Author Topic: M79 haters please read  (Read 55799 times)

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Offline Dizzy So 1337

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M79 haters please read
« on: June 30, 2007, 03:29:10 am »
This is an open letter to anyone that hates the M79 (and yes, I mean to be harsh):

Learn to play the game and STFU.  The M79 has been around in Soldat for 7 years and has been through like 20 revisions in that time.  If you haven't learned how to not get killed by this weapon, you are either a) a noob, b) absolutely ignorant of terrain and situational awareness, or c) completely inable to curb your rushing instincts.  Or all three.

a)  The Noob Factor.  Nothing says 'noob' like saying 'I hate M79's'.  Sure, your noob friends might agree with you, but guess what?  There is also a large bunch of us that have been playing Soldat for, say, more than a month or two, and know how to counter this weapon properly.  Nerfing this weapon for you noobs would ruin the balance for the pros that play the game.

b) The Ignorance Factor.  Ya know what a noob does when he's killed by an M79?  He cries.  Ya know what a pro does when he's killed by an M79?  He adapts.  He thinks about where that M79-toting bastard is on the map, and how fast that bastard could move into an advantageous position, and where he is most likely to go given current tactical info.  And that pro is gonna use that info to his advantage.

c) The Rush Factor.  Ya know what you noobs might want to think about is maybe, um, curbing your enthusiasm.  Some of us know how long it takes you to spawn, and how long it takes you to get to a certain point on certain maps, and where a blind M79 shot is at least 80% likely to land a kill against a noob rusher...

Anyways.... I know I've been rude and inflammatory in this post, but maybe someone that is less pissed off at all you M79-hating noobs out there can be maybe a bit more... i dunno... conciliatory... but in my opinion, you all need to understand that the M79 is defeated easily with a bit of practice and tactics and common sense.  The notion that you are going to defeat the M79 by calling it a 'nubcannon' or by hating on it, is nonsense.

Get over it.  Deal with it.  PLEASE.
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Offline Xxypher

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Re: M79 haters please read
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2007, 03:32:51 am »
...Thats nice.
1: Kind of a wrong place to put this.
2: Already been done... Even by me.
4: I skipped three.

Offline Didimow

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Re: M79 haters please read
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2007, 04:46:43 am »
I LOVE THE M79 and thats my input, see you in servers!!

Offline Captain Ben

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Re: M79 haters please read
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2007, 05:03:09 am »
soldat hasn't been around for 7 years

oh, and errrr...USE A REAL GUN

Offline NinjaGimp369

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Re: M79 haters please read
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2007, 05:08:13 am »
soldat hasn't been around for 7 years

Damn, you beat me.

Yes I would agree with you dizzy. The m79 can be a very effective weapon in the right hands.
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Re: M79 haters please read
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2007, 05:09:40 am »
plz stop complaining on M79 users on soldat are all players free to use the weapong they if they use M79 go out and kill them insted of crying on the forum.

Offline NinjaGimp369

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Re: M79 haters please read
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2007, 05:15:42 am »
This is an open letter to anyone that hates the M79 (and yes, I mean to be harsh):

He wasn't complaining about the m79. He was giving his opinion on it.
"You should've used the pythagoras theorum, b*tch."

Offline SDFilm

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Re: M79 haters please read
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2007, 05:45:16 am »
I don't think it's overpowered, but I do think it's cheap. It isn't noobish or ignorant to get annoyed by being quickly killed by a cheap shot, though it might be noobish to be unable to adapt and cope with it if the map allows it.

But still, you don't hear people needing to 'adapt' and use 'advanced tactics' against Deagles ;)

The Ruger is like the M79's more respectfull brother- It's annoying, it kills quickly, but it does take the skill and patience of covering that learning curve.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2007, 05:54:30 am by SDFilm »

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Offline ChromedGun

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Re: M79 haters please read
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2007, 05:46:54 am »
But still, you don't hear people needing to 'adapt' and use 'advanced tactics' against Deagles ;)

Or any other non-1hitkill weapon for that matter >_>

@Kryp -- go buy some skills. use /command to bring up the commands.

Offline SirJamesaford

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Re: M79 haters please read
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2007, 05:53:20 am »
But still, you don't hear people needing to 'adapt' and use 'advanced tactics' against Deagles ;)

Or any other non-1hitkill weapon for that matter >_>

I dont know about that...Chromedgun...i have to adapt to the ruger when 2 or more people are using it...but the ruger has always been my most hated weapon.  (just so i dont get flamed im not bashing the ruger... i think its a very respectable weapon)
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Offline Not Not Muldritch

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Re: M79 haters please read
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2007, 06:15:12 am »

Offline Will

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Re: M79 haters please read
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2007, 06:26:01 am »
I say give the m79 delay.

Dizzy, you don't have the right to call people n00bs. It shows your lack of maturitiy when dealing with this subject and as I can see you aren't really neutral when it comes to this, you're in favor for m79 being the way it is. Instead of balancing the game, you want things to stay the same so you could use the m79 and have fun with it.

Also you have to agree with me that you can't survive against 3 m79ers rushing on your base. Sure they won't get the flag cause they'll get massacred but they will still kill most of the people.

I mostly get killed by OHK weapons and not by autos. Mostly becasue some guy is desperately trying to kill me with the ak, half of the bullets lag and don't hit me and then an m79 comes in and whoop I'm dead, stealing that guy's kill. Easy as that mate....

EDIT: Not Not LOL@avatar
« Last Edit: June 30, 2007, 06:27:36 am by Will »

Offline mozzer

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Re: M79 haters please read
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2007, 06:26:15 am »
Lol, great post dizzy. Sure i havent even played soldat a year, but i do know that it takes skill to use the m79 properly. You have to learn the curve and the fact that lag can change everything. And how is it any different to barrett? Both 1 hit kill, barrett has practically no range, m79 has small range, barrett has a zoom, m79 doesnt...

Offline Will

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Re: M79 haters please read
« Reply #13 on: June 30, 2007, 06:30:08 am »
Lol, great post dizzy. Sure i havent even played soldat a year, but i do know that it takes skill to use the m79 properly. You have to learn the curve and the fact that lag can change everything. And how is it any different to barrett? Both 1 hit kill, barrett has practically no range, m79 has small range, barrett has a zoom, m79 doesnt...

barrett has bigger mov acc, slower reload, harder to hit people from upclose, Bink. Also m79 grenade is a couple of pixels bigger than a bullet. And yeah barret has a delay...

and it's wrong to say it ahs no range... it has the biggest range of all weapons, please learn english properly

Offline mozzer

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Re: M79 haters please read
« Reply #14 on: June 30, 2007, 07:16:01 am »
I cont help it man, its not my first language. By range i mean it doesnt travle far

Offline Not Not Muldritch

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Re: M79 haters please read
« Reply #15 on: June 30, 2007, 07:24:05 am »
EDIT: Not Not LOL@avatar
I have an avatar?

Offline Noldi

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Re: M79 haters please read
« Reply #16 on: June 30, 2007, 07:38:16 am »
The reason I hate and M79 is because it doesn't require a lot of skill to kill someone. It's overused and many noobs use it. I'd say pick up a real gun and learn to use it.

Offline SDFilm

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Re: M79 haters please read
« Reply #17 on: June 30, 2007, 07:40:49 am »
Fortunately there is the best mod ever to use as a stress ball to save your sanity in those nasty public servers....

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Offline GluLm

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Re: M79 haters please read
« Reply #18 on: June 30, 2007, 08:07:51 am »
MM himself said he didn't modify the m79 when he released 1.3.1...
however I doubt it. When I compared 1.2.1 and 1.3.1, I could have sworn that the bullets weren't exactly moving the same way.
Anyway, this topic made me laugh.
Fortunately, in 1.4 the m79 seems to have been slightly revised and is a bit more "fair" toward other guns. However it looks horrible with this fat yellow trail. :/

Still. "Rule #1: Kill all the m79 bustards!"
Bring back Soldat 1.3.1! New bullet trails DIE!

Offline Kahless

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Re: M79 haters please read
« Reply #19 on: June 30, 2007, 09:16:43 am »
The m79 can be a very effective weapon in the right hands.

In the right hands is the operative statement here. When my favourite servers are full and I'm left to join a random server, it's very annoying facing off against an entire CTF team of inexperienced m79's. Yes, in the right hands it is a potent weapon and great in a team weapon mix, but in the wrong hands it's just plain annoying when you splat because they got lucky.