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const PassLength = 6; PassType = 4; Color = $FFFFFF;procedure OnLeaveGame(ID, Team: byte; Kicked: boolean);begin if NumPlayers = 1 then Command('/password');end;procedure OnPlayerSpeak(ID: byte; Text: string);var PassChr: integer; PassBuild: string;begin if Text = '!setpassword' then begin while Length(PassBuild) < PassLength do begin PassChr := Random(33,127); Case PassType of 2: if (PassChr <= 47) or ((PassChr >= 58) and (PassChr <= 96)) or (PassChr >= 123) then PassChr := 0; 3: if (PassChr <= 47) or ((PassChr >= 58) and (PassChr <= 64)) or ((PassChr >= 91) and (PassChr <= 96)) or (PassChr >= 123) then PassChr := 0; 4: begin PassChr := Random(1,3); Case PassChr of 1: PassChr := Random(48,58); 2: PassChr := Random(97,123); end; end; 5: begin PassChr := Random(1,4); Case PassChr of 1: PassChr := Random(48,58); 2: PassChr := Random(65,91); 3: PassChr := Random(97,123); end; end; end; if PassChr <> 0 then PassBuild := PassBuild + Chr(PassChr); end; Command('/password ' + PassBuild); WriteConsole(0,'The password has been changed to: ' + PassBuild,Color); end else if Text = '!delpassword' then begin Command('/password'); WriteConsole(0,'The password has been reset.',Color); end;end;
I'm taking this one step further for clans XDIt'll be based on this idea but much much better!
Dorky you make way too many scripts, Im using 2 of your others alredy, now your making me use a Third??? O.oAnyways very nice, It would be kinda easier to just type like /password teamkill or something but I <3 this.Iq Unlimited
What program do you need to use that sort of script?