Author Topic: Hexer spell & feature suggestion thread  (Read 42873 times)

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Offline Biscuiteer

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Re: Hexer spell & feature suggestion thread
« Reply #20 on: July 05, 2007, 03:51:02 pm »
Added Union Force to my list.

Healing Sanctuary should add on to any warmth and/or warstandard bonuses for even greater healing capacities.
Un ~ Biscuiteer

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Re: Hexer spell & feature suggestion thread
« Reply #21 on: July 05, 2007, 05:36:54 pm »
@Avarax - You haven't commeneted mine spells yet... ;p
@Avarax's post's part about Defensive Post - can't you do something like spawn bot@xy?

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Re: Hexer spell & feature suggestion thread
« Reply #22 on: July 05, 2007, 05:45:40 pm »
@Avarax's post's part about Defensive Post - can't you do something like spawn bot@xy?
nope. to add a bot you do Command('/addbot ' + BotName) as if you did it ingame when you had admin, no other way that I know of.

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Re: Hexer spell & feature suggestion thread
« Reply #23 on: July 05, 2007, 09:47:04 pm »
Elemental powers: just fire and ice:

Fire: offensive/spell sets user "on fire" but doesn't hurt user, when enemy touches user, they set on fire too, but it hurts them, and they spread fire too, lasts about 20 secs...
cool: about same as kami/ghoul

Ice: defensive/spell all enemys on users screen "freeze" and big message says "you have been frozen!" frozen players can still be killed, lasts for about 5 secs...
cool: same as kami/ghoul

these would come at lvl 10-20 I guess, the activation would be /elem or /elm and it would be a choice of the two, one or other and can only choose one of them.

all this might be easy to code too...
« Last Edit: July 05, 2007, 09:50:23 pm by Kavukamari »
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Re: Hexer spell & feature suggestion thread
« Reply #24 on: July 05, 2007, 11:17:31 pm »
My best idea is a skill that increases the radius of explosions by 25%, and goes up by  1% or 2% each level. It's kind of simplistic, I know. My second idea would be a skill that, when activated, makes the nearest player move, fire and reload at half of their regular speed. I'm not sure if this is possible in the script, but it is a valid idea.

The 'Flaming Bullets' idea should be a static skill, similar to critical strike. Give every bullet a 5% chance to cause flame, and increase the percentage per level.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2007, 11:22:45 pm by King_Of_Pain »

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Re: Hexer spell & feature suggestion thread
« Reply #25 on: July 05, 2007, 11:41:08 pm »
what about kami boom skill:

Kamikazi Attack: Offensive/spell, kills self and anyone on screen when used, now you can be like kami! BOOM!

Ghoul Powerup: offensive/spell, makes stats exactly like your friend ghoul, now you fight like him, limited to saw though... time limit: 20 secs

use: /botskill
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Re: Hexer spell & feature suggestion thread
« Reply #26 on: July 06, 2007, 06:21:44 am »
A freezing spell that locks you in place sounds cool to me,  allthough it would rather be themed as a... stunning or enrooting spell as you can't literally freeze someone in Soldat.

Healing, Hybrid
Static part: Heals you by ~30% everytime you cast a spell.
Spell part: Casting this reduces all your current cooldown timers by ~25% and gives you a ~10% damage bonus for a short duration for each timer that already is at zero.

As I thought a bit more about such Healing Sanctuary spell, I finally came to the conclusion that a rain spell would actually be cool and also make the area that it effects easier. This would be done by creating bullets with negative damage above the area. These bullets would be neutral, meaning that any player could take benefit of them.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2007, 06:24:59 am by Avarax »
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Re: Hexer spell & feature suggestion thread
« Reply #27 on: July 06, 2007, 04:57:03 pm »
As I thought a bit more about such Healing Sanctuary spell, I finally came to the conclusion that a rain spell would actually be cool and also make the area that it effects easier. This would be done by creating bullets with negative damage above the area. These bullets would be neutral, meaning that any player could take benefit of them.

can you lower someones accuracy with the sandstorm weather thing?
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Re: Hexer spell & feature suggestion thread
« Reply #28 on: July 06, 2007, 06:43:19 pm »
I think 0 damage lot's of bink bullets would work... i guess.

Offline Brok3n Arr0w

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Re: Hexer spell & feature suggestion thread
« Reply #29 on: July 06, 2007, 06:45:03 pm »
Attack rains from the sky to kill the opponents.  Explosions start at the midpoint at map and go back to opponent side of map.  Or just around enemy flag/midpoint/etc.  Cover could be the boxes that blow things up.  The explosions could be randomly placed, void direct box hits.  or like a carpet bomb, etc. play with the idea alittle, many different ideas can be taken like this.

Deadly Flag
Enemy flagcarrier is killed instantly.  if nobody is holding flag, spell fails.  

NOTE: why is vanish the only spel that can fail?  why not clip, or disarm, etc?

Tree of Life
A tree is spawned at the players location that heals anyone near it. it has a lifespan, amount of health given and can be destroyed.  

Have you thought about making more spell slots/catagories?  so u could include like a killopponent catagory, teamhelp catagory, etc.

Also, im starting to notice an evolving teamwork aspect involving spells.  teams usually give flag to who has highest warstandard,  anyone with crit/pierce usually attack really well.  disarm is good at defending attackers.  summons work wonders in unison.  my team decided all to summon ghoul at the start of the next map. we did (like 3-5 ghouls) and the results were awesome.  ghouls distracted and disrupted the defense while we went in and cleaned up.  we capped 5 times before they stopped all the ghouls and our onslaught.  
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Re: Hexer spell & feature suggestion thread
« Reply #30 on: July 07, 2007, 02:51:43 am »
I thinked about the spells and I think that they are possible to do. Only problem will be with CreateBullet.

Autofire Object
Summon, Spell
That will spawn object( maybe stationary gun) and this will create bullet when enemy comes near. It will be destroyed after few shots.

Ofensive, Spell
That will decrease players healths every second. If Players healths will be less than 1 then it will spawn grenade ( or more than one) near the player and kill him and soldiers that are near. It will stop when player will be dead.

Offline Chameleon

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Re: Hexer spell & feature suggestion thread
« Reply #31 on: July 07, 2007, 04:05:56 am »
summon flagrunner
has a sprinting flamer, and his main goal is to capture the flag.
his sprinting flamer level reflects your summon level.

overheat? (cant think of a better name)
adds X seconds to all opponent's cool downs, or to the opponent closest to you.
X reflects your level

force reload
forces the opponent closest to you to reload
(kind of like disarm)

for a short amount of time, your bullets heal teammates
« Last Edit: July 07, 2007, 04:08:00 am by Chameleon »

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Re: Hexer spell & feature suggestion thread
« Reply #32 on: July 07, 2007, 11:06:13 am »
Halfs your health and 3/4 of the closet enemies health

Have the bow for 2-3 seconds

Like sprint, but gives you one very fast burst of speed

See/shoot through most spells lasting 4-5 seconds

Super scope:
Have a large extendible scope on your gun that lasts for 20seconds

Allows you to change your weapon without dying

Team heal:
As long as you stand still your whole teams health replenishs slowly

Inf. ammo:
You do not loose ammo and no interval for 3-4 seconds

Offline Chameleon

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Re: Hexer spell & feature suggestion thread
« Reply #33 on: July 07, 2007, 04:02:42 pm »
Team heal:
As long as you stand still your whole teams health replenishs slowly

pretty much like warstandard

Inf. ammo:
You do not loose ammo and no interval for 3-4 seconds

ret/m79 spam anyone?

Offline Biscuiteer

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Re: Hexer spell & feature suggestion thread
« Reply #34 on: July 07, 2007, 05:35:33 pm »
what about kami boom skill:

Kamikazi Attack: Offensive/spell, kills self and anyone on screen when used, now you can be like kami! BOOM!

Ghoul Powerup: offensive/spell, makes stats exactly like your friend ghoul, now you fight like him, limited to saw though... time limit: 20 secs

use: /botskill

Kamikazies and Ghouls are best left to bots.

Elemental powers: just fire and ice:

Fire: offensive/spell sets user "on fire" but doesn't hurt user, when enemy touches user, they set on fire too, but it hurts them, and they spread fire too, lasts about 20 secs...
cool: about same as kami/ghoul

Ice: defensive/spell all enemys on users screen "freeze" and big message says "you have been frozen!" frozen players can still be killed, lasts for about 5 secs...
cool: same as kami/ghoul

these would come at lvl 10-20 I guess, the activation would be /elem or /elm and it would be a choice of the two, one or other and can only choose one of them.

all this might be easy to code too...

Fire is not very useful (seasoned players will learn to stay away from players thus making it useless)

Ice is just like a modifed disarm, we dont need anymore of those XD

Healing, Hybrid
Static part: Heals you by ~30% everytime you cast a spell.
Spell part: Casting this reduces all your current cooldown timers by ~25% and gives you a ~10% damage bonus for a short duration for each timer that already is at zero.

Its pretty good, gives players more incentives to use more active spells. Now for those counters...

Attack rains from the sky to kill the opponents.  Explosions start at the midpoint at map and go back to opponent side of map.  Or just around enemy flag/midpoint/etc.  Cover could be the boxes that blow things up.  The explosions could be randomly placed, void direct box hits.  or like a carpet bomb, etc. play with the idea alittle, many different ideas can be taken like this.

Deadly Flag
Enemy flagcarrier is killed instantly.  if nobody is holding flag, spell fails. 

NOTE: why is vanish the only spel that can fail?  why not clip, or disarm, etc?

Tree of Life
A tree is spawned at the players location that heals anyone near it. it has a lifespan, amount of health given and can be destroyed. 

Airstrike - well most maps have roofs so this wouldnt work very well.

Deadly Flag - no! Would be impossible to cap the flag that way. A better idea would be something like: Flag Decoy --> picking up the decoy would kill you.

Vanish fails because you arent standing still when you activate it.

Tree of Life - Healing Sanctuary

Autofire Object
Summon, Spell
That will spawn object( maybe stationary gun) and this will create bullet when enemy comes near. It will be destroyed after few shots.

Ofensive, Spell
That will decrease players healths every second. If Players healths will be less than 1 then it will spawn grenade ( or more than one) near the player and kill him and soldiers that are near. It will stop when player will be dead.

Autofire Object - you cant spawn a stat gun in-game, but you can create a similar spell: Pillbox, an object that fires at any enemies in range.

Sacrifice: Sounds too cheap, i mean its basically an instant kill.

summon flagrunner
has a sprinting flamer, and his main goal is to capture the flag.
his sprinting flamer level reflects your summon level.

overheat? (cant think of a better name)
adds X seconds to all opponent's cool downs, or to the opponent closest to you.
X reflects your level

force reload
forces the opponent closest to you to reload
(kind of like disarm)

for a short amount of time, your bullets heal teammates

Flagrunner - Sorry but that isnt a good idea. Imagine a whole team creating these at once?

Overheat - not useful by itself.

Force Reload - Disarm is better because they have to reload after the effect anyway.

Medic - This is an interesting way to heal, but it will also bink your buddies.
Halfs your health and 3/4 of the closet enemies health

Have the bow for 2-3 seconds

Like sprint, but gives you one very fast burst of speed

See/shoot through most spells lasting 4-5 seconds

Super scope:
Have a large extendible scope on your gun that lasts for 20seconds

Allows you to change your weapon without dying

Team heal:
As long as you stand still your whole teams health replenishs slowly

Inf. ammo:
You do not loose ammo and no interval for 3-4 seconds

Sacrificial - This is only mildly useful for one opponent.

Rambo - Too cheap, the bow kills anything instantly :(

Zoom - Sounds inferior to sprint. How is it better?

Deactivate - Im not totally sure what you mean..

Super Scope - Impossible with scripting, i believe.

Change - Not very useful. You should be able to pickup better weapons anyway.

Team Heal - As Chameleon said, its just like warstandard - as well as healing sanctuary...

Inf Ammo - Definitely unbalanced already....
Un ~ Biscuiteer

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Re: Hexer spell & feature suggestion thread
« Reply #35 on: July 07, 2007, 10:09:43 pm »
Attack rains from the sky to kill the opponents.  Explosions start at the midpoint at map and go back to opponent side of map.  Or just around enemy flag/midpoint/etc.  Cover could be the boxes that blow things up.  The explosions could be randomly placed, void direct box hits.  or like a carpet bomb, etc. play with the idea alittle, many different ideas can be taken like this.

like on trenchwars? ;)

Date Posted: July 07, 2007, 11:03:32 PM
*a lot of stuff I would get flamed for if I kept in here*

I like your spell reviews ;) do some more :)
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Re: Hexer spell & feature suggestion thread
« Reply #36 on: July 07, 2007, 10:24:25 pm »
just like trenchwars, i was playing it when i thought of the idea  XD

i think its funny that biscuiteer talks down ALL the spells suggested but his own.  why dont we leave the yes/no decission to avarax?  i think he would have the final say. 

the airstrike doesnt have to come from the sky.  it could just spawn laws going down a few inches above ground. 

avarax, give more info on the lvl40 game.  i have heard some things, but not enough to satisfy.  i will probably have 2 lvl40s in a month or so (2 28s with a lvl or 2 per account a day).  im looking foreward to see what u come up with!

also, will there be lvl resets with the coming of spells?  or possible spell catagories for those other spells?  i hope not.  i have some ideas how to not completely destroy lvls.
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Re: Hexer spell & feature suggestion thread
« Reply #37 on: July 08, 2007, 02:36:14 am »
lvl 40 isn't just the stopping of exp gain?
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Re: Hexer spell & feature suggestion thread
« Reply #38 on: July 08, 2007, 07:01:00 am »
I think I'll "reset" the accounts once again in a very special way once all the spells and a new little feature related to the special lvl 40 mode are coming. I will also make levelling harder by then.
The special reset will not actually make all account lvl 1 again, instead it will unlearn all skills and reduce all levels to 75%, so a lvl 40 account is converted to a lvl 30 account. I hope you get what I'm trying to say.

Regarding Airstrike: There won't be such spell as it is
a) way too lame. It would be like random nadespam. I agree that it's fun in trenchwars though ;)
b) way too uncalculatable with scripting. Scripts don't know where there are polygons in a map and where not. That would make the airstrike often start within a polygon, not doing anything.

Biscuiteer's spell reviews are actually pretty good, I agree with each of them except for Freeze.
Spawning Stat Guns is possible btw, but Battlesphere is already enough like such Autogun skill.

Regarding Vanish's possibility to fail:
There is no way to directly give a player a bonus like predator. Therefore, i have to spawn a predator kit right in the player's current position and immediatly kill it afterwards so no one else can take it if it wasn't taken. Now if a player moves too fast while casting Vanish, the server will not register him picking up the predator kit. I already added that circle of predator kits to prevent this a bit.
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Re: Hexer spell & feature suggestion thread
« Reply #39 on: July 08, 2007, 01:52:06 pm »

Biscuiteer's spell reviews are actually pretty good, I agree with each of them except for Freeze.

do you mean my ice suggestion?

EDIT: btw, are you planning on trying to fix server crashes in any way? they are annoying and I believe there might be a way to stop them...
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