If you wish to improve, you should try editing the weapons with and application like GIMP so it looks decent.*1 ...Now see, you are not very good at counting are you?*2 -I didnt know that the mod was so self-aware that it was "self-overrated", curious cos I didn't think my VB code was THAT good! -Thanks!*3 -Prehaps you should stand further away from the screen if the letters are too big for you, or see your local optometrist and get prescription glasses cut for you.*4 -Perhaps you beliefs are narrow minded and are more interested in critisizing anything that doesnt fit in with them. -You have my sympathy.
The only*1 comment I have for the application is that it's far too self-overrated*2. Perhaps you should tone down on the large*3, irritating lettering. As for your weapons, I believe*4 shrinking is lame and ruins the whole essence of modding. If you wish to improve, you should try editing the weapons with and application like GIMP so it looks decent.
Quote from: BladeRunner on July 05, 2006, 07:10:48 pmQuote from: Vltava on July 05, 2006, 05:16:24 pmThe only*1 comment I have for the application is that it's far too self-overrated*2. Perhaps you should tone down on the large*3, irritating lettering. As for your weapons, I believe*4 shrinking is lame and ruins the whole essence of modding. If you wish to improve, you should try editing the weapons with and application like GIMP so it looks decent.*1 ...Now see, you are not very good at counting are you?*2 -I didnt know that the mod was so self-aware that it was "self-overrated", curious cos I didn't think my VB code was THAT good! -Thanks!*3 -Prehaps you should stand further away from the screen if the letters are too big for you, or see your local optometrist and get prescription glasses cut for you.*4 -Perhaps you beliefs are narrow minded and are more interested in critisizing anything that doesnt fit in with them. -You have my sympathy.You realize that I said I only have one comment*1 on the application, right? Furthermore, you have it wrong*2; one word of critique bears far more value than a myriad of compliments. I like it when people constructively criticize my mods because the next time around, I can listen to their suggestions and make my mod better. My beliefs are not narrow-minded, as I am merely trying to help a think-skulled*3 man improve his modding. Regarding your response to LeetFidle's post: friends are people who stick by you despite your setbacks, and critique you for them, so you can work on becoming a better person. For example, if I were addicted to meth, I'd rather have a friend who'd try and pull me out of it than one who'd buy me more.
Quote from: Vltava on July 05, 2006, 05:16:24 pmThe only*1 comment I have for the application is that it's far too self-overrated*2. Perhaps you should tone down on the large*3, irritating lettering. As for your weapons, I believe*4 shrinking is lame and ruins the whole essence of modding. If you wish to improve, you should try editing the weapons with and application like GIMP so it looks decent.*1 ...Now see, you are not very good at counting are you?*2 -I didnt know that the mod was so self-aware that it was "self-overrated", curious cos I didn't think my VB code was THAT good! -Thanks!*3 -Prehaps you should stand further away from the screen if the letters are too big for you, or see your local optometrist and get prescription glasses cut for you.*4 -Perhaps you beliefs are narrow minded and are more interested in critisizing anything that doesnt fit in with them. -You have my sympathy.
Holy sh- Cow! HE'S BACK FOR SOME MORE HARDWAROkay, i shall give you a proper mod review, because of the application put into your modding skills.Style: 2 / 10 - Yous style is the "Main" way of modding generic weapons, but you are missing some crucial Graphics: 1 / 10 - The weapons do not even have a transparent background. If you were going for the "Button" look,you have failed, the buttons are too white, too square, too big, and have no border. Furthermore, the ingame weapons look bulky.Sound: 5 / 10 - The sounds are just regular weapon sounds.Gameplay: 1 / 10 - Soldat isnt any more fun because of this mod, it just changes the weapons.Interface: 2 / 10 - Pretty badley done.Overall score: 22%Comment: You should have tried harder in the appearence of the mod, then just making a configurer with arnie in it. You should have also listened to peoples comments and actually upgrade on the mod. Lastly, you advertise way too much for anybody to take you seriously.
Quote from: LeetFidle on July 05, 2006, 03:51:04 pm UGH Crap, and btw i dont think*1 people would look on your mod for help on modding. i think they would go to modding help mabey? idk im not other people. but the way im thinking is that your just saying that your mod is to help people new to modding because it sucks*2 and you want them to overlook*3 that. just the way im thinking*2 *only comment ill post on this topic,mabey**1*1 -Perhaps you need to leave the real thinking to people who are certain of there actions!*2 -You need to think nicer thoughts!, you might have more friends that way!*3 -How exactly is it that I want them to overlook anything, when I have clearly laid it all out in the open -I didn't see a question on modding Hardwar: TACTICS there either...---------#1: i am certain(iv been playing/moding soldat for 3 1/2 years.(not allot)#2: i have allot of friends. (that dont put there worthless mods up)#3: they would overlook your crap because u said it was to help others with moding.(i said crap)Also. you should really think about your mod. first look at other peoples great mods like field marshals and ivahns.(great mods!) see whats good about theres and note down some of the things that make theres so great and make something great! but for now dont argue with people that think your mod sucks cuz you arn`t going to change there mind(is that how you spell arn`t??)so try again and make a good mod!ps:everyone knows how to put in a mod
Hello, I was going to stay away from this post because unless I'm mistaken, the first was locked by a moderator. But I'm going to because of the sherr anount of stupidity that you're expressing.First off:Your mod is nothing special. Lets simply avoid the weapons for now. Without those, all you did was make a weapon configurator. Now, there is already a weapon configurator (Ivan's), and I have to say, I like it a fair amount. One thing I like about it is that it is simple and isn't flashy. This on the other hand is bright, flashy, and personally I think it's ugly. I agree with Vltava, when he says that this mod thinks too highly of itself. But I don't just think that, I think that this mod and it's creator both think too highly of themselves. I also can't believe you didn't realize that Vltava was giving you a suggestion on how to make your mod less pompous when he said that the lettering should be toned down a little.Second:You have failed you argument. You resorted to insulting a typo beause you couldn't think of anything else to do. That sure makes you seem smart.Sadly, I doubt any of this will mean anything to you because you are quite thick-skulled.
I'd listen to all these people if I were you, BladeRunner. They're giving you good advice, so don't be so tight-assed you can't open your eyes and see it. Trying to argue it out with them does no one any good. Their points are valid, and you're only making yourself look bad by trying to insult/cut them down for some perfectly logical suggestions and critiques.While the application is a nice touch, the guns are what makes a mod worth downloading. Their looks and sounds change the game to make it something new.But that's not happening here. We all know you put time into this mod, but let's see something that really wows the community...something handmade, not resized. New sounds, not the same old bangs and booms.
You should feel special that The Geologist actually posted here, considering this is his 2nd post in the forums and it landed right here. This topic must have brought him back from the dead (because its so bad)BTW geo, since when'd you get an emo avatar?EDIT: on second thougths it looks more gothishEDIT2: Oh and a request for the next mod: make it YOURSELF from scratch. I will personally hand you an award via email if you learn this technique.
"Important: This application was created to allow EASY modding for allnewbies and seasoned Soldat players alike."So u are the pro modder ? How come that you think so silly ?Read the others post and don't act like retard. If u don't have to show something normal so just don't do at all. Ur arrogant self-looking style is pretty ****ed off. Think about urself or just grow up.This is getting annoying. And BTW how u can write COPYRIGHT to ur work? It isn't ur work at all. U just resized guns that u didn't draw and call it KICK ASS MOD and ur OWN AWESOME WORK... ...one word : LAME
Special News Announcement: 30-something-year-old man with the brain of an annorexic model attacks people around half his age for criticizing a ****ty mod that he compiled in less than 5 minutes. Local Community responds to his bashings with this:-Act your ****ing age.-Learn how to listen and take suggestions from others.
Still, I don't understand why you did not post the other Hardwar mod here instead.Is it because you just want to piss the fellows here at soldatforums with this ****ty mod and your ****ty replies? Do you hate the soldatforums community?Then leave us alone and take your crap somewhere else.
OK my comment: "sucks"and i dont think he knows english(because he dosnt understand why everyone hates/strongly dislikes his mod).
But FlyesLikeABrick do u even read what the HARDWAR ...... is writing ? ...just LOCK IT.