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I wont waste time on this thread anymore, and will youre a fecking retard, i dont use m79, im just tired of you dumbfecks doing stupid stuff cause some dumbasses who dont want to learn how to play the fecking game cry a fecking lot.Just because i dont want it nerfed to feck doesnt mean i fecking use it, you dipfeck.
Oh wow, read the feck i posted back there, it was just arguing with a wall.
think about it with m79 YOU HAVE ONLY 1 SHOT! is a pro weapons cause you have to Carrie secondary weapon to kill at least 2 ppl,not like you stupid SPRAYING with autos that more noob,lets see why, a ppl with m79 runs to you he misses then u give him to may shots and leave him with 30% of his health then he kills u with knife or m79 shell grab the flag and he runs likes hell to his base but then u raspaw and with your stupid spray u kill him with out aiming...FOR ME SPRAY IS MORE NOOB THAT USING A M79,so tell me people ima right or not?