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Flag warmth 1:Healing, spell.When this spell is used, anyone near and holding the flag will be slowly healed for a certain ammount of time.cooldown starts at 80 seconds. -1 cooldown/ skilllevel.+1 duration/ 2 skilllevels.Flag warmth 2:Healing static.While playing, anyone who has the flag, except you, will be healed slowly, much like a third party warstandard.+1% health increase/ skilllevel.
(bang, shizam!! i got my lock into the line-up!!)(ohnoes, my ideas getin teh boot!! )i agree with avarax, the sheer number of spells will make things really hectic and chaotic. and sits becoming more and more an rpg. i think this hexer should be soldat with rpg undertones, not an rpg with guns on the side. most of these spells make it so players can get by without SHOOTING (remember shooting? its what soldat was made to do). i think its getting a little out of hand. also, dont post every single idea you come up with. avarax has a limited number of slots, and that number just got reduced. so just post your BEST ideas. and dont just post huge numbers of ideas hoping that one will make it in by chance or numbers. i have suggested just a few of the ones posted, and most of them got good reveiws, and avarax even said he would put a few in (but the reduction of spells might change that). how did i do this? by thinking on my ideas intently, then critizicing my own work, checking how it would be useful, or overpowered, until i get a very refined idea. im not saying to stop posting here, but put more thought and content into the ideas you suggest.
Quote from: Chameleon on August 10, 2007, 04:25:03 pmTheif/Ghost (lack of better name)offensivewhen used, it steals a spell from the closest enemy and casts it right awaymuch like the ghost in mario cartSpell Snatch - I'm not really sure what your skill is about, please explain further.
Theif/Ghost (lack of better name)offensivewhen used, it steals a spell from the closest enemy and casts it right awaymuch like the ghost in mario cart
eh besides all that suggesstion...@avarax, how would u make the account system for all servers...like now there are accounts that have the same name and possibly the same pass...and like would u delete everything...?
ignoring biscuiteers critics, i will indeed implement a burrow spell. chainlightning is too much one of those "screen spamming" and "WTF WAS THAT" spells, so I'm going to replace it with the following, as it allows yet unseen tactical manoveurs and is actually attracting people to learn it, unlike chain lightning which is just bogus:Burrow StrikeOffensive, SpellCasting this will attempt to burrow you under the earth.If you cast it again while under the earth, you will perform a Burrow Strike and rush out of the ground, damaging nearby players (with a bunch of rocks).Maximum time to be burrowed: 8 seconds, 2 seconds (one quarter of usual time) with flag.around 90 seconds cooldown. Cooldown starts once you Burrow Strike, not when you burrow.+1 second burrow duration per 2 skilllevels+1 rock per 2 skilllevels-4 seconds cooldown per skillevel
heh, i can deal with those problems, the new RayCast function allows me to kind of check the width of a polygon.
hmm i got two.you know kamis right? well try thesePosion bombers: Bots that if are killed NEAR AN ENEMY / come close to an enemy blow up and any nearby enemies will get poisoned and lose health slowly but delibreatly.Flame bomber: just like the poison except with flames !
let me try and make it clearer.closest enemy to you haswarmth (static)vanish (ready)pierce (static)kami (not ready yet)when you cast the theif spell, you steal his vanish and cast it on yourself.only problem i could see with this, is what if the enemy has two spells ready, like mana shield and vanish. which one would it pick...maybe whichever one has been ready for longer (if that gets logged)if you still dont understand, ill explain further when i have more time
Burrow StrikeOffensive, SpellCasting this will attempt to burrow you under the earth.If you cast it again while under the earth, you will perform a Burrow Strike and rush out of the ground, damaging nearby players (with a bunch of rocks).Maximum time to be burrowed: 8 seconds, 2 seconds (one quarter of usual time) with flag.around 90 seconds cooldown. Cooldown starts once you Burrow Strike, not when you burrow.+1 second burrow duration per 2 skilllevels+1 rock per 2 skilllevels-4 seconds cooldown per skillevel
Summon guard :Summon spellSummons a bot that camps aroundThe flag using his Barreta to pick of enemiesif flag is gone he tries to return it60 second durationCooldown of 200-2 Cooldown per lv+1 second duration per lvZombifyHealing/def spellWhen you cast this spell you will Have double healthYet you Health Will deminish by 1.2% for every second your aliveCooldown of 98-.8 second of cooldown per lv-.1 health loss per secondAlso i think u need a !lvbalance Command so that the teams are also even by lvs and players becaus its no fun when one teams got lv30 39 28 35And the othes got lv 6 19 10 18
I think there should be a /randomWhere when you choose your spells you can choose random insteadEither just chooses one at random,or each time you respawn you have a different spellEg if you chose /random on ofs could have crit, die, respawn with pierce and can only be used on one set of spellsJust a suggestionAnd possibly 100(?)EP for killing flag carrier and plus 10% combo bonusI think there should also be more team spellsTo encourage teamworkSomething like Team defYou and your team gets a bullet proof vest and reduces damage by 5%(Something along those lines)